Why there is no one uniquely like you in this planet of 8.2 billion of people. And why it is so important you be YOU!
I remember as a young child been very stuck by something I heard as a child in relation to sharing your gifts.
That god gave us gifts and it was so important we share those gifts.
It really struck a spark inside me and the phrase don’t hide your gifts under a bushel.
From very young I was fascinated by people’s gifts and purpose.
It was always something that lit me up.
Seeing There Is No One Like You
In my late teens to adulthood I would help my friends explore their gifts and strengths.
Help them see their gifts in ways they didn’t always see those gifts.
And one thing I noticed then that still has not changed. Is how many people still cannot see their greatest gifts into their later years even those that have done a lot of work on themself.
I think there is a variety of reasons for this.
Sometimes we can struggle to see the wood from the trees. We are often so close and in many ways disconnected from ourself we cannot see things through a clear enough lens.
You Are Uniquely You
Also I have found a lot of personal development work in this area too much in your head and not enough in the heart and soul.
For example I remember about 10 years ago taking part in a soul purpose and life purpose course with a spiritual and personal development teacher who was hired by companies like Disney etc
His approach was so outdated so on the surface, that if I totally did what he implied I should be doing for my purpose. I would have been very unhappy and definitely not aligned with my soul.
There is absolutely no one like YOU.
No one with the same life experiences, no one with the same innate gifts, traits and even super power strengths like you.
Your not your tools, your titles, your job, your roles, your so much more and so YOU! With all your quirky habits and traits.
As one of 9 I look around at how different we all are.
How different we see the world and see situations that we have all experienced together.
We see the world through our own lens of experience as well as our strengths and vulnerabilities.
What Your Shadow Traits Can Say About You!
One of the problems is that many types of self development and even spiritual work don’t always help point the student to their innate gifts or soul essence.
They focus on such a surface level approach to purpose, that it can lead people towards more of their egoic and shadow wanting.
Than truly what the soul needs and wants, and is here to do.
Most really miss the gifts and power within what is sometimes seen as our shadow traits.
Because sometimes when we look more closely at a persons shadow aspect in relation to their sacred archetypes we actually see a much bigger picture of someone’s gifts, life and soul’s lessons.
That is what we will be exploring more deeply in – Your Soul Keys To Power & Purpose.
An exciting and empowering, soul deep journey, into your unique secret keys to your power, purpose and passions.
5 weeks of deep soul connection, creativity and expansion with your soul essence,
to help you build up greater spiritual power, strength and purpose at this time.
5 weeks of group coaching, support and healing,
using a combination of spiritual and archetypal approaches.
So you can see there is no one like you.
Includes a Bonus of 2 x 1-2-1 Sessions.
Special Beta Offer valid Aug 2024 £333 ( £555 )
Want to learn more see below
Want to book a chat to see if this program is right for you, book a non-obligation chat with Eileen.
Awakening – What does to awaken mean? What’s the main difference between societal and spiritual awakening?
In its simplest form awakening means to wake up from some sort of sleeping state or unconsciousness. It refers to the idea that those who wake up, become more aware and conscious of something they were previously oblivious and unaware of before.
What is Spiritual Awakening?
Spiritual awakening is a word that is referred to a lot in certain teachings of spirituality. But like lots of things in the world we all can have different interpretations of what spirituality truly means.
For most spiritual awakenings refer to a powerful spiritual experience that awakens them up a deeper level of spiritual connectedness to god, divinity, and their spiritual being.
Something that can shift you so deeply at your very core, it helps you make huge spiritual changes and transformations in how you view life, the world, god, and spirituality.
In many ways an open door to something much bigger and magnificent than you ever experienced. Spiritual experiences that help you unlock or tap into something beyond the 3d human experience.Often more access to higher dimensions of love, god, the divine you, the authentic you.
Each Level Of Spiritual Awakening
Each level of Spiritual Awakening helps us grow and evolve in different ways. It can help us see beyond the physical realm, and live our life from a much deeper spiritual perspective.
Even though I have had a variety of what could be regarded as different spiritual awakenings over the 35 years. I think the most profound for me was an experience I had while in an induced coma just over 10 years ago.
