7 Ways To Improve Your Intuition and Spiritual Discernment in your every day life and business. What Is Intuition? Intuition is your inner voice, that helps warn you and guide …

7 Ways To Improve Your Intuition and Spiritual Discernment in your every day life and business. What Is Intuition? Intuition is your inner voice, that helps warn you and guide …
Why Is Creating Boundaries With Family, Friends And Colleagues So Hard When You Are An Empath! Relationships are complex and in some ways so are boundaries. Unless you learn how …
Hygge – How To Create A Cozy Winter Space Of Self Care through the lovely Danish tradition of hygge. Exploring the principles of hygge and a list of hygge activities …
BEING YOU – There Is No One Like You. Why there is no one uniquely like you in this planet of 8.2 billion of people. And why it is so …
The Wounded Healer Journey. The pain, gifts and learning that comes from the wounded healer archetype. How our own deepest conscious and unconscious wounding, birth’s the gift to help heal …
How to soothe and calm the nervous system when the world around you is so ungrounded and chaotic. it is so important for us to find our centre, to get …
7 Different Edible Flowers You Can Eat From Home Gardens. Some of the most beautiful home garden edible flowers you can add to salads, desserts, cakes, teas and even use …
10 Things That Lower A Healers Energy, Frequency And Vibration. The 10 things healers should avoid, eliminate or reduce in your life and work if you want to be a …
The Hero’s Journey in your life, business, your life and soul purpose. What is the Hero’s Journey The hero’s journey is based on the classical archetypal template or storytelling structure …
Common Signs Of Compassion Fatigue And Empathy Burnout 5 Signs Of Compassion Fatigue and Emotional Burn-Out. What does compassion fatigue look like and what can you do to reduce the …
How To Feed Your Soul, nurture a deeper connection with your heart and soul. Raise your soul’s vibration to experience more spiritual joy and spiritual wealth in your daily life. …
What core wound is sabotaging your success in business, life, and health? Exploring the 4 common core wounds behind so many of the challenges we can have in achieving business, …
Spiritual Awakening and Societal Awakening Awakening – What does to awaken mean? What’s the main difference between societal and spiritual awakening? Awakening In its simplest form awakening means to wake …
Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Lemon Oil has a fresh and invigorating scent, it is extracted from lemon peel. The essential oil of lemon is said to have a frequency of …
You’re NOT Powerless – 7 Steps To Finding Your Inner Power And Inner Strength when the world around us is out of control. We are living at a time when …
Authenticity and Self Expression – The Power Of Being You in a happy and healthy self aware way. Healthy authenticity and unhealthy narcissism. What is Authenticity? Authenticity is showing up …
Why Sandalwood Oil is grounding and calming for the nervous system. Used widely for its therapeutic properties in ancient and traditional medicine such as ayurveda and Chinese medicine for thousands …
4 Ways To Get More Soul Aligned In 2024 to become more strong and spiritually empowered in life and your soul aligned business. Why being more soul aligned in your …
2 powerful things that I believe lightworkers need to work more on in 2025 to step into their life purpose and soul’s mission with more strength and power. In fact …
7 Spiritual Commands To Increase Spiritual Authority, Spiritual Protection And Discernment In Your Life and Work As A Lightworker. What are spiritual commands and why are they a powerful spiritual …
Ylang Ylang Oil To Help Soothe Your Inner Child. Why Ylang Ylang oil is one of the essential oils commonly used to gently soothe, relax, and support your nervous system …
Self Healing – What is Shadow Work? What is shadow work and why is shadow work such an important part of self healing, raising your vibration and consciousness. What is …
How To Receive Support From The Universe. The ability to ask and receive from god and the universe, the ability to trust that support from the universe will come. Our …
High Vibration Of Wild Rose For Sensitive Souls, Empaths And Lightworkers High Vibration of Wild Rose Essential Oil and as a skincare product for sensitive skin. Why wild rose and …
The Art of Self-Compassion And Compassion The Art Of Self-Compassion And Compassion. Why compassion for ourselves and others is so important, especially during this time of awakening and ascension? How …
11 Ways To Boost Your Vibration Ready to boost your vibration, increase your energy, raise your levels of consciousness, and manifesting power? These simple yet powerful ways help boost your …
Stepping Into Your Power As A Lightworker 9 ways to step into your power as a lightworker, so you can fulfil your life and soul’s mission with more strength and …
Spiritual Prayer For Lightworkers Spiritual Prayer For Lightworkers, Healers, Therapists, and Spiritual Business Owners who want to receive daily spiritual guidance and strength. A lightworker’s prayer to help you align …
How To Nurture Your Inner Child How To Nurture Your Inner Child, Comfort and Soothe Our Inner Child in a deeply healing and supportive way. What is Your Inner Child? …
Soul Alignment – 7 Signs You Are Soul Aligned What is Soul Alignment and why is it so important in helping you get into alignment in your life, aligned with …
22 Lightworker Quotes Inspiration Lightworker Quotes and inspirational quotes for spiritual workers. Quotes that help and Inspire, Love, Light And Strength for Empaths, Healers, Lightworkers, Healers and Light Warriors on …
Understanding The 12 Main Archetypes In Therapy, Healing and Business. What are Archetypes? And what benefits can come from understanding your main archetypal traits in your life, relationships, and work? …
11 Common Signs Of Inner Child Wounds, Inner Child Wounding that shows up in our everyday life So What Is Inner Child Wounds? Well if we look at …
Learn How To Develop Your Intuition For Life And Business. Learn why intuition is such an underdeveloped tool that more and more of us should learn how to master. Why …
Essential Flower Essences For Empaths, Sensitives, and Healers. Learn the mental and emotional benefits of flower essences, Bach essences, and other types of essences around today. What Are Flower Essences? …
Heal Your Magical Child Heal Your Magical Child– Your Inner Magician Archetype and Inner Wounded Child. Learn why healing your inner alchemist and magician archetype can help you in your …
How To Listen And Follow Your Own Truth What does following your own truth mean? And why can owning your truth be hard at times especially when you are highly …
Why Every HSP Highly Sensitive Person Should Learn How To Meditate Daily. Why meditation helps the HSP. Why daily meditation can help the Highly Sensitive Person or even Empath become …
Why healing the inner child wounds can empower us and transform us. Healing the inner child can be a very powerful way to address all sorts of forms of dis-ease, …
Essential Oils For Empaths And Highly Sensitive People The many benefits of essential oils for empaths, highly sensitive people and healers. As a qualified aromatherapist who has used used essential …
10 Ways The Sensitive And Empath Can Ground More What is grounding and what are the biggest mental, emotional and physical challenges of being ungrounded especially if you are an …
Grounding Techniques for Empaths – Exploring natural ways to ground such grounding techniques, grounding essential oils, essences and crystals that can really help us ground into our body
Some of the common signs of Spiritual Disconnection in your life, relationships, and business. Why spiritual disconnection and spiritual discernment is such a major issue at the present time. What …
Being The Hero Of Your Own Journey – Soul Empowerment The most empowering thing we can do in our lifetime is become the hero of our own life. The more …