Why there is no one uniquely like you in this planet of 8.2 billion of people. And why it is so important you be YOU!
I remember as a young child been very stuck by something I heard as a child in relation to sharing your gifts.
That god gave us gifts and it was so important we share those gifts.
It really struck a spark inside me and the phrase don’t hide your gifts under a bushel.
From very young I was fascinated by people’s gifts and purpose.
It was always something that lit me up.
Seeing There Is No One Like You
In my late teens to adulthood I would help my friends explore their gifts and strengths.
Help them see their gifts in ways they didn’t always see those gifts.
And one thing I noticed then that still has not changed. Is how many people still cannot see their greatest gifts into their later years even those that have done a lot of work on themself.
I think there is a variety of reasons for this.
Sometimes we can struggle to see the wood from the trees. We are often so close and in many ways disconnected from ourself we cannot see things through a clear enough lens.
You Are Uniquely You
Also I have found a lot of personal development work in this area too much in your head and not enough in the heart and soul.
For example I remember about 10 years ago taking part in a soul purpose and life purpose course with a spiritual and personal development teacher who was hired by companies like Disney etc
His approach was so outdated so on the surface, that if I totally did what he implied I should be doing for my purpose. I would have been very unhappy and definitely not aligned with my soul.
There is absolutely no one like YOU.
No one with the same life experiences, no one with the same innate gifts, traits and even super power strengths like you.
Your not your tools, your titles, your job, your roles, your so much more and so YOU! With all your quirky habits and traits.
As one of 9 I look around at how different we all are.
How different we see the world and see situations that we have all experienced together.
We see the world through our own lens of experience as well as our strengths and vulnerabilities.
What Your Shadow Traits Can Say About You!
One of the problems is that many types of self development and even spiritual work don’t always help point the student to their innate gifts or soul essence.
They focus on such a surface level approach to purpose, that it can lead people towards more of their egoic and shadow wanting.
Than truly what the soul needs and wants, and is here to do.
Most really miss the gifts and power within what is sometimes seen as our shadow traits.
Because sometimes when we look more closely at a persons shadow aspect in relation to their sacred archetypes we actually see a much bigger picture of someone’s gifts, life and soul’s lessons.
That is what we will be exploring more deeply in – Your Soul Keys To Power & Purpose.
An exciting and empowering, soul deep journey, into your unique secret keys to your power, purpose and passions.
5 weeks of deep soul connection, creativity and expansion with your soul essence,
to help you build up greater spiritual power, strength and purpose at this time.
5 weeks of group coaching, support and healing,
using a combination of spiritual and archetypal approaches.
So you can see there is no one like you.
Includes a Bonus of 2 x 1-2-1 Sessions.
Special Beta Offer valid Aug 2024 £333 ( £555 )
Want to learn more see below
Want to book a chat to see if this program is right for you, book a non-obligation chat with Eileen.
Empowerment Quotes to help inspire, empower, and motivate you to live a more soul-aligned life and purpose. Inspirational thoughts and ideas for an empowered life.
Empowerment Quotes For Life
Empowering quotes for life
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” — E.E. Cummings
“Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is believing you’re worth the trip.” — Glenn Beck
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” — Aristotle
“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”– Buddha
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Empowerment Quotes For Life Purpose And Soul Purpose
Empowering quotes to help you align with your life purpose and soul purpose.
“If you look to others for fulfilment, you will never be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you.” – Lao Tzu
“True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” – Helen Keller
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
Empowering Quotes For Business and Work
Empowerment Quotes for work and business.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” — C.S. Lewis
“There is nothing impossible to they who will try.”— Alexander the Great
“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” — Malcolm S. Forbes
The gig economy is empowerment. This new business paradigm empowers individuals to better shape their own destiny and leverage their existing assets to their benefit. John McAfee
“In a truly free society, individuals are granted responsibility for themselves. Freedom necessitates that we learn how to provide for ourselves, contributing value in whatever form, to generate personal income. We then decide how we wish to spend or save earned income; freedom is the reward for fulfilling personal responsibilities.” ― Candace Owens
4 Ways To Get More Soul Aligned In 2024 to become more strong and spiritually empowered in life and your soul aligned business.
