How To Receive Support From The Universe

How To Receive Support From The Universe

How To Receive Support From The Universe. The ability to ask and receive from god and the universe, the ability to trust that support from the universe will come.

Our Deepest Struggles With Receiving From The Universe

Why do so many of us struggle to ask or receive support from the universe?

Why do so many lightworkers give so generously but have such wounds in the ability to receive from others?

Like many lightworkers I spent most of my life struggling to receive. Despite highly investing in my own wellbeing, my own healing, investing in all sorts of training and spiritual work. Way more generous, qualified and experienced than most of my fellow therapists and healer I found it so difficult to charge my worth.

When it came to receiving and asking for what I genuinely deserved in my life I fell very short.

Like so many healers and therapists I would give so much to my clients but so little myself.

I had so much wounding around receiving it showed up in so many areas of my life.

An inability to receive the right sort of support from the universe can have so many layers to it. For me a lot of the unhealthy patterns feeding it, were layered amidst deepest seated strong rescuer, helper and caregiver traits formed from a young age.

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Unconscious Programming That Rejects Support From The Universe

Early childhood conditioning and trauma from our surroundings; parents, culture and religion plays a huge part in unconscious programming.

Programming that at a deep level harms and rejects our divine rights to support from the universe.

It is one of the reason why so many highly sensitive empaths lacking healthy boundaries are often the worst receivers.

So energetically skewed up in other people’s emotional needs, desires and energetic attachments there is little room or clarity in their energetic field for the person to truly be open to their own needs and desires.

And a big reason so many therapists and healers today are carrying around all sorts of negative energetic attachments they don’t even realise they have.

Unconscious programming plays a paramount part on most people’s ability to receive.

It also plays a big part in someone’s ability to feel spiritually connected with the universe and god. In many ways it all comes back to trust and worthiness.

When we don’t trust in the universe or ourselves there is massive spiritual disconnection.

It is why I personally believe poor soul power and poor soul connection is one of the biggest causes of so much unhappiness and poor discernment in the world and in the spiritual sector.

Disconnection in god and the universe shows up in a lack of intuition and lack of faith. An ability to be able to truly ask and receive more support from the universe in our daily life.

We just need to look at the last few years to see evidence in the masses of how spiritually disconnected most people are from their own inner guidance and personal sovereignty.

How programmed they are in certain narratives and in media illusion, so easily hijacked because of disconnection.

What Most Spiritual And Law Of Attraction Books Don’t Teach

Despite studying all sorts of spiritual teachings, law of attraction, manifesting and belief work for over 30 years. Like many people I struggled to receive some of the most basic things I deserved to receive in my life.

But I also could see how clearly how so many books out there like The Secret and even the program The Secrets Of The Secret were only scratching the surface and not revealing all.

Leaving out so many important factors and areas that influenced and interfered with peoples abilities to manifest and receive.

Missing out so many basics in relation to soul contracts, ancestral wounding and other psychic and spiritual phenomena that could interfere with one’s ability to receive.

But it wasn’t until 10 years ago after a life threatening experience in an induced coma, did I start to really explore these aspects on a much deeper level.

Why It Took A Near Death Experience To See Things More Clearly

Despite a life time of chronic and rare medical conditions. And more than a few serious medical injuries, so many would say was a life of insane bad luck( that people would joke you need to write a book)

It would take literally a near death experience, a spiritual experience to really wake me up and push me to start looking at my own life and so many other things from a different perspective.

After this life changing experience, nothing would ever be the same. I would experience so many strange, spiritual and psychic experiences that at one point I seriously began to question my reality and everything I ever knew.

But equally the universe started to provide all sorts of people, teaching and insights that I wouldn’t trade for the world. A path of exploration of so many spiritual teachings and in areas of psychic psychology and psychic phenomena that most main spiritual teachers don’t talk about,

Things that that made me realise how much was missing from so much teachings in energy, healing and spirituality that was amiss.

It highlighted even more the bigger problems with fast track training.

The cost of not truly taking the time to find the right teacher, not just the cheapest teacher or quickest certificate

And why the masses so easily gave over their personal sovereignty and autonomy over the last few years.

Knowing We Are More Than Enough

Knowing we are enough and so much more than enough, is a basic fundamental of our ability to receive.

