How To Feed Your Soul, nurture a deeper connection with your heart and soul. Raise your soul’s vibration to experience more spiritual joy and spiritual wealth in your daily life.

The more we nurture and feed our soul on a daily basis, the more we give ourselves spiritual sustenance and spiritual strength. The more mental, physical, emotional and spiritual resources we have to deal with life’s difficulties and challenges.

10 Ways To Feed Your Soul Today

10 Ways To Feed Your Soul Today

Simple and easy ways to nourish your heart and soul on a daily basis.

Quiet Time To Connect With Your Soul

One of the most important things that we can all do to feed our soul is actually schedule out quiet time throughout our day to be still, to meditate, pray and connect with our soul. It is so important to take the time to be quite enough, still enough to hear our soul,hear god, hear our soul’s wisdom.

Get Soul Aligned

Getting soul-aligned in your life, purpose and business helps feed our soul. Making a conscious decision in our life, work and business to listen to what our soul is guiding is to do than the ego is pushing is to do. Helps to feed our soul with more spiritual strength, courage and discernment.

Singing Is A Great Way To Feed Your Soul

Signing to your favourite song is a great way to nourish and feed your heart and soul. Playing your favourite music and singing to songs that open your heart and soul will raise your vibration and outlook. One of the songs that really feeds my soul is Bliss’s – A Hundred Thousand Angels

Spend Time With Children

Spending time with children is one of the most heart-warming ways to nurture our soul, take us back to our own innocence, purity and magical elements.Young children particularly can help us be fully in the moment, experience more joy by doing what their heart and soul is guiding them too do.

Spend Time In Nature

Spend time in nature in the countryside, near mountains, near water, lakes, rivers, the sea. All so deeply soothing for the soul. Another way to bring nature into your life is filling your office and home with house plants. Use flower essences and essential oils.

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Look At Beautiful Art

Visit a local gallery or art exhibition or local craft store, be inspired by creative souls that share their soul-aligned gifts. Support these heart-based artists and creatives who bring uniqueness and joy into people’s lives by sharing their beautiful gifts and dedication.Like my old friend Gail Stirling Robertson who creates some of the most quirky art, prints and other types of commissions.

Eat High Vibrational Food

Eating clean high vibrational food that is organic not genetically modified or contaminated with toxic pesticides will help raise your vibration and feed your soul. Especially food that is still fresh or recently picked as it still contains a certain amount of life force.Make a list of healthy foods you actually love to eat, fresh strawberries, juicy plump tomatoes, a refreshing melon, an apple straight from the tree, herbs from your window sill.

Do Something Your Heart & Soul Loves

Do something every day that feeds your heart and soul, choose something each day that your inner child would love to do.Make a list of all the things that give you joy that raises your vibration, raises your mood that will help feed your soul.

Soul Empowerment Coaching with Eileen Soul Empowerment Coach

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