Unruly Empaths – When Everyone Wants A Piece Of You

Unruly Empaths – When Everyone Wants A Piece Of You

Empaths When Everyone Wants A Piece Of You

One of the biggest challenges many empaths have is they get burned out and overwhelmed with empathy fatigue. They can feel energetically scattered and feel  that everyone wants a piece of them. The problem is there is a lot of myths and different opinions around being an empath. So many people struggle to understand the unique challenges empaths face.

As Dr. Elaine Aaron and Dr. Northrup suggest there are a lot more people who think they are empaths than they are. Just because you have empathic traits but that doesn’t mean you are an empath.

Unhealthy Empath

Especially if you are the unhealthy type of empath who automatically wants to help fix, heal, nurture, care, or support anyone who you think needs it. You will end up with some sort of burnout or dis-ease. Because unconsciously you absorb other people’s pain often while other’s feed off and deplete your energy.

This can be an unhealthy cycle many empaths struggle to break. For a variety of reasons, one is that consciously and unconsciously empaths tend to be strong caretakers, altruists, are motivated by being of service.

Often so in tune with other people’s pain,  so used to absorbing all sorts of energy around them. That saying no and having boundaries can feel as if it goes against your soul’s mission and soul essence.

Empaths Need To Learn How To Say NO

As an empath and/or sensitive you have to be able to say no, you need to learn how to have strong boundaries. You have to be energetically aware when others are trying to push their agenda and needs onto you. At a cost to you. You are the only person who knows what you can give to others healthily and what you can’t, something I still work on. And yes for most empaths boundaries is not something that comes easily.

Empath Overwhelm

Why Empaths Attract The Needy, The Narcissists, and Energetic Vampires

So many empaths attract the needy, the narcissists, and the energy vampires. If we are not fully in our body or mindful don’t it can be harder to detect when we are being sucked dry energetically by another person until after the event.

So many of us have spent most of our life enmeshed in other people’s drama, energy, and pain that we genuinely don’t recognise our own needs or feelings in the situation.

Energetic Boundaries And Self Awareness For Empaths

So energetic and boundary awareness is something unboundaried empaths need to work on.  Anyone who struggles with energetic boundaries can also be more easily swayed by other people’s ideas, and thoughts because of the dis-entanglement of energetic thought patterns.

 If you were discouraged from standing up for your own needs as a child or were silenced in some way.  Lack of assertiveness and boundaries has to be addressed alongside a deep recognition that your needs are as important as others.

Inner Child Healing And Therapy

Inner Child work can help address our core woundings; trauma, beliefs and conditioning formed in childhood that can be a contributing factor of unhealthy and unruly empaths.

As a highly sensitive caring empath for as long as I can remember. I attracted many people and situations in my personal and business life that didn’t serve me. Why? Because I am a natural over giver, someone who for most of my life has been an energetic sponge.

When Everyone Wants A Piece Of You At Work

On one hand, it can extremely positive when you have skills and gifts people feel they want or need. But only when your gifts are being equally valued. When you are receiving the right exchange and energy efficiently in a healthy and balanced way.

But so many empaths in businesses not only undervalue their worth but are so motivated by service to others. Their business can easily become more of a charity rather than a business.  Often letting their empathic nature get in the way of vital business decisions. Empaths in business often attract too many freebie seekers, and those strong in their shadow eternal child or victim archetypes.

When You Attract Mostly The Freebie Seekers

For years I attracted as a highly empathic nurturer and caregiver I attracted so many of the wrong clients and the wrong audience. Despite always giving many freebies in my business. I would receive so many emails and Facebook messages from those looking for favors, discounts, or freebies.

As someone who lived on their own, self-employed with a lot of disabilities and health challenges that impacted my daily life and work great. I had to learn to set healthier boundaries and stop giving into clients and students that were often not being completely honest with themself or me.

Most importantly I need to remind myself daily that I need to be served in life to serve others.

When everyone wants a piece of you for free, in-fact expects a piece of you for free, that is something that has to be addressed.

Toolkit for Empaths and HSP's - Highly Sensitive People

The Problem With People Pleasing Empath

If you have been a people pleaser most of your life, as an empath it can be harder to say NO than the person asking will ever realise. As you are so energetically aware of that person’s emotional pain and vulnerabilities.

