Calm Parents – Mental Resilience Tools For Parents

Calm parents help nurture a much calmer child, a less stressed teenager. The more calm and confident you can be, the easier it is to support your highly anxious, stressed, or highly sensitive child in a healthier way.

One of the biggest things I noticed when working with many anxious and highly sensitive kids, was that most of the time at least one of the main caregivers or parents was highly stressed or anxious.

Some were very highly empathic, and/or highly sensitive even if they didn’t recognise it or would not admit it.

Anxious And Stressed Parents and Caregivers

The problem with anxious parents and caregiver. Today most parents are not calm parents they are stressed and/or anxious. Something that the more anxious, empathic or sensitive child picks up on and often energetically takes on.

So many caregivers and parents are so focused on their child anxiety and stress, but very unaware of their own emotional distress. When their anxiety and stress can trigger and contribute to the anxiety cycle their children get caught up into.

The reality is calm teachers and calm parents help nurture calmer children. Distressed and overwhelmed caregivers can create more chaos and overwhelm for those around them.

Empowering Calm Parents

Feel more calm, relaxed, confident, and grounded.

Calm Parents naturally are more patient and compassionate.

Calm Parents are happier, healthier, more in the moment,

Choose from a wide range of courses and programs that will naturally help you become more of a calm confident parent, a more patient caregiver, a teacher, and mentor.

Learn some amazingly power techniques and courses that will help encourage a calm parenting style and approach from a wide range of spiritually empowering anxiety and stress resilience courses suitable for all ages.

Can’t Find The Time To Relax, Unplug Or Switch Off?

Learn How To Meditate, Relax, and Reset in less than 5 Minutes,

this technique is suitable for adults and kids from about 4 years of age

Free 5 Minute Meditation For Families, Adults, Teenagers, Young kids

This is the most popular anxiety-busting and stress-busting tool by kids, adults, and teens that I taught for over 20 years.

Healthier Sleep Helps Create Calm Parents

This deep sleep and relaxation course is helpful for parents who struggle to achieve deep quality restful sleep

Relaxation Techniques For Calm Parenting

These powerful, fast, and effective meditation and relaxation techniques
for busy stressed parents, carers, and guardians who struggle to find it difficult to switch off

Experience Deeper Calm and Stillness

Access to over 10 hours worth of traditional meditation classes and mp3’s from highly experienced meditation teacher of over 20 years

Learn To Meditate The Traditional Way

Above are just a few of Eileen’s anxiety and stress management courses, find out more at Stress Coach Training

Eileen Burns is a highly experienced therapist, coach, healer and stress management expert, who is passionate about holistic and soul-living. Owner of Stress Coach Training and Eileen Burns – Soul Empowerment Coaching.