Inner Child Therapist – Eileen Burns


Inner Child Therapist For Lightworkers, Empaths, Healers, Spiritual Entrepreneurs

What Does An Inner Child Therapist Do?

An Inner Child Therapist has the skills and qualifications necessary to help support you heal your inner child or heal your inner archetype child, heal your wounded child.

Inner Child Therapists use a variety of approaches and skills such as counseling, psychotherapy, archetypal therapy, spiritual development tools, and inner child healing techniques.

Different forms of therapy and healing help equip them to support the client with inner child trauma and unhealthy conditioning in a safe, healthy, and effective way.


Heal Your Inner Child Therapy and Coaching Sessions

Heal Your Inner Child to Heal The Adult You

An opportunity to heal and release old trauma, old conditioning, and unhealthy behavior patterns formed from childhood that are sabotaging your life, your relationships, and your business. In a safe supportive nurturing space by highly qualified coach, healer, and therapist Eileen Burns.


Heal Your Inner Child Self-Study Program

Heal Your Inner Child in your own time, in your own space with this step-by-step carefully designed self-study program.

Inner Child Healing is something that should never be rushed, or forced. It is something that should be nurtured, that is why I created this step-by-step inner child connection and nurturing program.

A creative, fun, and deeply empowering inner child therapy program that looks at a variety of different inner child archetypes. That uses a variety of creative, fun inner child approaches to help you tap into your inner child, your magical child, innocent child, orphan child, wounded child, nature child, eternal child…

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Inner Child Therapy Support Videos

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil For Inner Child Work