Now I run quite a few free Facebook groups for many years but I closed many of them down because of some of the crazy expectations and sense of entitlement.

So many personal messages from people who assumed I should give my time, energy, wisdom, and even courses for free. Despite already offering a plethora of resources; free blogs, podcasts, videos, self-study, and live training. Even more surprising was the amount of manipulation from a group of empaths and highly sensitive people.

Empaths Tips – What You Can Do To Take Your Power Back

Develop Self Awareness

when we develop more awareness of the self and our energy we can become more detached from the drama and projections of others. We are less likely to be triggered by our empathic vulnerabilities. One of the easiest ways to do that is to learn effective meditation techniques.  Check out my 5 Minute Meditation a powerful meditation tool.

Know Your Needs Are Your Priority

it is vital you work on recognising you are just as important as those around you. You need to be able to take care of your needs before you help anyone else. Lemon oil can help us get more clarity and focus.

Step Back Energetically

consciously step away from their energy and get grounded. If you have to imagine you are removing that person from your energy field or unhooking them, do so.  Most people have no awareness they are hooking in on or taking from someone energetically. They are just like everyone else on the planet unconsciously trying to get a need filled. Learn to protect your energy with the right energy clearing and energy protection tools.

Take Time Out

take plenty of time to unplug from everything, especially others’ energy fields. So you energetically get back into your own body. Even moving yourself to another room or outside, space from the situation for a few minutes can help.

Don’t Overthink It

don’t allow the ruminating mind to take over. Oh, I should be helping them…it’s a shame…

Disentangle From Others’ Victimhood And Manipulation

Don’t allow someone else’s victimhood or manipulation to hook you into their mess. This is simply a subtle form of control, that people use to get what they want out of a situation.

Access Your Inner Wisdom

allow your inner guidance to make the right decisions again don’t let others sway your decisions. As a very highly sensitive empath and intuitive who has worked with energy for over 30 years. I often have a deep sense of knowing or feeling others’ energetic motives which others are unaware of. When I allow others views to cloud my guidance it usually doesn’t serve me.

Heal Your Inner Child

Heal the childhood experiences that have made you believe you have to fix, nurture, care, support, and heal others. Heal the inner child that struggles or doesn’t know how to set energetic boundaries.

soul empowerment coaching for empaths and healers

Soul Empowerment Coaching with Eileen Soul Empowerment Coach

What is an Empath?  Common Archetypal Traits Of Empaths

Soul Empowerment Coaching with Eileen Soul Empowerment Coach


6 Ways How To Reduce Stress As A Highly Sensitive Person

6 Ways How To Reduce Stress As A Highly Sensitive Person

How Can You Reduce Stress As A Highly Sensitive Person

The Highly Sensitive Person

is so much more sensitive to external and internal stimuli they need to be more pro-active to reduce stress levels. Anxiety and stress are high in our western busy and over-stimulated way of life. But that doesn’t mean just because you are a highly sensitive person or highly empathic that you need to suffer from chronic anxiety or chronic stress.

Chronic Stress As A Highly Sensitive Person

Chronic stress is triggered by our fears, it is our reaction to the world around us, the way we psychologically and physiologically respond to situations, people, and the things around us. The biggest cause of stress today is our mental thoughts; our conditioning, what we attach and give power to.

But external stimuli such as environmental noise,  information overload can certainly play their part so can environmental and internal toxins. But the way we view the world, situations, very much represents how we show up in the world.

If you are an HSP, a highly sensitive person who views the world as a highly harsh, uncaring, and dangerous place. You will show up in the world as a very fearful, highly anxious, sensitive soul. Who struggles to survive never mind find their way in the world.


stress resilience for Highly Sensitive Person, Lightworkers,



The highly sensitive person or highly empathic person has tremendous gifts to share with the world. They have tremendous compassion and huge insight into those around them. Especially highly sensitive empaths because they are highly intuitive and highly sensitive to the psyche, the energy and emotions of the people, places and situations around them.

But this can make the sensitive person more vulnerable to other’s anxiety and stress, to mass consciousness, and to many other things that most people can comprehend.

Some famous people who have been regarded as HSP a highly sensitive person include Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Diana- The Princess Of Wales, Judy Garland, Mother Theresa.

You can learn more about a highly sensitive person’s traits here.


