Inner Child Healing Sessions and Inner Child Therapy Programs for Empaths, Sensitives, and Lightworkers.

Inner Child Healing, Therapy, and Archetypal Coaching with Healer and Therapist – Eileen Burns.

We have all come into life to create a wonderful life, to share our unique beautiful gifts, and to live our life and soul purpose. But the biggest things that often stop us from living those dreams to the full are trauma and distorted conditioning from our childhood wounding and trauma.

One of the powerful ways you can heal that trauma, and those distorted beliefs is with Inner Child Healing or Therapy, and Archetypal Shadow Work.

Inner Child Healing For Healers, Empaths, Lightworkers

“When you heal your inner child you heal and empower the adult you “

Inner Child Healing Sessions

Helping you heal and empower the inner you so you can live more of your life and soul purpose in a more pure, authentic, and empowered way.

The more healing and shadow work we do, the more light we can hold, and the higher we can vibrate. These sessions are tailored to unique needs, your inner child’s needs.

Some clients choose to work with their inner magical child, divine child, or creative child when it is related to energetic or creative blocks in your business.

Helping You Live The Life You Were Born To Live

Every single one of us has a unique part to play in the world and unique gifts to share and shine. But so many of you are struggling, suffering to identify, own, and shine those gifts.

As a healer for 30 years who has studied and trained in many different types of therapeutic approaches, that have included healing, counselling, and coaching, I find Inner Child Healing and Therapy sessions alongside Archetypal Work deeply healing.

Inner Child work can be an extremely and nurturing way to support clients to move forward in their lives and business when applied safely and effectively. This type of healing is particularly effective for those who are highly empathic, highly sensitive, and spiritual.

Inner Child Work and Archetypal Healing can help heal and empower you in your business, as a Spiritual Business Mentor I see how important it is for the Spiritual Entrepreneur and Lightworker to own their life. To own their strongest archetypal traits and heal those traits that are sabotaging their success, dreams, your purpose.


Healing Your Inner Child – The Highly Sensitive Adult

Why healing our wounded child can support Highly Sensitive People and Empaths who struggle with their sensitivity and highly empathic traits. Healing the inner child can be a compelling way to address all sorts of forms of unhealthy boundaries, unhealthy beliefs, distorted conditioning, lack of personal sovereignty, and disease.

How we experience and see the world as a child often shapes how we show up as adults. This is no different for the highly sensitive child who can find the unhealthy modern world too stimulating and energetically overwhelming when they have not learned how to harness their sensitive gifts in a balanced way.

Empaths and HSPs struggle to thrive in life because in some ways they have struggled to survive their childhood…LEARN MORE

Are You Ready To Heal Your Inner Wounds?

Ready To Empower and Heal The Adult You?

Inner Child Healing Workshop - Empower Your Inner Child Fairytale Writing Workshop with Eileen Burns


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