7 Different Edible Flowers You Can Eat From Home Gardens.

Some of the most beautiful home garden edible flowers you can add to salads, desserts, cakes, teas and even use as natural remedies.

As a child I loved to spend time in nature especially among the flowers and yes actually eat flowers. My siblings would make fun of me as one of the things I used to do was put rose petals on a sandwich or as we say in Scotland on a piece.

In many ways putting flowers on a sandwich was definitely not the most tastiest ways to eat these lovely flowers. But to me there was something deeper at a soul level that was connecting me to the healing properties of nature.

So it’s not surprising I went onto study aromatherapy and essential oils, flower essences and holistic therapies as part of my own healing journey.

I have such a fascination for natures medicine cabinet, which include the view of food being they medicine so when I found out there was so many different edible flowers, I had to start growing some of them in my small garden.

7 Different Beautiful Edible Flowers You Can Eat

Lets explore some of the pretty culinary flowers you can eat and grow in your home garden.

Calendula (Marigolds)

Calendula is not only a gorgeous edible flower but calendula is widely used in herbal and naturopathic medicine.  This marigold flower is used in many salves and skincare and used to treat and aid wounds. It is widely known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. Marigolds are used in salads and pickling.


Dhalias are another edible flower that looks spectacular in the garden. You can not only eat the Dhalias flower and petals but you can also eat the Dhalia tuber. In- fact according to Simply Garden com you can eat the whole plant and it tastes like asparagus.

Geraniums Scented

Scented Geraniums are edible, both the leaves and flowers but it is recommended to stick to eat only leaves away from the stem as they can be a little bitter. Geranium flowers can be made into teas, added as a flavouring or decorating for sweets, desserts and salads, as well as used to flavour fish. Rose geraniums have a rose taste, lemon geraniums are more tangy.


Many Hibiscus flowers  are widely used in all sorts of foods such as cordials, jams, relishes, fruit salads, fruit teas, even ice cream. You can eat both the flower and the hibiscus leave in most varieties of Hibiscus. But it is worth checking as there are so many different types of hibiscus. One species of the Hibiscus plant that is widely eaten is Hibiscus sabdariffa.


Nasturtiums are one of the most quick and easy edible flowers to grow. Both leaves and flowers of Nasturtiums can be added to salads. There are a variety of species of Nasturtium some are annuals and others are perennials. They love the sun.


Roses are also edible flowers, it is said that the more fragrant roses tend to taste best. Roses are used to flavour drinks, herbal teas, an ingredient of Turkish Delight, used in icing and on icing especially as a crystallised petal. Roses are used in ayurvedic medicine and other forms of natural medicine. Rose oil is also a high vibration essential oil widely used in skincare and used to gently improve mood.

Viola Flowers  also known as Wild Pansy

Wild Pansy are edible flowers used as a garnish on cake decorations, they can come in an array of colours blue, orange, yellow, white and purple. Some are also bi or tri-colored. Violas are also added to salads and desserts. Heartease is a Viola Tricolour.

Wild Flowers That Are Edible

Above are just some of the edible flowers you can grown in your garden, there is even more edible flowers available in the wild, especially some of the wild flowers that some may deem as weeds such as borage and dandelion.

Essential Oils For Home Use

Eileen Burns is a healer, therapist and soul empowerment coach for empaths, healers and sensitives. She is passionate about helping lightworkers, empaths and sensitives live a more soul empowered and soul-aligned life. Eileen provides a variety of self-study courses, meditations, training and one to one coaching and healing.

She is the founder of Stress Coach Training and the Spiritual Marketing Club.

To check out Eileen’s new courses and programs click here

Eileen Burns

Highly experienced healer, coach, therapist who began studying healing, holistic and spiritual wellbeing 30 years ago.

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