HSP Stress - Reducing Stress As A Highly Sensitive Person Empath

6 Simple Ways You Can Deal With Stress As A Highly Sensitive Person

Assertiveness- learn how to say NO, one of the biggest challenges many HSP’s and particular empaths have a challenge with. Is the ability to say NO. Empaths feel others’ pain and fears so deeply they often struggle to identify their own needs. So struggle to set healthy boundaries.

Be Yourself – trying to fit in, comparing yourself to other’s, judging yourself on other’s ideas of what you should and shouldn’t be like. Is a huge source of distress.  You are more than enough, even in within your vulnerability, your physical, emotional, and even mental sensitivity, you are enough. You are unique, special, wonderful and here to be you.

Get Soul Connected – Develop a strong soul connection, build a deeper spiritual connection within yourself, your heart and soul. Become more soul-aligned in our spiritual path, to follow our own soul’s guidance and own truth.

Groundedbecome more grounded physically, mentally, and emotionally get out of your head, and get connected to your body and the earth around and underneath you. I find the essential oil blend On Guard a great aid. When you are more grounded your energetic field is much stronger so you have healthier boundaries to other people’s negativity and emotions.

Be In The Moment– learn how to be more present, more in the moment, take each step, each day as it comes, let go of yesterday’s and tomorrow’s, see below as meditation and mindfulness can help. You tend to be more grounded and find it easier to naturally assert your own needs when you live in the moment.

Meditatemeditation is a powerful way to connect with the self, that space where stillness and calm resides, where wisdom, true insight and guidance evolves from. Meditation helps quieten the mind and helps develop a powerful connection with our inner wisdom.

Unplug- a highly sensitive person or highly empathic person usually needs to unplug and switch off more frequently than other’s do. HSP’s tend to have sensory processing issues which affects the autonomic nervous system. So the slightest over stimulation can trigger the “fight or flight” stress response. Leaving the HSP highly wired, anxious, stressed, and exhausted.

Cushioning – is a stress management strategy that helps cushion you from the impact of a stressor or stressors. It involves using any practical, therapeutic, or strategical strategy that will help you reduce stress and become more resilient to the stressors of everyday life. It can involve taking action, managing or reducing the stressor in question but also includes an aspect of balance into your life. It involves having a more healthier approach to your everyday life, so you are generally more stress-resilient.

Stress Resilience For Lightworkers Course - Daily stress tools to reduce stress if you are a highly sensitive person, empath or lightworker


Overcoming Chronic Stress As A Highly Sensitive Person

No matter how long you have suffered chronic anxiety or chronic stress as a highly sensitive person or an empath. You don’t just have to live with it, your life as an HSP doesn’t have to be stressful.

I was a highly anxious, stressed out teenager, who suffered chronic unworthiness, who tried to relentlessly to deny and resist my empathic traits and highly sensitive traits.

I started to suffer extreme health challenges including burn-out from the age of 19. And spent a large part of my twenties extremely ill, exhausted, and isolated. Out of this experience, I became a meditation teacher, healer, coach, and stress management expert.

I have helped many people including many highly sensitive people and highly sensitive children move from a chronic anxious  or stress state of being to a more calm confident way of being.

No matter how challenging life may feel at the moment believe me your life as a highly sensitive person can be far richer, peaceful, lighter, and free than you can imagine with the right tools, the right healing and support.

You can learn turn to your sensitivity into your super power gifts, your super powers I share more in my Lightworkers Portal and my 👇 Free 6 Day Stress Resilience Course For Lightworkers 👇


stress resilience for Highly Sensitive Person, Lightworkers,

8 Ways To Help Reduce Teenage Exam Stress

8 Ways To Help Reduce Teenage Exam Stress

8 Ways How To Reduce Teenage Exam Stress And Anxiety

Top tips on helping reduce student and teenage study and exam stress, hep your teen feel more calm, confident and relaxed when exam time and study time comes around.

Exam Stress And Anxiety From Exam Performance

Sadly Exam Stress And Anxiety Is A Big Problem For Many Students And Teenagers. Especially with such increase in mental health challenges in young people, especially chronic anxiety and depression.

Exam stress for many is actually stress anxiety, for some it is more anxiety performance. Most students and teenagers are suffering from both exam stress and exam anxiety, so it is important to approach both.Most of us when we hear the word exam get a feeling of panic.

