2 powerful things that I believe lightworkers need to work more on in 2024 to step into their life purpose and soul’s mission with more strength and power. In fact it is something I believe everyone should work on this year.

Soul Connection And Soul Power

The 2 main things lightworkers need to develop in 2024 to fully step in their soul mission is soul connection and soul power.

Soul Connection For Lightworkers

The more deeply you can connect with your heart and soul in a very deep way, 

the easier it is to be a clearer channel for living a more soul-aligned life, for discerning illusion and truth as a lightworker to in turn become more spiritually awakened.

The more you can raise your soul power, you will be spiritually and physically resilient to energetic interferences trying to sabotage with your soul’s path.

The easier it is to be truly authentic in your holistic or spiritual business.

Every single person has their own soul’s contract, life and soul path, we are all more likely to get on and stay on our own path, when we have a strong soul connection and enough spiritual power to do what we are being asked and guided to do.

spiritual coaching programs for healers

Examples Of Poor Soul Connection

Poor soul connection is like a very distorted radio channel, you can struggle to get on and hear the right frequency or you maybe listening to the wrong channel. Which will lead to all sorts of self sabotage and even spiritual hi-jacking which is obvious self-destructive especially for lightworkers, spiritual teachers and spiritual thought-leaders.

This spiritual disconnection leads to poor discernment, poor choices and habits, lack of confidence and self-trust, jealousy, resentment and victimhood.

Examples Of Low Soul Power

Low soul power, is like a low battery that is working at a low vibration with very limited capacity, it struggles to sustain itself and is more likely to seek power and energy from the wrong sources.

Such as alcohol, drugs, processed, man made drugs, foods, false guides and false light.

Lightworkers With Good Soul Connection and Soul Power

Good soul connection and soul power starts with being able to achieve deeper stillness and disconnection from our programming and the illusions of the external world so important when you are a lightworker and if you are highly empathic.

And involves being able to connect to divine truth that is why I always ask first and foremost to be guided by only the highest levels of divine truth.

This helps me reign myself back in when my ego takes me off in all sorts of directions and entanglements with my inner child, victim or inner brat lol.

This helps me get really in alignment with my purpose, my life and soul mission. As lightworkers it helps present us with the right support, right people, situations, teachers and teachings that help us evolve in our life and work.

Becoming More Spiritually Resilient

Soul connection work is extremely powerful it makes you far more resilient to the chaos, confusion and other people’s projections. It makes you far more spiritually aware and spiritually discerning.

Meanwhile if you would love some help to build up a deeper soul connection, feel more spiritually guided and strong check out my Deep Meditation and Soul Connection Program.

Like many of you I am taking my own work to a brand new level, I will be focusing on more soul purpose and spiritual coaching and archetypal healing work.

I am being guided to help the way showers, you the awakened lightworkers who are on the front line, helping lead the way to a new world, a new earth.

So watch out for some new amazing offerings in 2024 and check out my latest events and the event I am participating in

Wishing you a powerful 2024!

Soul Connection Tools For Lightworkers

Why Deepening Your Soul Connection And Soul Alignment In Your Spiritual Business In 2024 Is Important

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