Our ability to access some sense of personal sovereignty is a fundamental aspect of our trust in ourselves and the universe.

A realisation that we are a god spark, a very important part of god’s consciousness is something we need to experience and feel at a soul level not just view from a mental perspective.

It is one of the reasons I am a big fan of teachings that focus on soul work first than just mental and belief work, that can have too much emphasis on the ego and 3d.

Know you are more than enough, knowing you are made in the image of god, you are a gift of god is one of the most basic but powerful knowings we need to integrate and embed into our psyche and as a collective for us to receive the miracles and support from the universe we all need right now.

In our purest essence we are beautiful gifts in the universe, we are more powerful and more deserving than we can imagine.

How To Receive Support From The Universe

8 Tips To Receiving Support From The Universe

Connect With Your Spiritual Self;

Like every form of connection, the communication channel has to be clear. One of the things that so many teachings don’t talk about is the importance of building good soul connection. That is why deep soul work, developing a deeper connection with our higher self, god and the universe helps support a clearer channel of receiving.

Practice Daily Meditation;

Daily meditation is an important aspect of building a crystal clear connection with the universe. If you struggle to meditate you haven’t found the right meditation style, meditation teacher or there is something else going on that is creating resistance, stopping you from accessing that deeper stillness.

If you are someone who prefers to always be active; and are more attracted to what is walking or running meditation, inquire what aspect of the self or your reality you maybe trying to walk away or run away from

Ask and Receive;

It is so important that we start asking for support and spiritual guidance in a heart and soul felt way, so many of us forget to ask, our ask from an energetic place of despair, frustration or unworthiness that what we boomerang back is much of the same.

For example I met so many holistic and spiritual business owners who struggle to receive in business, but are actually approaching and treating their business on an energetic perspective like a bargain basement hobby or car boot sale.

The energy from what we ask has to be in energetic alignment with what we want to receive that is why it is important to ask with a grateful and open heart.

Gratitude and An Open Heart:

The ability to be truly grateful for even the smallest things in our life, increases our ability to receive more support from the universe to do even more in life. An open heart helps us gives from a high vibrational energy without ulterior motives. It helps shift us into an energy of there is more than enough for everyone.

Trust In The Universe;

Trust in the universe, trust in god. One of the ways we can reinforce trust in the universe and god is by tapping into and healing our divine inner child, our magical child. The magical inner child in its light form is a pure channel to magic and miracles. The divine child in it’s light form is our purest connection to divinity within ourselves, god and the universe. It helps us co-create with the universe and those we connect with.

Trust In Yourself:

We have to trust in ourselves as much as we trust in the universe and god. We have to learn to cultivate a trust that we can receive and deserve to receive so much more from the word. And to recognise that support from the universe is already happening every single day, the problem is we are often not quiet enough, still enough to notice or listen. Our egoic mind is controlling the show.

Healing Our Inner Child And Archetypal Wounding;

Healing both our inner child wounds and archetypal wounds help us to heal the energetic patterns that are keeping us stuck and in lack of support from the universe. Our main survival shadow archetypes keep us stuck in self sabotaging patterns of disconnection and destruction.

They can also like many of the other shadow archetypal traits keep us plugged into the 3d matrix programming that is very strong at that time. For example in the last few decades the darkest element of the alchemist and magician has been very strong in many areas of the collective.

We just need to look at the amount of illusion in all areas of our lives even the spiritual sector which has become an industry that is increasingly selling a large part of its soul to the highest bidder. Rather than doing what we do always for the purest intention.

Healing your wounding , doing shadow work around unworthiness can help open you to up to receive so much more support from the universe than you ever expected. When we start to heal and allow more light to come in, we open ourselves up to so much more than physical abundance, we access something much more valuable deep spiritual abundance, deep spiritual strength and wisdom.

Become More Mindful Of The Support From The Universe We Receive Daily

It is so important to become mindful of the support, the gifts we receive everyday. God has given us the gift of life, love, joy, the human experience, so many beautiful things and beautiful people around us.

When we become more mindful of what we already have. When look more closely at all the abundance, help and support we get from the universe, from god every single day of our life. We shift perspective and shift our vibration.

You are enough, you are worthy, you are deserving by simply being you.