This experience shifted my views and something inside on so many levels. Not just my beliefs and my identity on some level. But it pushed me to a new level on my path within my healing and therapy journey that I never imagined I would ever go down.
A quest seeking even more answers than I ever had before. Different experiences made me realise even more at a human level how little we know. And on another level how spiritually connected we are to so many things we could ever imagine.
It is also taught me the more we surrender to miracles, god, and the divine we are even more spiritually guided.
Your Spiritual Awakening
Each level of our awakening is personal to us, it can involve all sorts of bizarre, surprising, and extremely challenging experiences designed to wake us up. All divinely created to help us experience all sorts of life lessons, meet all sorts of people and teachers that are an important part of our journey and mission, to wake us up some more.
These situations in many ways forced me to go inward and develop a deeper spiritual openness that helped detach me from many of the distractions and superficialities that entrap most people today. And to build deeper trust in my own inner guidance, intuition, and synchronicities.
Societal Awakening
Societal awakening is another form of awakening and unveiling where individuals and society as a whole begin to awaken to what has been hidden or unseen.
It also can refer to aspects in our lives of our society we chose to ignore, that are now so obvious we can no longer hide our heads in the sand about. An unveiling that in many ways has all sorts of different mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual impacts at the individual and collective levels.
We just need to look at the massive awakening that the last 4 years have brought to the surface. The domino effect that this event had on so many people lives, for them to begin to question the narratives.
Start to see through the evil, the veil of lies, games, inversion and manipulation of power, gaslighting by political and world agendas. And censorship and control are being hammered down on a whole new level, in desperation by those with too much to hide.
As millions of souls are waking up to the darker new world agendas, this is skyrocketing so many souls to phenomenal levels of spiritual awakening.
The Unconscious Aspect Of Societal Awakening
One of the things that begin with different levels of societal awakening is the human psyche and personal identity is pushed out of its comfort zone.
One example is where at the unconscious level, one starts to recognize and face the archetypal abuse by those whom we trusted in position and power.
In many ways the father and mother archetype neglect, abuse, and gaslighting by those who were there to protect us and guide us.
Spiritually Growing Up
We begin to spiritually grow up as we start to come to terms with the important areas of our life and society where we have abdicated self-responsibility and handed over our power and sovereignty.
For some people, there is an initial fast and almost furious type of societal awakening into reality. For many others, there is a lot of denial, resistance, fear, and trauma. Especially in those already mentally, emotionally, or even physically or spiritually vulnerable.
Spiritual Awakenings Are Not Just Love And Light
Spiritual awakening and societal awakening are not all light and love. They are painful, confusing, messy, and often very lonely as each soul has to go through its dark night of the soul. In many ways, for us all, they are spiritual initiations and opportunities for growth.
Societal unveiling as big as they have been over the last few years, are helping fuel massive spiritual awakenings and spiritual transformation.
Despite the mass amount of censorship and control, people are seeking new media platforms and connections to access deeper and wider truths.
Humanity as a whole is making great leaps in their consciousness awareness in very short periods. Even though there are still many souls deeply unconscious.
Creating which is referred to as the bifurcation and trifurcation, a splitting or more than one splitting of different levels of awakening in society. One of the reasons so many early awakened souls felt so disconnected and alone from their loved ones. Because of the significant difference in resonance.
But the good news is the masses are arising, all at different rates and stages but they are awakening on both a societal and spiritual level. So many are accessing great spiritual power and strength. And are being soul-led towards their life and soul mission with great clarity and power.
Top Tips Through Spiritual Awakening And Societal Awakening
Authenticity in your awakening has so much power and strength, your vulnerability, your passion, and your motivation to help others from a place of imperfection help others recognise that we are all perfect in our imperfections.
Awakening at all levels takes a lot of love and self-compassion for ourselves and others, which isn’t always easy as many empaths and healers can suffer compassion fatigue.
Especially for those so trapped in their soundings, ignorance, and ego, that have caused you harm or slights. It is important to have enough self-compassion and self-forgiveness for ourselves and to get the support and help we need.