Why being more soul aligned in your life, relationships and business will give you more strength and power in the year ahead to do what you are truly here to do. Some of the most common things that try to disconnect us from our heart and soul.
Why Soul Alignment Is So Important In 2024
When an individual awakens both spiritually and societal, they go through a variety of emotions and different stages.
In many ways like the different stages of grief, there is some stages that are extremely challenging, stages we get stuck and struggle to get past, some stages with the right support and healing we move through with more compassion, strength and wisdom.
If we try to deny any of those stages, suppress our emotional wounding it eventually catches up on us.
Anyone who has been awakened at a societal level of the last few years, know’s how much cognitive dissonance there has been on a massive scale. How wide and deep psychological manipulation, and gas lighting has become. How much of what we see on TV, Media, Radio and Social Media is actually inverted,
Even though a large population of the world are waking up. So many people are stuck in aspects of the trauma response, the fight or flight response.
Anxiety levels and mental health issues have shot up dramatically. Mental health problems are crippling children and the younger generations.
For so longs the human population has become so disconnected from their own power, their own inner navigation system, they are really struggling to discern what is truth, fact and fiction, what is morally right or distorted. Even though many of the illusions are beginning to be unveiled and broken.
Good Soul Alignment Helps Guide Us
Good soul-alignment can help us navigate through this chaos and deception with better spiritual discernment.
Good soul-alignment helps us stay spiritually empowered, not as easily hi-jacked by psychological manipulation.
Great Soul-alignment puts us in the right place at the right time, attracts all sorts of synchronicities.
It helps us trust in the bigger plan, gives us so much more strength and courage to take the road less travelled, the journey our soul is guiding us to take.
So many way showers have led the way for decades, even more through the last decade with such strength, power, love and compassion by following their heart and soul.
By leading by example, by having the courage to stand up at great personal loss for themself.
By also having compassion for those for so many reasons felt they have no choice than to be caught up in this game.
Soul Aligned In Business
The more soul-aligned we can all become in our life and business, the more we can focus on creating solutions, being active participants of the change that is needed in this world today.
The more disconnected we are, the more likely we are to keep going around in circles with our old trauma, conditioning and polarity. Getting more soul-aligned takes patience and time we are all a work in progress.
4 Ways To Get Soul Aligned
Build A Deep Connection With Your Heart and Soul :
Soul aligned in business means getting soul deep. The deeper you can connect with yourself at a heart and soul level, the easier it is to be guided at a soul level. You are also less likely to be energetically hijacked by other things that are mere distractions, illusions or not of the highest light, truth or for the greatest good of all concerned.
I teach a variety of spiritual tools to help my clients and students get more soul-aligned, though a great start is meditation and heart-based prayers. And doing what fills your heart so much love, that you would do it for free every single day, that is what heart and soul-aligned really means.
Identify Your Business’s Top Values:
Getting soul aligned as an entrepreneur involves getting really aligned with your and your brands core values. This is one of the most powerful ways to build a really strong soul connection with your audience and best way to attract our soul clients. Knowing and sharing your brand’s top values with your audience is a powerful way to build deeper connection and trust. More than ever people want to buy from authentic brands, with strong integrity, who can deliver on their implications and promises.
Create Healthier Boundaries
Healthy boundaries from that what is not aligned with your purpose and mission is so important. One of the biggest ways I have started to create more healthier boundaries is only to work with certain clients who have similar core values than myself. And to do things on a daily basis to keep my energy strong and protected enough from other energetic interferences designed to take me off my path. Spend less time on certain social media platforms and spending more time with those who are the foundations of creating the new earth. And also let go of things in my business that is leaking energy or no longer aligned.