Make a list today of all the free support from the universe that got you where you are today.

If you would love some personalised help in healing your inner child or magical child wounding check out my Gold Lightworkers Portal and one to one offerings link below

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11 Tips To Boost Your Vibration

11 Tips To Boost Your Vibration

11 Tips To Boost Your Vibration

Ready to boost your vibration, increase your energy, raise your levels of consciousness, and manifesting power?

These simple yet powerful ways help boost your vibration and your mood, and help support you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually on your journey of awakening and ascension.

We know the more we can increase our vibration, the easier it is to manifest and attract a different reality in our life and on our planet.

How To Boost Your Vibration, increase your level of consciousness

11 Ways To Boost Your Vibration

Be More In The Moment: It is much easier to manage your energy and boost your vibration when you are fully in the present moment. Our stressors and our triggers are more likely to be engaged when we are in our head rather than in a state of being. It is much easier to be in a state of energetic flow in the moment.

Eat Clean High Vibrational Foods: What we eat and drink and even medically put in our body has a huge impact on our physical body, the physical vessel and energetic body that is here to help hold the spiritual vessel. So many foods lower our vibration and interfere with our spiritual channel, especially alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine which can block the 3rd eye. So eat high-vibe food, especially food that is organic, fresh, and from all the colours of the rainbow.

Get More Soul Connected: The stronger our soul connection is, the easier it is to be a strong channel for love, light, and divine truth. This will help raise your soul power, and boost your vibration and spiritual connection to god, to the divine. So practice deep meditation with your soul, and create time for spiritual prayer to build that richer deeper connection with your heart and soul. Also, it is important to note that affirmations are best done when we are deeply and spiritually connected.

Inner Work: Doing the inner work, the shadow work, soul work, and inner child work helps us heal old trauma, old ancestral, karmic, and energetic patterns in ourselves, our family line, and the collective. That is why I LOVE working with archetypal therapy as archetypes are a powerful and fast way to identify our shadow traits and deep inner child wounding.

Be Authentic: Work on being authentic, being honest with yourself first and foremost and others. It helps free the soul and detach from the deep hold the ego has on the identity we think we need to present to the world. A very natural way to boost your vibration, your soul.

Know You Are Enough: When you know you are enough it is much easier to show up as you, show up in a healthy, confident way. So many lightworkers and spiritual business owners sabotage their success by trying to be something they are not. Trying to be more of something they are never meant to be. You are here to be you, this helps us let go and let god.

Stay On Your Path: Staying in our lane, focusing on our spiritual journey, and our life purpose helps accelerate our vibration tenfold. The more you get distracted by others’ roles, knowledge tools, and techniques than what you are here to do. The more you scatter and lower the energy of your own soul path and soul connection.

Get Grounded: Get grounded as much as possible, we are so used to living in such unnatural environments, we don’t realize how unhealthy and ungrounded we are. So get out in mother nature, and bring more nature to you. Essential oils, house plants, and certain crystals can help support us with grounding. So can energy tools that help protect our energy.

Use Natural Medicine: We are so lucky to be surrounded by nature’s medicine in our gardens and nature, but also today have such easy access to so many forms of natural medicine, and nutritional healing from nature. There are so many things in nature that can help support our wellbeing, for example, I have some fresh mint in my garden that I use as an infusion, and lavender is extremely soothing and healing. Many essential oils can raise our vibration energy, like lemon oil and orange oil are great for boosting our mood, rose is gently uplifting, and great for grief, loneliness, and heartache.

Expand Your Heart: Heart expansion helps us raise our vibration, and increase our capacity for more compassion, love, and generosity of spirit. Our heart intelligence has a higher wisdom, and higher vibration than our egoic mind. That is why it is so important for us to work on expanding our spiritual heart such as in this heart meditation.

I hope you have enjoyed my suggestions, if you would love more help to raise your vibration, and expand your soul power and soul connection check out my free lightworkers library and my Lightworkers portal, packed with a plethora of spiritual tools for Lightworkers. If would love more personal one-to-one support check out my supportive coaching and healing sessions. CLICK HERE

Stress Resilience For Lightworkers Course

Why Highly Sensitive Coaches Struggle To Make Money

Why Highly Sensitive Coaches Struggle To Make Money

Why Highly Sensitive Coaches Struggle Financially In Their Business

One of the biggest challenges many highly sensitive coaches, therapists and healers have is they have all sorts of struggles with financial abundance. They can have all sorts of challenges in their business and their life because of this. I know and understand this very being a self-employed highly sensitive empath, coach and healer for over 23 years who has supported many lightworkers, empaths and highly sensitive coaches with their business.