But there is so many simple things your young adult or teenager can do to reduce exam stress and anxiety. With the right approach and the right tools you can help increase calm and confidence.

Teenage Exam Stress Infographic - 8 Ways To Reduce Exam Stress In Students And Teens

Top Tips To Reduce Teenage Exam Stress And Anxiety

Create A Suitable Study Space:

Make sure your child or teenager has a suitable comfortable space to study where they wont be disturbed or distracted. A space

that is ideal to encourage more calm and focus. For teenagers who lack focus or suffer from ADHD, the NYR Study Remedies roller ball is ideal to fit in a pocket, purse, or bag. Lemon essential oil improves focus and concentration.

Encourage A Balanced Study Routine:

Help or encourage your teenager to create a healthy and balanced study timetable. It is so important your teenagers prioritise their time effectively.

It can be so easy for them to want to avoid subjects they struggle with or are concerned over.

Reduce External Stressors: 

Help take the pressure off your teenager by reducing external stressors as much as you can. If your child normally has a lot of household chores, a job, try reducing the level of those chores temporarily during study and exam time. So they are not overwhelmed, overstressed and over exhausted.

Boost Your Teens Confidence And Self-Worth:

Support your teenage by boosting their confidence, self-worth and self-esteem. Focus on their strengths, praise them, be kind to them reduce criticism and help them understand that their worth does not equate to their exam results.

Teenagers  today are put under extreme pressure from all angles, especially peer and educational pressure. It is important to do what you can to encourage a healthier mindset, increased confidence, self-worth and self-esteem.

Encourage Time Out:

Make sure your teenager takes plenty of breaks between study time and exams. It is important they take time to switch off and have fun.

Reduce Technology Overload:

We use technology for so much in our lives that we forget how over-stimulating and energy-depleting it can be. Also, most computers and mobile devices such as iPads emit blu ray technology which can play havoc with our nervous system and sleep patterns. So ensure they spend time off computers, phones, facebook…

Teach Them How To Meditate And Relax:

Meditation and relaxation techniques can be really helpful at helping anxious teenagers switch off. Teenagers love my less than 5 Minute Meditation (included in the Exam Stress Kit) is the most popular tool I have taught for 20 years. Muscle relaxations are great at reducing anxiety, muscle tension and sleep challenges, all in my Exam Stress Toolkit For Teens And Students.

Encourage Deep Quality Sleep:

Good quality sleep can make a huge difference to our concentration, focus, and memory recall. Guided meditations designed to support sleep can be really helpful so can muscle relaxation techniques. Lavender oil is a great essential oil that can encourage a deep restful sleep. One product many clients and friends love is the NYR Organics Night Time aroma ball.

Want to support your child or teenager the right way?

My Exam Stress Toolkit is ideal for young adults, teenagers, student,s and parents who want to learn how to manage exam stress in a more natural and holistic way

Learn How To Study More Smartly

Learn How To Magically Access The Mind’s Library

Learn How To Feel More Calm And Confident

plus so much more

Beat Teenage Exam Stress - Top tips by stress expert and therapist

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

Why Lavender Essential Oil Should Be In Every Family First Aid Kit

Why Lavender Essential Oil Should Be In Every Family First Aid Kit


Why Lavender Essential Oil Should Be In Every Home First Aid Kit

Lavender essential oil is one of the most widely known and used popular essential oils for the whole family’s health and wellbeing. Learn why lavender should be in every home first aid kit is widely used by families of the world, even kids and infants. Especially when Lavender is so versatile, in its therapeutic properties, extremely calm, soothing, and generally safe.

Why Your Lavender Essential Oil Should Be Pure And High-Grade Quality

Lavender essential oil is distilled from the lavender plant which grows in rural areas and gardens all over the world. But it is important when buying lavender oil to check it is 100% pure essential oil and of high-grade quality. If you want to use lavender essential oil for therapeutic use you want to know it has a high therapeutic level unfortunately not all brands of essential oils have the same quality. I personally buy from NYR Organics and dOTERRA and the reason why I am a consultant for both.

Essential Oils For Empaths and Sensitives

The Use Of Lavender in The Pharmaceutical Industry

Lavender is widely used in the pharmaceutical, skincare, and holistic industry. It is often used in burns treatments and a lavender-oil preparation in gel capsule known as Silexan is used to reduce anxiety. It is also used in a variety of ways in mainstream medicine. One clinical study demonstrated the benefits of Lavender in helping reduce blood pressure and pulse  in those undergoing a Coronary Angiography.