Courage and Strength:
Courage and strength are something we all need a lot of at this time, especially through some of the darkest aspects of societal shifts. The more you work on your spiritual connection the more courage and strength will flow.
The more you can increase your soul power, the more you will easily step into your soul power be who you are here to be, and do what you are here to do.
We will all have times during awakening when we need to be more patient and gentle with ourselves and others. I know this isn’t always easy that is why self-compassion and self-love are so important. It is important to remember to not compare yourself to others.
Remember this is a journey, not a race. At some levels of the awakened journey you will be able to make huge jumps in other areas you may need a little more time to adjust and embody. Most of us have been on this spiritual journey for decades.
Love and self-love are the core foundation of increasing your level of awakening. It requires working with our heart intelligence, healing our heart wounds, and our inner child trauma that is closing us off from being open and generous-hearted.
Conscious heart and soul work is the most powerful way to live and work from that place of love.
What Awakening Requires
Awakening requires a lot of courage, strength, patience, self-love, and self-compassion for ourselves and the souls around us.
It involves the ability to go inwards and develop more discernment by developing your intuition, inner guidance, and spiritual discernment.
The ability to let go of long-held beliefs that are no longer truth or serving or spiritual evolvement. It requires growing up and taking responsibility for the choices we have made in life and what we have attracted in our lives.
While at the same time helping us see the absolute power and beauty of the god spark within us and the potential we have to create a world we once never imagined.
To spiritually awaken involves us letting go and surrendering to the hero’s journey, a journey through different archetypal stages of our life.
Societal Awakening Versus Spiritual Awakening
Eileen Burns is a Soul Empowerment, Coach, Healer and Therapist who helps awakened healers, empaths and lightworkers step into their power, fully embrace their life purpose and soul’s mission.
She is a highly compassionate and generous healer, who brings a wealth of experience from the holistic, healing and spiritual field from over 30 years. For more information about Eileen’s experience, qualifications and training. CLICK HERE
We become entangled and consumed by the chaos and confusion that is going around us.
Equally, if we hide our heads in the sand and try to convince ourselves everything in the world and even within us is not our problem.
We are in a state of disconnection or disbelief, believing we are powerless.
When the reality is we are all more powerful than we believe we truly are.
Sometimes We May Need
Sometimes we may need some rest, time out, healing, or space.
The mind, body, and emotions can become overwhelmed, and over-tired, and may need time to realign and recharge your batteries.
But you are not powerless.
But we are not powerless, you are not powerless.
We all are stronger than we know, we all have the ability and even resilience to create great change.
Especially when we can tap into our inner power, strength, and connection.
The problem is that connection and inner strength do not come from someone else, or something else.
Connection and strength do not come from having more financial security, a better home, a better job, or even trying to live the perfect life.
It comes from getting so calm, centered, and open-hearted within yourself, that you have the power and connection.
When You Are Soul Connected You Are Naturally Strong
When you are soul-connected it is much easier to build up your soul power.
You know your calling, you know what you can do each day to make that difference.
And you start tapping into and relying on your own inner resources, strength, and wisdom to be guided and led.
Than relying on other people’s fears, conditioning, distortions, and agendas.
7 Steps To Strength And Empowerment
How to stop feeling powerless and weak and start tapping into your inner strength and connection.
1. Be Present:
Switch off the distractions and learn how to be in the moment. Be fully you in the moment.
2. STOP Leaking Energy:
Set healthy boundaries, stop giving away energy, and focus on the wrong things and wrong people ( like the wrong type of clients, those who choose to stay asleep)
Nature’s essences such as Essential Oils and Flower essences can be very helpful for moving and supporting us through anxiety and fears. So is inner child healing and inner child therapy.
5. Take Daily Steps:
Take small conscious daily steps that are empowering, that help us move through our fears.
6. Acknowledge how far you have come:
Acknowledging your daily achievements, your strengths, and the things you have worked through stops you from being a victim to your distorted thoughts, fears and limitations. Look back in situations in your life where you have found deep courage and strength.
