Empowerment Quotes to help inspire, empower, and motivate you to live a more soul-aligned life and purpose. Inspirational thoughts and ideas for an empowered life.
Empowerment Quotes For Life
Empowering quotes for life
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” — E.E. Cummings
“Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is believing you’re worth the trip.” — Glenn Beck
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” — Aristotle
“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”– Buddha
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Empowerment Quotes For Life Purpose And Soul Purpose
Empowering quotes to help you align with your life purpose and soul purpose.
“If you look to others for fulfilment, you will never be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you.” – Lao Tzu
“True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” – Helen Keller
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
Empowering Quotes For Business and Work
Empowerment Quotes for work and business.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” — C.S. Lewis
“There is nothing impossible to they who will try.”— Alexander the Great
“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” — Malcolm S. Forbes
The gig economy is empowerment. This new business paradigm empowers individuals to better shape their own destiny and leverage their existing assets to their benefit. John McAfee
“In a truly free society, individuals are granted responsibility for themselves. Freedom necessitates that we learn how to provide for ourselves, contributing value in whatever form, to generate personal income. We then decide how we wish to spend or save earned income; freedom is the reward for fulfilling personal responsibilities.” ― Candace Owens
How we all can co-create the new earth together, how we can become more of the solution than the problem in the current climate.
Why Co-Creating A New Earth Has Never Been As Strong As It Is Today. As we wake up and see clearly more and more of the distorted structures and hidden agendas that has been playing out in our world. We understand at both a mental and deep soul level how important it is for us to really start to come together and create a world we can be proud of not ashamed of.
Co-Creating A New Earth For Our Children’s Future
We all know how important it is that children are meant to be protected, nurtured and blessed as much as they possibly can. I like many of you want to make sure our children, my beautiful nieces and nephews have a beautiful future not a new w😱rld 😱rder agenda.
So how do we start co-creating a new earth our children deserve? How do we start really making a difference when so many people are still so fast asleep and things seem insane?
8 Top Tips To Creating A New Earth
Here are some of my humble suggestions or tip to co-creating a new earth we can start being proud of.
Access Your Spiritual Power
Recognise you are more powerful than you think you are. Being able to access both our personal power and spiritual power is so important at this time. Believe me you are more powerful than you think you are. You are more stronger than you think you are. The more we can access our spiritual power the more pure our personal power can be.
Expand Your Heart Intelligence
The more we work on opening and expanding our heart, the higher we vibrate, the higher we increase our capacity to create higher vibrational opportunities and situations.
Be Part Of The Solution
Be part of the solution, by understanding that we all have to take personal responsibility for our inaction as much as action. Have enough awareness when we are not taking self-responsibility for present challenges. As lightworkers we all have different gifts, skills and abilities. We can’t fight every battle, we are not here to fix everything or heal everyone but to heal ourselves, be our greatest selves and we start to become a vital part of the solution, we start to see what we can do.
Understand that we are even more powerful when we work together
Co-Creating A New Earth involves us coming together, working together as a community, as neighbours, friends and family with more peace in our heart. Doing our personal inner work, so we can come together with more compassion, understanding and tolerance.
Take One Day At A Time
Creating A New Earth will take time, it is going to take in many ways some trial and error, as we are all so used to living and working in the 3d ego led paradigm.
Keep It Simple
One of the biggest ways the ego try’s to trick is in life is to think that we can only make a difference, we can only be powerful if something is over complicated when that is so not true. The butterfly effect teaches out of the smallest kindness can create the most positive ripples.I meet so many in the spiritual industry who make bold claims or bold statements they can never back up. Because they feel they need to appear bigger, better than what they are presently achieving. When the reality is each small shift can create a healthier foundation. Bigger shifts not based on the purest intention can be very more damaging.
Get Soul Deep
Work on getting soul deep with your intentions and with your spiritual connection. This is the foundation to get good soul guidance, and much better spiritual discernment, ease and flow. This also helps support you through your spiritual awakening with more grace.