I began studying aromatherapy over 25 years ago and found it fascinating how much you can treat with essential oil Ins. I loved the fact that aromatherapy gave families a more holistic and safer option than many over the counter prescriptions. Very quickly my family and friends began to replace their medicine cabinet and first aid kit with essential oils, especially pure lavender.

The Main Benefits Of Pure Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Fir Every Home First Aid Kit


It is well known as a relaxant, for its use in supporting the nervous system. So lavender can be ideal for highly sensitive children who quite like the scent.


It can be sedating for most people, the reason why it is so widely used in sleep therapy products, especially bedtime sprays and nighttime oil and bath blends. And some parents find it helpful for ADHD


Lavender has been shown in some situations to help reduce microbial activity

Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory:

 This explains why lavender can be useful for bumps, bruises, burns, sport, and other muscular injuries.

Generally, lavender essential oil is used as an aid to reduce anxiety, bumps, bruises, bites, burns, eczema, emotional lability, exhaustion, fear, hot flushes, hyperactivity, insomnia, low mood, panic attacks, PMT, restlessness, stings, stress, sunburn swollen joints, tantrums, temperatures, worry…


How to Use Pure Lavender Essential Oil

  • Bath: Add one-two drops of pure essential lavender oil to your child’s bath, 2- 3 drops for older kids 12+.
  • Massage Blend: Blend one drop of lavender oil with 15ml of carrier oil or unscented pure massage oil and apply to the skin. Infants and toddlers love baby massage it is a great way to encourage healthier bonding and as long it’s done gently for about 5-10 minutes it can help them relax or fall asleep. Use 2-3 drops of essential oils for 7-12 years. Most suitable for children over 2 years.
  • Spritzer: Add a few drops of lavender oil to water in a large spray bottle, this can be used to help children cool down or calm down.  So great for holidays
  • Compress: Add a drop of lavender to a wet compress for bums, bruises, bites, headaches or a high temperature.
  • Aromatherapy Diffuser: Diffuse lavender oil to help your child off to sleep. it can also help reduce some type of bacterial infections.

Essential Oils For Empaths and Sensitives



Soothe Your Nervous System And Inner Child With Ylang Ylang


NOISE Sensitivity- Why Noise Maybe Your Child’s Biggest Stressor

NOISE Sensitivity- Why Noise Maybe Your Child’s Biggest Stressor

NOISE Sensitivity – Why Noise Can Be A Child’s Biggest Stressor

Why Noise Sensitivity Could Be One Of Your Child’s Biggest Cause Of Stress, Anxiety And Depression

So What Is Noise Sensitivity?


Noise sensitivity is reduced tolerance to sound. It is exacberated by fatigue, infection, medications, medical conditions, stress and other stimuli. It causes different changes to brain function . In-fact it is shown that some noise sensitivity shows an increase in grey matter volume

There are different kinds of noise sensitivity. 


Hyperascius is an intolerance or even pain to different types of sound, it often occurs with tinnitus. It is extremely common in children, though many children out grow it.

Hypersensitive hearing of specific frequencies is seen in many children with autism. Some frequencies such as those above 70 decibels can be unbearable.

Misophonia is a strong reaction to specific sounds, the individual is triggered by specific sounds. There is often a strong emotional correlation to the specific sounds.Misophonia is viewed as a neurological condition it can be a symptom seen in adhd, aspergers, autism

Phonophobia (also called ligyrophobia or sonophobia) is viewed as a sub-category of misophonia. It is an emotional or anxiety disorder which is triggered by a fear of particularly loud sounds. And is often triggered by the discomfort and environmental conditioning of living with hyperacusius

Recruitment is linked to sensorineural hearing loss, the individual often has extreme hearing loss. But when someone for example shouts they suddenly hear and it can be very uncomfortable.

Noise sensitivity is often a feature of sensory processing disorders

 noise sensitivity children

Confusion around noise sensitivity issues


Many assume noise sensitivity is a psychological condition but it is main causes are a neurological reaction.

Some children do get less sound sensitive, some adults or those with specific medical conditions like untreated chronic lymes can develop increased sound sensitivity.

Some children with autism are oversensitive others are undersensitive.