7. Find Inspiration and Motivation:
Read, Listen, And Absorb Inspiring Words, Inspiring People, and Inspiring passions to ignite and fan your inner power, strength, and desire to be the change. Nourish your soul, Invest in spiritual or soul empowerment coaching, healing or inner child therapy to heal what is blocking you.
Becoming Your Own Hero And Heroine
These steps can help take your strength and courage to a brand new level. Supporting you stand strong with those around you to be the change, than being in fear and being part of the problem.
If you would like to access more of your inner power, strength, and courage at this time, check out the free recording of my session Awakening Your Hero Within .
Empowerment Quotes to help inspire, empower, and motivate you to live a more soul-aligned life and purpose. Inspirational thoughts and ideas for an empowered life.
Empowerment Quotes For Life
Empowering quotes for life
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” — E.E. Cummings
“Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is believing you’re worth the trip.” — Glenn Beck
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” — Aristotle
“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”– Buddha
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Empowerment Quotes For Life Purpose And Soul Purpose
Empowering quotes to help you align with your life purpose and soul purpose.
“If you look to others for fulfilment, you will never be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you.” – Lao Tzu
“True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” – Helen Keller
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
Empowering Quotes For Business and Work
Empowerment Quotes for work and business.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” — C.S. Lewis
“There is nothing impossible to they who will try.”— Alexander the Great
“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” — Malcolm S. Forbes
The gig economy is empowerment. This new business paradigm empowers individuals to better shape their own destiny and leverage their existing assets to their benefit. John McAfee
“In a truly free society, individuals are granted responsibility for themselves. Freedom necessitates that we learn how to provide for ourselves, contributing value in whatever form, to generate personal income. We then decide how we wish to spend or save earned income; freedom is the reward for fulfilling personal responsibilities.” ― Candace Owens
Self expression is the action of sharing one’s thoughts, feelings or ideas, through action, voice, the creative arts such as art, dance, music even innovation.
Problems With Authenticity And Self Expression
The problem today with authenticity and self expression. Is that many people today gets confused by narcistic attention seeking behaviour and authentic self expression.
Where the world is expected to bow down to other people’s narcissistic demands, gaslighting or ideology in away that threatens someone’s else’s authentic values and opinions.
When in reality true authentic self expression, comes from the confidence of truly understanding and expressing ourself in a deep and objective way without the need or expectation for other people’s approval or recognition.
Another personality trait that can seriously get in the way of being truly authentic in your life and business is neuroticism. Healers, therapists and coaches who procrastinate a lot in their business and who suffer for imposter syndrome can suffer from have a high level of neuroticism.
At their core they often don’t really know, love or trust themself. Suffer from deep rooted fear and wounding.
What Is Narcissism?
Narcissism is a self–centered personality trait where they tend to be obsessive around one’s self at the expense of other people.
Lack Empathy
Lack Introspection
Blame Others For Their Mistakes or Misfortune
Constantly Gaslight their victims
Deny Errors and Mistakes
Highly Impulsive
Anger Easily and Hold Grudges
Enjoy Revelling In Other People’s Pain
What is Neuroticism?
Neuroticism is regarded as a core personality trait that relates to someone’s mental and emotional stability and inability to self-regulate, it is associated with dissatisfaction and distress.
Find It Difficult To Make And Sustain Relationships
In reality those who are neurotic struggle to be truly authentic due to fear what others may think.
Recent Studies Around Authenticity
There is a variety of types of research in relation to authenticity.
According to SPANE assessment, people who are more authentic are far happier and healthier.
” Realness is a core feature of Authenticity” Scienedirect.com demonstrates “realness as the relatively stable tendency to act on the outside the way one feels on the inside, without regard for proximal personal or social consequences.”
So even though we know being authentic is part of integrity in many areas of our life and business, In some causes authenticity can be simply just self serving especially when we do no take into account the consequences of what we share. Though one study suggests people who tend to be more authentic tend to get less angry in situations that are unfair.
Top Tips How To Be More Authentic
Know You Are Enough
The more you know and feel you are enough, the more you understand how important it is to be yourself, the easier it is to be truly you.