Heal Your Biggest Wounding:
Healing your biggest wounds in your life will help you make big shifts in creating a more soul-aligned business. Our wounding and trauma disconnects us from our true spiritual essence and spiritual power. The more we can heal, the more soul-aligned we can become. We are all a work in progress, so no matter if someone has been working on themself 10, 20, 30 years there is always more that we can let go of, more of our soul essence and soul gifts to unlock.
Identifying your inner child wounds and dominant archetypal traits that are sabotaging your life and business is one of the most powerful things you can do. Knowing your biggest sabotaging behaviours and shadow traits, gives you something very specific to focus on the year ahead. One powerful way you can identify some of the shadows in your spiritual business is by identifying your brands most dominant archetype. Take my Spiritual Brand Quiz To Find Out.
Survival Archetypal Traits That STOP Us Getting Soul Aligned
Inner Child Shadows
Both the wounded inner child and orphan child can keep us stuck in childish, immature behaviours that prevent us growing up spiritually, mentally and emotionally. A child that never faces the dark, always hides away or stays fearful of the dark. A child that steps through the dark, accesses their own light, courage and power. For example the shadow orphan child can bring to their business and work, the energy and behaviour of being an outsider. They often come to situations with either a certain aloofness, fear or even judgement, seeking from others what they need to give themself.
The eternal child doesn’t want to take self-responsibility for their action or inaction, their tantrums or stubbornness. Like an impatient child they want the rewards but are not always willing to make the necessary investment, whether that be time, financial, mental, emotional or even physical.
How The Victim and Saboteur Archetype Can Sabotage Your Success
The shadow aspect of the victim archetype likes to keep us small, powerless, dependant on others. In it’s light form the victim archetype helps us become more aware, compassionate and enduring. In its dark aspect it keeps us in fear, stuck in the past or ruminating about the future. It is good at convincing us someone or something is more powerful, stronger, than us. The more soul-aligned we all become, the more we break-free from the shackles of victimhood.
What areas on your life and business are you a victim and what areas of your life and business are you the hero?
The Saboteur Archetype will continue to sabotage your life and success until you face those demons. It shows up as those addictions and unhealthy behaviours, from everything to unhealthy food, to procrastination, poor time management, not showing up, not keeping your commitments or promises. Like the shadow aspects of the victim, the saboteur archetype in its shadow form is scared of its power and where that power will lead.
How The Prostitute Archetype Can Sabotage Your Values
The shadow traits of the prostitute archetype is one of the strongest at sabotaging our values and integrity. Where one literally sells their soul, their ethics and values just to make money, gain a title, get more likes, views or followers. It is what goes behind doors, what you are not 100% truthful about, what you do just to gain what you want in life or business. From copying someone else’s content to being dishonest about your experience or results based on low self-worth and lack of belief in one’s self.
Getting More Soul Aligned In Business And Life is a journey, not a race.
Getting soul-aligned in your business takes time, it takes patience and a lot of grace.
Ready to get more soul-aligned in your life and business with one to one support with Eileen CLICK HERE
Or check out her Powerful Meditation and Soul Connection Self-Study Course that teaches you powerful tools to get more soul-aligned in your daily life.
2 powerful things that I believe lightworkers need to work more on in 2024 to step into their life purpose and soul’s mission with more strength and power. In fact it is something I believe everyone should work on this year.
Soul Connection And Soul Power
The 2 main things lightworkers need to develop in 2024 to fully step in their soul mission is soul connection and soul power.
the easier it is to be a clearer channel for living a more soul-aligned life, for discerning illusion and truth as a lightworker to in turn become more spiritually awakened.
The more you can raise your soul power, you will be spiritually and physically resilient to energetic interferences trying to sabotage with your soul’s path.
The easier it is to be truly authentic in your holistic or spiritual business.
Every single person has their own soul’s contract, life and soul path, we are all more likely to get on and stay on our own path, when we have a strong soul connection and enough spiritual power to do what we are being asked and guided to do.