Causes of noise sensitivity


According to the Brain Injury Society those with noise sensitivity “may have a history of Lyme’s disease, Meniere’s disease, TMJ, serious head injury, frequent migraines, Bell’s Palsy, facial nerve dysfunction, excessive ear irrigation or surgery. Hyperacusis can later develop as a result of damage sustained to the hearing apparatus, or inner ear, or the condition may be acquired as a result of damage to the brain or the neurological system during a head trauma event.”

I have lived with noise sensitivity for at least 28 years. But over the last few years the hyperacusis became very extreme and was accompanied by serious light and sound vibration. It got worse after surviving sepsis and approx 30 years diagnosis of m.e. But I have to say according to a test in germany it may be chronic lymes ( I had strange bites at 14 years old) and I was mercury poisoned.

As somone who has taught stress management to parents and kids for 18 years. I have worked with many children who have hyper sound sensitivity issues.  But until recently And I had no ideal how disabling, painful, uncomfortable and exhausting hyperascisus could be.

Many people say it can be torterous and I understand why they decribe it this way. I had to move from my previous home because of how the noise started to affect me. It was changed into a main through road for local traffic. And most people could never imagine how dramatically this impacted my daily life and health. On many occasions I nearly passed out, lost my balance and had violent non-epileptic type seizures all times triggered by noise. Now yes mine would appear to be caused by long-term bacterial and viral infection.

But I would urge you to try and comprehend how uncomfortable or painful noise may be for your child. Particularly if you have a very young child or a child who struggles to communicate what they are experiencing.

I am a stress management expert, with highly extensive and advanced techniques and tools to help me remain calm and relaxed in any situation. And although thank goodness I am lucky to have these tools this does not take away how much this disorder can impact your child’s mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.


So How Can You Support your Sound Sensitive Child?


1.Understand your child’s type of sound sensitivity, their triggers and symptoms.

2. Educate your child’s school and teachers on your child’s specific noise sensitivity challenges, the level of sensitivity and key triggers.

3. Prior warning of alarming and noisey sounds can prepare your child’s central nervous system. So work together with teachers, family and friends to work out cues that prepare your child for noise isssues like alarms.

4. Plan and prepare ahead- when you can choose specific times of day, places and areas of a room where your child will be less exposed to too much or particular noises. I know of a situation where a child’s mental wellbeing became seriously distressed and depressed due to the noise of the internet router next to her in her classroom.

5. Minimise the impact when you can: although it may not be a good ideal to completely eliminate your child from all noises. Noises that are extremely uncomfortable, painful or disabling can be reduced by ear muffs, ear plugs and sound cancellation ear phones.

6. Teach your child how to set healthy boundaries– an important part of growing a strong resilient child is teaching them healthy boundaries. A noise sensitive child has usually a very sensitive central nervous system. Noise is one of modern day living’s biggest stressor. So to keep your child physically, mentally and emotionally healthy. It is vital your child can  learn how to say NO to noises, games and situations that are di-stressing.

7. White Noise – Some children who are noise sensitive find white noise or fans can soften out the sharp shock of other loud noises.

8. Take Breaks & Rest – regular rest breaks from noisey environments, too many people, parties or events helps keep a child’s nervous system in check.

9. Calm And Patience: It is important that the child and parent learn hows to be calm and patient around sound sensitivity issues. Meditation is an extremely powerful tool that can help the individual cope more resiliently with the challenges. Anything that will calm the central nervous system and help reduce the stress response will help the sound sensitive child.

10. Holistic aids;  Deficiencies are sometimes viewed as an issue in sound sensitivity. Many people reduce their sensitivity with supplements of magnesium. Magnesium helps inhibit glutamate which can be a major cause of tinnitus. Magnesium also protects the ears from damage to noise sensitivity. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame often in many children’s foods, sweets, yoghurts and drinks are reputed to be neurotoxic. So elimination may be helpful.


Wandering Wednesday Link up party



Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

7 Ways To Calm Down A Hyperactive Child

7 Ways To Calm Down A Hyperactive Child

How To Calm Down A Hyperactive Child

Top tips how to calm down an overstimulated hyperactive child or child with ADHD. Understanding hyperactivity and children and how to deal with in the most calm and effective way.

What is Hyperactivity?