Know Yourself Deeply Enough To
Know yourself deeply enough that you can be authentic, being authentic is banned about today by many who don’t know themself at all. Truly being authentic is about letting go of who we think we need, should or have been conditioned to be. And learn to unlock more of who we truly are.
Live Your Life By Your Core Values
The more you know yourself the easier it is to to know and live by your values. In a spiritual business your core values are often your biggest soul client attractor.
Identify Your Shadows And Masks
The digger you deep into truly getting to know yourself, observe yourself the easier it is to see the shadows and the masks we hide behind and get entangled in. Archetype work is a powerful way to identify your most dominant shadow traits and masks.
Learn To Communicate As Honesty As You Can
Honest sincere communication from the heart, is one of the most powerful ways to be authentic in your day to day life.
Get More Creative, Find Different Ways To Express Yourself
Creativity is a healthy way to express yourself, your joy, pain and emotions in a healthy way for all concerned. The Creative arts such as creative writing or creative play, can be a powerful form of self-healing for releasing trauma, healing the inner child and identity issues holding you back from being truly authentic.
Archetypal and Inner Child Work
Archetypal and inner child work hand and hand is a powerful way to help one move into alignment with your true essence. Heal the deepest shadows and masks that are keeping you small, stuck or lost in someone else’s identity or beliefs.
4 Ways To Get More Soul Aligned In 2024 to become more strong and spiritually empowered in life and your soul aligned business.
Why being more soul aligned in your life, relationships and business will give you more strength and power in the year ahead to do what you are truly here to do. Some of the most common things that try to disconnect us from our heart and soul.
Why Soul Alignment Is So Important In 2024
When an individual awakens both spiritually and societal, they go through a variety of emotions and different stages.
In many ways like the different stages of grief, there is some stages that are extremely challenging, stages we get stuck and struggle to get past, some stages with the right support and healing we move through with more compassion, strength and wisdom.
If we try to deny any of those stages, suppress our emotional wounding it eventually catches up on us.
Anyone who has been awakened at a societal level of the last few years, know’s how much cognitive dissonance there has been on a massive scale. How wide and deep psychological manipulation, and gas lighting has become. How much of what we see on TV, Media, Radio and Social Media is actually inverted,
Even though a large population of the world are waking up. So many people are stuck in aspects of the trauma response, the fight or flight response.
Anxiety levels and mental health issues have shot up dramatically. Mental health problems are crippling children and the younger generations.
For so longs the human population has become so disconnected from their own power, their own inner navigation system, they are really struggling to discern what is truth, fact and fiction, what is morally right or distorted. Even though many of the illusions are beginning to be unveiled and broken.
Good Soul Alignment Helps Guide Us
Good soul-alignment can help us navigate through this chaos and deception with better spiritual discernment.
Good soul-alignment helps us stay spiritually empowered, not as easily hi-jacked by psychological manipulation.
Great Soul-alignment puts us in the right place at the right time, attracts all sorts of synchronicities.
It helps us trust in the bigger plan, gives us so much more strength and courage to take the road less travelled, the journey our soul is guiding us to take.
So many way showers have led the way for decades, even more through the last decade with such strength, power, love and compassion by following their heart and soul.
By leading by example, by having the courage to stand up at great personal loss for themself.
By also having compassion for those for so many reasons felt they have no choice than to be caught up in this game.
Soul Aligned In Business
The more soul-aligned we can all become in our life and business, the more we can focus on creating solutions, being active participants of the change that is needed in this world today.
The more disconnected we are, the more likely we are to keep going around in circles with our old trauma, conditioning and polarity. Getting more soul-aligned takes patience and time we are all a work in progress.
4 Ways To Get Soul Aligned
Build A Deep Connection With Your Heart and Soul :
Soul aligned in business means getting soul deep. The deeper you can connect with yourself at a heart and soul level, the easier it is to be guided at a soul level. You are also less likely to be energetically hijacked by other things that are mere distractions, illusions or not of the highest light, truth or for the greatest good of all concerned.
I teach a variety of spiritual tools to help my clients and students get more soul-aligned, though a great start is meditation and heart-based prayers. And doing what fills your heart so much love, that you would do it for free every single day, that is what heart and soul-aligned really means.
