Healthy Chocolate Milk Alternative Recipes
Healthy chocolate milk, is their really a healthy alternative? When we automatically think of a cool chocolately drink or chocolate desert for kids we think of chocolate, sugar and of course milk.
But for many children who are highly sensitive to sugar, dairy, preservatives and artificial flavours or colours, chocolate milk is not the wisest choice Your every day chocolate milk that can be bought in the shops is not just unhealthy, but can be too stimulating and play havoc with the gut. Often a challenged part of the body system of children with autism, aspergers, sensory issues and various health challenges.
So what sort of healthy chocolate milk recipe options are there?
Well two of the main things you can replace that can make a huge difference is the chocolate for raw healthy cacao not cocoa and almond milk instead of dairy. With a few extra healthy additional options you can make this taste really yummy.
It all depends on how sweet your child likes their milk and what they definitely don’t like. My own nieces and nephews love the recipe below, even one who doesn’t really like bananas was absolutely shocked there was a banana in this recipe and than it wasn’t technically real chocolate. But some people miss out the bananas and just use dates. It is totally up to you and your child.
Healthy Chocolate Milk Recipe
Actually Healthy Cacoa & Almond Milk Recipe
1 – 1 1/2 cup of almond milk – To Make Your Own Almond Milk Click Here
1 x Large Banana
1 – 2 tablespoons of Cacoa Powder
A few drops of vanilla essence
Optional ( 1- 2 teaspoons of peanut butter)
Optional ( 1/2 teaspoon honey, agave or date syrup*popular with the big kids)
A few ice cubes
Simply blend all above except ice into a smoothie maker or blender and serve with a straw
Healthy Hot Chocolate
Well Healthy Hot Cacoa Drink
Blend all of above ingredients (except ice) to a warm pan (except ice), for kids just slightly warm obviously adults can have a lot warmer.
Note:Best to add the chosen sweetener at end, just as its warming and ready to come off the boil or heat.
Other Options- Healthy Choco Ice Cream
Healthy Cacoa Ice Cream
A dairy free chocolate ice cream alternative.
All of above recipe, simply frozen, you can also add some cacao nibs, nuts or extra crunchy peanut butter pieces
Let me know how you get on, I would advise you to try these recipes yourself and experiment to your own tastes before getting it right for the kids.
These recipes are packed with nutrients and antioxidants, the main recipe is a great smoothie for on the go, for breakfast or for those afternoon sugar dips
[…] a cup of warm herbal tea or a warm cup of healthy cacao without refined sugar( great alternative to hot chocolate, check this recipe out). A plate of fresh fruit can be also extremely self-soothing for those of you […]