Examples Of Poor Soul Connection
Poor soul connection is like a very distorted radio channel, you can struggle to get on and hear the right frequency or you maybe listening to the wrong channel. Which will lead to all sorts of self sabotage and even spiritual hi-jacking which is obvious self-destructive especially for lightworkers, spiritual teachers and spiritual thought-leaders.
This spiritual disconnection leads to poor discernment, poor choices and habits, lack of confidence and self-trust, jealousy, resentment and victimhood.
Examples Of Low Soul Power
Low soul power, is like a low battery that is working at a low vibration with very limited capacity, it struggles to sustain itself and is more likely to seek power and energy from the wrong sources.
Such as alcohol, drugs, processed, man made drugs, foods, false guides and false light.
Lightworkers With Good Soul Connection and Soul Power
Good soul connection and soul power starts with being able to achieve deeper stillness and disconnection from our programming and the illusions of the external world so important when you are a lightworker and if you are highly empathic.
And involves being able to connect to divine truth that is why I always ask first and foremost to be guided by only the highest levels of divine truth.
This helps me reign myself back in when my ego takes me off in all sorts of directions and entanglements with my inner child, victim or inner brat lol.
This helps me get really in alignment with my purpose, my life and soul mission. As lightworkers it helps present us with the right support, right people, situations, teachers and teachings that help us evolve in our life and work.
Becoming More Spiritually Resilient
Soul connection work is extremely powerful it makes you far more resilient to the chaos, confusion and other people’s projections. It makes you far more spiritually aware and spiritually discerning.
Like many of you I am taking my own work to a brand new level, I will be focusing on more soul purpose and spiritual coaching and archetypal healing work.
I am being guided to help the way showers, you the awakened lightworkers who are on the front line, helping lead the way to a new world, a new earth.
So watch out for some new amazing offerings in 2024 and check out my latest events and the event I am participating in
Wishing you a powerful 2024!
Why Deepening Your Soul Connection And Soul Alignment In Your Spiritual Business In 2024 Is Important
7 Spiritual Commands To Increase Spiritual Authority, Spiritual Protection And Discernment In Your Life and Work As A Lightworker.
What are spiritual commands and why are they a powerful spiritual tool in our daily life? Understanding the power of spiritual commands to increase personal sovereignty and spiritual sovereignty. Why we all need to command more spiritual authority in every area of our lives, especially in situations we may feel powerless.
What is a Spiritual Command?
Spiritual commands are powerful spiritual affirmations and spiritual statements that help break your free from strongholds interfering with your spiritual path. Such as energetic and spiritual interferences, unhealthy distortions, pain and trauma this is causing any confusion and distortions in your souls connection and own channel. Anything that may create poor spiritual discernment our lack of spiritual strength and courage.
Daily spiritual commands help increase our resilience to negative psychic and spiritual interferences that are designed to self sabotage us by taking us off our spiritual path.
Why We Need More Spiritual Authority In Our Life
One of the biggest challenges we have today is lack of spiritual authority and spiritual discernment in our life and world. We just need to look around at the amount of conditioning and programming created by the 3d world that is based on illusion and feeds our egoic instant gratification.
How addicted and seduced we are in society by money, power, modern technology and artificial intelligence, which has became an increasing problem in the spiritual industry.
The more we want to move into the 5d new earth, the more we need to call in our spiritual authority, increase our spiritual light capacity so we can be the light and hold the light for others.
7 Spiritual Commands For Lightworkers That Increase Spiritual Authority
These spiritual commands will help increase spiritual authority and spiritual protection over our life, health and wellbeing.
By the power of the holy spirit and by his authority I break any curses, hexes, spells or attachments now and forever.
By the power of the god’s love and spiritual guidance I am guided to fulfill my life’s purpose and spiritual mission.