Get Creative
Creativity is one of the most powerful ways we can bring creative solutions, new ideas, new solutions to creating change. The more we all can start tapping into our creative gifts, the more we can channel soul aligned creative solutions. Tapping into the creative archetype, artist archetype, even the magical child archetype and alchemist archetype can help. Creative storytelling such as our Fairytale Writing Course can help us shift ourselves from the victim to hero.
Why Highly Sensitive Coaches Struggle Financially In Their Business
One of the biggest challenges many highly sensitive coaches, therapists and healers have is they have all sorts of struggles with financial abundance. They can have all sorts of challenges in their business and their life because of this. I know and understand this very being a self-employed highly sensitive empath, coach and healer for over 23 years who has supported many lightworkers, empaths and highly sensitive coaches with their business.
Main Motivations Of Highly Sensitive Coaches
The highly sensitive person or empaths driving motivation can appear in many ways to be related to the top of maslows hierachy needs instead of the bottom. The highly sensitive coach is often not driven by the same money goals that most other coaches are. Their client, work and financial relationship is often far more complex.
What I witnessed as both a coach/trainer and client to many coaches and therapists. In-fact even as a client to many coaches and healers over a 25 year period. Was that many of the most gifted and qualified coaches/ therapists were highly empathic and HSP. They were also are the most likley to under charge in comparison to some of the most awful coaches and healers who charged premium prices.
So let’s look more deeply at why the HSP Coach tends to struggle with financial abundance
Success Struggles Of Highly Sensitive Coaches
Highly Sensitive Coaches are motivated by self-actualization in many ways this takes dominance. They are very much more focused on the spiritual self.
Highly Empathic Coaches can be so aware or entangled up with other’s pain they just want to be of service, they forget they are actually running a business.
The Highly Sensitive And Empathic Coach is often more dominated by their altruistic traits so not driven by money or financial success.
The Highly Sensitive Coach often resists the business, marketing and technical aspect of their business. Many Empathic or Highly Sensitive Coaches fear the business and marketing part of the business. This can cause them great distress and anxiety.
How To Start Healing Your Money And Abundance Struggles
Traditional based Meditation Techniques and grounding strategies including spending time in nature help support and heal the root chakra. It is important you address root level challenges, conditioning, and beliefs that need to be addressed.
Be More Open To Receiving
Often life’s over givers, carers, healers, therapists and empathic coaches come from such a place of lack of over-giving, they have forgotten how to receive. Don’t get caught up in how the universe gives/provides, trust, and be open to receiving the help and support in whatever shape it comes. Focus on gratitude daily this will increase your vibration.
Heal Your Wounds
If you are highly empathic or highly sensitive and affected deeply by other people’s energy. Heal your own wounds, heal your own issues by healing your inner child and our shadow archetypal traits. Being aware of other’s pain and taking others’ pain are two very different things. Many coaches and healers can go into this type of work because of their own life challenges which are still being healed. This can take time but it is vital you address them.
Own your uniqueness, your spark of wonder, your specific gifts you are here to share with your clients. So many highly sensitive coaches doubt their own abilities, stop focusing on what everyone else is offering or charging, do your own thing. Stop giving your energy and power away.
Face Your Fears
Face and address your own sabotaging fears or sabotaging patterns of behaviour. There is no point focusing on a law of attraction mindset if you are trying to suppress or deny what needs to be addressed. What we resist persists, what we suppress will eventually come to the surface.
Own Your Coaching Business
Start owning you are a business service, address any issues you have around this. So many of the highly sensitive coaches and therapists that I work with have struggled for years because of a variety of views. A common belief is that lightworkers shouldn’t need to advertise. Many common in to business believing that if they are doing such great work that their ideal audience will find them. They don’t have a proper marketing plan or strategy or have an advertisement budget to grow their business. Too many don’t survive.
Get Connected
When you get connected with spirit, god, and your essence. You live each day with a bigger sense of confidence, calm, and trust. You get out of your fearful sabotaging head and into a state of being. And how can you do that, well with the right type of meditation. The type of meditation or technique that helps you access that sense of presence, stillness, and inner wisdom at almost the switch of a button. When we can bring in a state of peace, stillness, and connectedness to our moment to moment life. Our fearful sabotaging mind starts to fall away.*