Soul Alignment – 7 Signs You Are Soul Aligned

What is Soul Alignment and why is it so important in helping you get into alignment in your life, aligned with your life purpose and soul purpose?

What Is Soul Alignment?

To me, Soul Alignment is being so deeply connected and aligned with who you truly are at a soul level, that you live your life in complete alignment with who you truly are.

You live in alignment with your life and soul purpose, you have a deep intimate connection with what your soul, god, and the universe are guiding you to do.

What Happens When We Are Out Of Alignment?

The problem is when we are out of alignment with our soul, is that misalignment can attract all sorts of other issues and problems that take us even more out of alignment, let me explain it this way.

Recently I have been receiving chiropractor treatment for a very complex list of physical challenges caused by serious misalignment in my caused by medical harm and trauma.

Even though I have invested a LOT of money trying to solve these issues, one of the biggest problems was most therapists were treating the symptoms rather than the core structural causes.

There was so much going on that my body’s new normal from a structural perspective was like the leaning tower. of Pisa. And every time a therapist tried to re-align one area of my body, it was literally like a domino effect of other serious issues.

Like everything in life, if we don’t solve the core issues, and get to the foundational issue that is causing the misalignment in our life, we are trying to fix the symptoms than the problem.

Soul alignment is the same,  when we are out of alignment with our soul we end up with all sorts of complex issues in our lives, our health, our purpose, and in our spiritual business.

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7 Signs Of Good Soul Alignment

You have a strong sense of spiritual guidance that comes from within.

Highly intuitive and spiritually open to the world within and around you.

At peace with yourself, you don’t worry about what others think about you, naturally more authentic.

Strong spiritual strength and spiritual courage

You attract all sorts of opportunities and synchronicities to help you co-create.

Make most decisions at a heart and soul level, then mind/ego level so more in the flow.

Don’t have an unhealthy over-attachment to the 3d world and material things.

Soul Alignment Method

I have my own soul-aligning process that I teach my clients and students, which at a foundation level starts with building up good soul connection. Without a healthy soul connection, you don’t know what you are energetically and psychically connecting to, you don’t know what or who to listen to.

One of the reasons so many people lack good intuition and even spiritual discernment, we just need to look at how many people were so disconnected from their discernment and intuition over the last few years.

And why do spiritual discernment and intuition dramatically improve when we are more soul-aligned than confused or hijacked by energetic distortions and interferences not from the light or your soul? One of the reasons soul alignment can be very helpful.

Soul Alignment Quotes

“Only when we are in alignment with our soul purpose do we find true joy and inner peace.” ― Anthon St. Maarten
The things that bring you the greatest joy are in alignment with your purpose. ― Jack Canfield
“Your Soul is a perfect fragment of Source. Your purpose lives within the blueprint of your Soul, which, like a sunflower in full bloom, contains many seeds of golden light. Anything purposeful, creative, imaginative, truthful, aligned, and unique you do begins with a spark from your Soul’s own light.” ― Kris Franken
Ready To Build A Deeper Soul Connection Become More Spiritually Aligned with Your Heart and Soul check out the Gold or Quantum level of the Lightworkers Portal to get access to my Soul Connection Course and so much more.

Soul-Aligned How To Be Authentic In Life And Business - spiritual business coach and soul empowerment teacher

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