Main Motivations Of Highly Sensitive Coaches

The highly sensitive person or empaths driving motivation can appear in many ways to be related to the top of maslows hierachy needs instead of the bottom.  The highly sensitive coach is often not driven by the same money goals that most other coaches are. Their client, work and financial relationship is often far more complex.

What I witnessed as both a coach/trainer and client to many coaches and therapists.  In-fact even as a client to many coaches and healers over a 25 year period. Was that many of the most gifted and qualified coaches/ therapists were highly empathic and HSP. They were also are the most likley to under charge in comparison to some of the most awful coaches and healers who charged premium prices.

So let’s look more deeply at why the HSP Coach tends to struggle with financial abundance

spiritual coaching programs for healers

Success Struggles Of Highly Sensitive Coaches

Highly Sensitive Coaches are motivated by self-actualization in many ways this takes dominance. They are very much more focused on the spiritual self.

Highly Empathic Coaches can be so aware or entangled up with other’s pain they just want to be of service, they forget they are actually running a business.

The Highly Sensitive And Empathic Coach is often more dominated by their altruistic  traits so not driven by money or financial success.

The Highly Sensitive Coach often resists the business, marketing and technical aspect of their business. Many Empathic or Highly Sensitive Coaches fear the business and marketing part of the business. This can cause them great distress and anxiety.

Challenges Highly Sensitive Coaches Have Running Their Business

How To Start Healing Your Money And Abundance Struggles

Get More Grounded

Traditional based Meditation Techniques and grounding strategies including spending time in nature help support and heal the root chakra. It is important you address root level challenges, conditioning, and beliefs that need to be addressed.

Be More Open To Receiving

Often life’s over givers, carers, healers, therapists and empathic coaches come from such a place of lack of over-giving, they have forgotten how to receive. Don’t get caught up in how the universe gives/provides, trust, and be open to receiving the help and support in whatever shape it comes. Focus on gratitude daily this will increase your vibration.

Heal Your Wounds

If you are highly empathic or highly sensitive and affected deeply by other people’s energy. Heal your own wounds, heal your own issues by healing your inner child and our shadow archetypal traits. Being aware of other’s pain and taking others’ pain are two very different things. Many coaches and healers can go into this type of work because of their own life challenges which are still being healed. This can take time but it is vital you address them.

Own Your Sensitive Gifts

Own your uniqueness, your spark of wonder, your specific gifts you are here to share with your clients. So many highly sensitive coaches doubt their own abilities, stop focusing on what everyone else is offering or charging, do your own thing. Stop giving your energy and power away.

Face Your Fears

Face and address your own sabotaging fears or sabotaging patterns of behaviour. There is no point focusing on a law of attraction mindset if you are trying to suppress or deny what needs to be addressed.  What we resist persists, what we suppress will eventually come to the surface. 

Own Your Coaching Business

Start owning you are a business service, address any issues you have around this. So many of the highly sensitive coaches and therapists that I work with have struggled for years because of a variety of views. A common belief is that lightworkers shouldn’t need to advertise. Many common in to business believing that if they are doing such great work that their ideal audience will find them. They don’t have a proper marketing plan or strategy or have an advertisement budget to grow their business. Too many don’t survive.

Get Connected

When you get connected with spirit, god, and your essence. You live each day with a bigger sense of confidence, calm, and trust. You get out of your fearful sabotaging head and into a state of being. And how can you do that, well with the right type of meditation. The type of meditation or technique that helps you access that sense of presence, stillness, and inner wisdom at almost the switch of a button. When we can bring in a state of peace, stillness, and connectedness to our moment to moment life. Our fearful sabotaging mind starts to fall away.*


spiritual coaching programs for healers, highly sensitive coaches, empaths, lightworkers

How To Be Authentic In Your Spiritual Business - Eileen Burns, Soul Purpose Coach and Spiritual Business Strategist