By the power of god’s love and his authority I break and heal all trauma and distortions
Increasing Our Spiritual Authority and Spiritual Power
The more we can increase our spiritual authority, the more we can fulfill our soul’s mission with least resistance. The more spiritual power we have at an individual and collective level the more spiritual light and spiritual strength we bring into our own lives and those around us.
That is why good spiritual authority, good spiritual power and spiritual discernment is vital for any lightworker, spiritual leader, spiritual teacher or healer especially when navigating through a spiritual war, spiritual challenges.
Stepping into your power as a lightworker so you can fulfil your life and soul’s mission with more spiritual strength, courage and wisdom. Top ways to step into your soul power, reclaim the life you are meant to live and do the work you are here to do with more ease.
Stepping Into Your Power And Purpose
The world needs you the lightworkers, the intuitives, the healers, the creatives and the visionaries to step into your power so that together we can create powerful shifts. The more the awakened lightworker steps up in their life, their work with a courageous open heart and lead by example, we organically encourage those around us to do the same.
So what does stepping into your power as a lightworker really mean?
A lightworker is a worker of light, a worker of the light and love of god, it is someone who genuinely wants to make a powerful difference in the world and makes that an integral part of their life. At a soul level, they have a great pull to be of service to humanity at a very deep level, to help raise the vibration of humanity at this time. So they choose certain roles, and jobs to be of service rather than focus on the monetary benefits.
Lightworkers have all sorts of vocations they are not just healers, spiritual teachers, and therapists they are the heart-based lawyers, doctors, caregivers, charity workers, and individuals in all sorts of roles that really take their spiritual path and spiritual growth very seriously.
It is not something that is trendy or something that should be prostituted at the highest bidder, it is a sacred journey that many at this time are called to be part of.
Stepping Into Your Power As A Lightworker Involves…
Doing the deep shadow and soul work, being able to face our biggest fears, the dark nights of the soul so we can embody and hold more love, light, strength and power for humanity at this time.
Being a lightworker comes in all shapes and disguises, it is a very different and unique path for each and every lightworker. It is paved with initiations and what I believe is the ability to move through the hero’s journey.
Top Tips To Stepping Into Your Power As A Lightworker
Deep Stillness:
Be still and know that I am god. The ability to be still, to achieve deep stillness is the space where we hear the voice of god, we recharge and reconnect with our heart and soul.
That is why the ability to meditate deeply is important and powerful for the lightworker role,
The ability to be quiet and still, helps us discern between spiritual guidance and our egoic wants, desires and fears. It dramatically increases our intuition and our psychic senses.
The right meditation techniques and the right meditation approach can make a huge difference, I teach a variety of meditation approaches including quantum strategies that help clients and students achieve deep stillness quickly.
Ask For Daily Guidance:
It is so important for us to ask for guidance be a channel for god’s guidance and your soul’s essence on not just a day-to-day basis but a moment-to-moment basis throughout the day, to keep us on track. Especially when we feel unsure, overwhelmed or confused.
And as someone said to me many years ago don’t be shy about asking for BIG SIGNS, huge signs if need be. Sometimes these signs come in not just signs but in situations that force you away from a situation or into a new direction. At the time it may not feel very comfortable, but later on, you can see the why, the huge gift within the situation.
Patience is everything as a lightworker, Rome wasn’t built in a day and certainly wasn’t taken down in a day.
The lightworker’s role is not a short mission, it is a spiritual journey that is more of a long strong walk than a sprint. Stepping into your power as a lightworker requires a healthy endurance that needs to be paced. We cannot sustain that role from a state of chronic stress, push, push, pushing or fear-based urgency but from a place of grace and in many ways steady pacing.
Just for today, I will … one step at a time, one moment at a time.
Do The Inner Work/ The Shadow Work
Lightwork involves a certain amount of inner work, spiritual initiations and spiritual growth. Sometimes the individual isn’t consciously aware of these initiations or inner shifts in their life or journey. But they are key situations that raise their consciousness enough to pivot that soul to the next level or lesson in their life and soul purpose and mission.
