Authenticity And Self Expression – The Power of Being You

Authenticity And Self Expression – The Power of Being You

Authenticity and Self Expression – The Power Of Being You in a happy and healthy self aware way. Healthy authenticity and unhealthy narcissism.

What is Authenticity?

Authenticity is showing up as one’s true self; the act of living and sharing your core values and motives from a space of transparency.

Studies around “Realness is a core feature of Authenticity” demonstrates

What is Self Expression?

Self expression is the action of sharing one’s thoughts, feelings or ideas, through action, voice, the creative arts such as art, dance, music even innovation.

Problems With Authenticity And Self Expression

Authenticity In Your Spiritual Business

The problem today with authenticity and self expression. Is that many people today gets confused by narcistic attention seeking behaviour and authentic self expression.

Where the world is expected to bow down to other people’s narcissistic demands, gaslighting or ideology in away that threatens someone’s else’s authentic values and opinions. When in reality true authentic self expression, comes from the confidence of truly understanding and expressing ourself in a deep and objective way without the need or expectation for other people’s approval or recognition.

Another personality trait that can seriously get in the way of being truly authentic in your life and business is neuroticism. Healers, therapists and coaches who procrastinate a lot in their business and who suffer for imposter syndrome can suffer from have a high level of neuroticism.

At their core they often don’t really know, love or trust themself. Suffer from deep rooted fear and wounding.

What Is Narcissism?

Narcissism is a self–centered personality trait where they tend to be obsessive around one’s self at the expense of other people.

Lack Empathy

Lack Introspection

Blame Others For Their Mistakes or Misfortune

Constantly Gaslight their victims

Deny Errors and Mistakes

Highly Impulsive

Anger Easily and Hold Grudges

Enjoy Revelling In Other People’s Pain

What is Neuroticism?

Neuroticism is regarded as a core personality trait that relates to someone’s mental and emotional stability and inability to self-regulate, it is associated with dissatisfaction and distress.

Commmon traits include

Complain A Lot

High Anxiety

Difficulty Managing Emotions And Urges

Tend To Be Mistrusting and Suspicious

Easily Jealous

Find It Difficult To Make And Sustain Relationships

In reality those who are neurotic struggle to be truly authentic due to fear what others may think.

Recent Studies Around Authenticity

There is a variety of types of research in relation to authenticity.

According to SPANE assessment, people who are more authentic are far happier and healthier.

Realness is a core feature of Authenticity” demonstrates “realness as the relatively stable tendency to act on the outside the way one feels on the inside, without regard for proximal personal or social consequences.”

So even though we know being authentic is part of integrity in many areas of our life and business, In some causes authenticity can be simply just self serving especially when we do no take into account the consequences of what we share. Though one study suggests people who tend to be more authentic tend to get less angry in situations that are unfair.

Top Tips How To Be More Authentic

Know You Are Enough

The more you know and feel you are enough, the more you understand how important it is to be yourself, the easier it is to be truly you.

Know Yourself Deeply Enough To

Know yourself deeply enough that you can be authentic, being authentic is banned about today by many who don’t know themself at all. Truly being authentic is about letting go of who we think we need, should or have been conditioned to be. And learn to unlock more of who we truly are.

Live Your Life By Your Core Values

The more you know yourself the easier it is to to know and live by your values. In a spiritual business your core values are often your biggest soul client attractor.

Identify Your Shadows And Masks

The digger you deep into truly getting to know yourself, observe yourself the easier it is to see the shadows and the masks we hide behind and get entangled in. Archetype work is a powerful way to identify your most dominant shadow traits and masks.

Learn To Communicate As Honesty As You Can

Honest sincere communication from the heart, is one of the most powerful ways to be authentic in your day to day life.

Get More Creative, Find Different Ways To Express Yourself

Creativity is a healthy way to express yourself, your joy, pain and emotions in a healthy way for all concerned. The Creative arts such as creative writing or creative play, can be a powerful form of self-healing for releasing trauma, healing the inner child and identity issues holding you back from being truly authentic.

Archetypal and Inner Child Work

Archetypal and inner child work hand and hand is a powerful way to help one move into alignment with your true essence. Heal the deepest shadows and masks that are keeping you small, stuck or lost in someone else’s identity or beliefs.

5 Easy Steps To Authenticity In Business

How To Be Authentic In Your Spiritual Business - Eileen Burns, Soul Purpose Coach and Spiritual Business Strategist


Space For Sensitives and Lightworkers

Safe Space For Sensitives and Lightworkers



A Safe Space For Awakened Sensitives and Lightworkers


A new spiritual empowerment portal for awakened sensitives, empaths and lightworkers.

Who are seeking the right community and empowerment

tools to help them step up into their power and soul’s mission.

The lightworkers portal is a space of sensitive souls who want to become more emotionally and mentally resilient,

will being honoured, respected and supported you in your soul’s mission.


Soul empowerment coaching, spiritual development tools for healers


My name is Eileen Burns, a sensitives coach, healer and therapist and a highly sensitive empath.


Who has been on a healing journey of discovery for over 30 years


As someone who was chronically shy but very caring,

generous and compassionate.

I like you have struggled with some of the challenges of modern day living,

like many sensitives and empaths do.


Chronic health challenges from the age of 19 led me down the holistic route and on a journey of spiritual discovery I never imagined.


But it took me many years to realise how much my sensitivity had played such a huge part in the way I showed up in life, how life reflected back and how it also impacted my health.



As someone who has always been highly sensitive to the world and energies around me.


I found myself on a long and windy road, on the road less travelled,

where I explored the teachings and workings of so many holistic and spiritual souls.

I got to learn so many wonderful and powerful tools that have helped me step more and more into my power, become so much more energetically resilient when others would have gave up.


I will be sharing so much of what lessons I have learned, tools I have been taught through my journey as the client, the healer, the student, the teacher.


Some painful, some sad, some amusing,

some inspiring and other’s mind blowing.


You can learn how to turn your greatest struggles as a sensitive into your greatest gifts


Ready to learn you how to LOVE, OWN and RESPECT who YOU are.


Not who or what others think or expect you to be.


Ready to stand tall the powerful sensitive you are here to be,

learn how to harness your sensitive gifts the right way?


And to learn even when we still haven’t got it fully right


Check out my Lightworkers Library a small sample of what is in my Lightworkers Portal for Awakened Empaths, Sensitives, Healers and Coaches

Lightworkers Step Into Your Power Meditation