Identify Your Business’s Top Values:
Getting soul aligned as an entrepreneur involves getting really aligned with your and your brands core values. This is one of the most powerful ways to build a really strong soul connection with your audience and best way to attract our soul clients. Knowing and sharing your brand’s top values with your audience is a powerful way to build deeper connection and trust. More than ever people want to buy from authentic brands, with strong integrity, who can deliver on their implications and promises.
Create Healthier Boundaries
Healthy boundaries from that what is not aligned with your purpose and mission is so important. One of the biggest ways I have started to create more healthier boundaries is only to work with certain clients who have similar core values than myself. And to do things on a daily basis to keep my energy strong and protected enough from other energetic interferences designed to take me off my path. Spend less time on certain social media platforms and spending more time with those who are the foundations of creating the new earth. And also let go of things in my business that is leaking energy or no longer aligned.
Heal Your Biggest Wounding:
Healing your biggest wounds in your life will help you make big shifts in creating a more soul-aligned business. Our wounding and trauma disconnects us from our true spiritual essence and spiritual power. The more we can heal, the more soul-aligned we can become. We are all a work in progress, so no matter if someone has been working on themself 10, 20, 30 years there is always more that we can let go of, more of our soul essence and soul gifts to unlock.
Identifying your inner child wounds and dominant archetypal traits that are sabotaging your life and business is one of the most powerful things you can do. Knowing your biggest sabotaging behaviours and shadow traits, gives you something very specific to focus on the year ahead. One powerful way you can identify some of the shadows in your spiritual business is by identifying your brands most dominant archetype. Take my Spiritual Brand Quiz To Find Out.
Survival Archetypal Traits That STOP Us Getting Soul Aligned
Inner Child Shadows
Both the wounded inner child and orphan child can keep us stuck in childish, immature behaviours that prevent us growing up spiritually, mentally and emotionally. A child that never faces the dark, always hides away or stays fearful of the dark. A child that steps through the dark, accesses their own light, courage and power. For example the shadow orphan child can bring to their business and work, the energy and behaviour of being an outsider. They often come to situations with either a certain aloofness, fear or even judgement, seeking from others what they need to give themself.
The eternal child doesn’t want to take self-responsibility for their action or inaction, their tantrums or stubbornness. Like an impatient child they want the rewards but are not always willing to make the necessary investment, whether that be time, financial, mental, emotional or even physical.
How The Victim and Saboteur Archetype Can Sabotage Your Success
The shadow aspect of the victim archetype likes to keep us small, powerless, dependant on others. In it’s light form the victim archetype helps us become more aware, compassionate and enduring. In its dark aspect it keeps us in fear, stuck in the past or ruminating about the future. It is good at convincing us someone or something is more powerful, stronger, than us. The more soul-aligned we all become, the more we break-free from the shackles of victimhood.
What areas on your life and business are you a victim and what areas of your life and business are you the hero?
The Saboteur Archetype will continue to sabotage your life and success until you face those demons. It shows up as those addictions and unhealthy behaviours, from everything to unhealthy food, to procrastination, poor time management, not showing up, not keeping your commitments or promises. Like the shadow aspects of the victim, the saboteur archetype in its shadow form is scared of its power and where that power will lead.
How The Prostitute Archetype Can Sabotage Your Values
The shadow traits of the prostitute archetype is one of the strongest at sabotaging our values and integrity. Where one literally sells their soul, their ethics and values just to make money, gain a title, get more likes, views or followers. It is what goes behind doors, what you are not 100% truthful about, what you do just to gain what you want in life or business. From copying someone else’s content to being dishonest about your experience or results based on low self-worth and lack of belief in one’s self.
Getting More Soul Aligned In Business And Life is a journey, not a race.
Getting soul-aligned in your business takes time, it takes patience and a lot of grace.
Ready to get more soul-aligned in your life and business with one to one support with Eileen CLICK HERE
Or check out her Powerful Meditation and Soul Connection Self-Study Course that teaches you powerful tools to get more soul-aligned in your daily life.