With each event, we have the opportunity to face and work through our inner shadow, our inner demons or fears. More conscious lightworkers actively go looking for the help, support and teachings that will help them move through the shadow work. Because they know how important this deep soul work is at raising our vibration and levels of consciousness as individuals and on the planet.
No matter where we are or have been on our journey we have to do the inner work, the shadow work, heal our inner child wounding, and heal our triggers. It is one of the reasons I am very passionate about archetypal work as it can be a very effective and efficient way to identify our shadow traits and strengths more strongly.
No matter how long we have been doing shadow work and inner child work, 10, 20, 30 years or more, there is always more that we can do to raise our vibration.
Tap Into Your Magical Child:
Tapping into our inner magical child is a powerful way to access more light, love, magic and miracles from the god essence, Children have such purity and such deep connection to the divine light that it can help us take our creativity and transformation to a whole new level.
Magical Child inner child work is extremely powerful at helping us access magical transformations is one of my favourite tools with clients. Healing the inner child and the magical/creative child helps open us up to the purest aspect of the alchemist, the creator, the divine and magical child. It can help us tap into unlimited potential, and break free from outdated structures in the matrix. Become more divine and authentic in our every day life.
Develop Spiritual Discernment
One of the biggest lessons all souls need to cultivate today is more spiritual discernment. Especially in the world today when there is so much inversion through psychological manipulation of social media and television (tell-a-lie-vision). Where humans let other humans sitting in a digital box or device tell them what is fact or truth without any questions or spiritual discernment.
Spiritual discernment is what helps us navigate through a spiritual war with more wisdom and strength. That is why a good spiritual teacher has to have a good level of spiritual discernment, have highly developed intuition. And is not as easily fooled or swayed by the mass psychological manipulation that is there to confuse us.
This is vital for healers and energy workers who need to be able to spiritually discern what they are connecting to. Not just assume they are always connecting to the highest light of divine truth. In a spiritual war, there is a lot of false light, false teachings, false guides that can influence and energetically interfere with the work we do.
Develop A Spiritual Backbone
I believe developing a spiritual backbone is so important if you are serious about being a lightworker. This involves us having first to have the courage to face spiritual truths about ourselves, our own journey, our weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and what we are teaching and have been teaching.
As well as having the spiritual backbone to face the truth, especially those things that are very difficult to swallow. I know despite being extremely empathic and highly sensitive, every day I face my fears and step into my power, the stronger I become, the stronger we all will become.
The lightworker’s journey is not for the faint-hearted, it is not a fad or passing trend. Something you dip your toe into, to see if it feels good. It is an embedded aspect of your soul’s blueprint. It requires a high level of integrity and courage that can be felt so strongly by others that it ignites others to rise up, to do what is right and what is their calling. The more we develop a stronger spiritual backbone, we help others to do the same.
Be Part Of A Family Of Like-Minded Souls
It can be very lonely as a lightworker, especially for certain types of lightworkers who have certain major roles such as the visionaries. Being part of a family of like-minded souls is both strengthening and nurturing. When we work together and support each other we grow together and create much more powerful shifts.
This is one of the main reasons I created my new co-creating new earth sessions, a space where lightworkers can explore ways to move forward together and build stronger relationships with lightworkers on similar missions or with a similar drive. We don’t need to do it all alone, we are family, and here to work together.
Honouring The Lightworkers Role:
I believe it is important to honour the lightworker’s role. Not to view the lightworker’s role as more important than any other role from an egoic perspective. But to have the respect to see how privileged we are to be given such beautiful tasks on our soul’s mission.
Every single one of us has a different soul journey and life challenges that have been very important in shaping who we are and who will be. It is a role that evolves and grows as we spiritually mature and grow in our awakening and awareness.
When we recognise the value of our gifts and skills, we realise they need to be respected, valued and harnessed the right way. Part of that is also respecting other lightworkers’ roles we may not understand or feel aligned with.
I see you, I hear you, I feel the light in you, I honour the light in you.