Hyperactivity is a state of mental, emotional and physical over-activity. Kids with Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder can be in a perpetual state of stress due to their hyper-sensitivity. A hyperactive child is more easily triggered by internal and external anxiety and stressors.”While hyperactivity is most commonly associated with ADHD, individuals might also have difficulty with a brain or nervous system disorder, emotional disorder, or hyperthyroidism.” SpecialNeeds.com 

Symptoms Of A Hyperactive Child

Behaviours and symptoms of a hyperactive child can be extremely varied. But common symptoms of hyperactivity include fidgeting, poor focus and concentration. As well as impulsiveness, irritability and aggressiveness, emotional outbursts and overwhelm. A hyperactive child maybe something you have to deal with more than just, daily or weekly. Especially with so much technology and information overload, so many kids parties and event.This can be stressful and exhaustion for you the parent, caregiver or educator. So it is important to manage or reduce the risks of hyperactivity and overstimulation as much as possible.

How to calm down a hyperactive child, a child with adhd

Here is 7 Tips To Calm Down A Hyperactive Child

Be Calm, Firm But Caring

A hyperactive child is a child in a highly over stimulated, emotional or stressed state. So it is important to approach the situation in a calm confident yet firm and caring way.The last thing you want is your anxiety, stress or emotional frustration fuelling the situation.

Most parents and caregivers have anxiety and stress so it is important to mange your own anxiety,stress  and triggers in a healthy way.The more relaxed and calm you are, the easier it is set clear caring boundaries with your child. For toddlers a firm and strong stop hand signal can give a clear message.

Especially done at eye to eye level, not hovering down or pointing a finger. Which can trigger more fear or emotional frustration.

Remove Your Hyperactive Child From Their Stressors

Removing your hyperactive child to a more calming environment or activity with is more grounding like a walk in the nature can be extremely helpful.

Or simply removing or distracting them from any sort of stimulant internally or externally will help encourage your child’s mind, body and emotions off the stress response and back into a calm and balanced state.

We are all more easily stressed by noises, lights, smells, other people’s energy and emotions when we are hyper-alert.

Free 5 Minute Meditation For Families, Adults, Teenagers, Young kids

Redirect Your Hyperactive Child To Release Excessive Energy

Encouraging a hyperactive child to use their bursts of energy in a far more focused and healthy way can help. That is why short bursts of directed exercise like doing a short sprint can be helpful. Young children can learn to shake their body like a deer does, after it freezes during a stressful event.

Any activity with a certain amount of heavy lifting can also be helpful as it requires a certain amount of focus.

Although because hyperactivity is usually triggered by sensory, stimulus or information overload followed by emotional melt downs and exhaustion. It is important not to push a hyperactive child into too much physical activity that is going to burn them out. The  main reason no 4 and 7 are so important.

Teach Your Child How To Manage And Reduce Their Stress

When a child can manage their own emotions and stress they feel more calm, confident and in control. They are less frustrated and overwhelmed. Children can learn how to relax properly with breathing or relaxation techniques. Many younger kids find blowing bubbles deeply calming.  A child’s ability to switch off and relax is vital to get deep restful sleep.

Teach Your Hyperactive Child How To Meditate

Teach a child the right type of meditation skill and you give them a friend for life. Meditation gives your child an empowering self-help tool for life. My meditation and mindfulness program for kids teaches both parent and child how to meditate in a fun and practical manner for the whole family.

Lavender For Your Hyperactive Child

Lavender essential oil is a really safe and effective oil for most ages of children when used the right way. Making up a lavender aroma ball like these by NYR Remedies To Roll can be deeply calming, soothing and relaxing.

Lavender bath salts or Pure Lavender oil can be added to the bath to be used as a sleep aid especially when deep quality sleep is so important for the hyperactive or ADDHD child. Make sure you don’t use products with synthetic fragrances or perfumes, pure essentials especially organic essential oils are natural and toxin free.

Reduce Internal Stimulants

Eliminate Stimulants i.e. sugar, artificial sweeteners, colourings especially energy drinks seriously over-stimulate the mind, body and emotions. Even foods your child is slightly intolerant to, can be too stimulating.

The reality is most foods in our supermarkets are full of refined sugars or man made ingredients, pesticides or preservatives which play havoc with our body our sugar levels and nervous system. When possible a fresh raw organic diet as much as possible can help nurture your child’s mind, body and emotions.

Fast Effective Simple Meditation for the family