BEING YOU – There Is No One Like You.
Why there is no one uniquely like you in this planet of 8.2 billion of people. And why it is so important you be YOU!
I remember as a young child been very stuck by something I heard as a child in relation to sharing your gifts.
That god gave us gifts and it was so important we share those gifts.
It really struck a spark inside me and the phrase don’t hide your gifts under a bushel.
From very young I was fascinated by people’s gifts and purpose.
It was always something that lit me up.
Seeing There Is No One Like You
In my late teens to adulthood I would help my friends explore their gifts and strengths.
Help them see their gifts in ways they didn’t always see those gifts.
And one thing I noticed then that still has not changed. Is how many people still cannot see their greatest gifts into their later years even those that have done a lot of work on themself.
I think there is a variety of reasons for this.
Sometimes we can struggle to see the wood from the trees. We are often so close and in many ways disconnected from ourself we cannot see things through a clear enough lens.
You Are Uniquely You
Also I have found a lot of personal development work in this area too much in your head and not enough in the heart and soul.
For example I remember about 10 years ago taking part in a soul purpose and life purpose course with a spiritual and personal development teacher who was hired by companies like Disney etc
His approach was so outdated so on the surface, that if I totally did what he implied I should be doing for my purpose. I would have been very unhappy and definitely not aligned with my soul.

There is absolutely no one like YOU.
No one with the same life experiences, no one with the same innate gifts, traits and even super power strengths like you.
Your not your tools, your titles, your job, your roles, your so much more and so YOU! With all your quirky habits and traits.
As one of 9 I look around at how different we all are.
How different we see the world and see situations that we have all experienced together.
We see the world through our own lens of experience as well as our strengths and vulnerabilities.
What Your Shadow Traits Can Say About You!
One of the problems is that many types of self development and even spiritual work don’t always help point the student to their innate gifts or soul essence.
They focus on such a surface level approach to purpose, that it can lead people towards more of their egoic and shadow wanting.
Than truly what the soul needs and wants, and is here to do.
Most really miss the gifts and power within what is sometimes seen as our shadow traits.
Because sometimes when we look more closely at a persons shadow aspect in relation to their sacred archetypes we actually see a much bigger picture of someone’s gifts, life and soul’s lessons.

STOP Trying To Be Someone Else When There Is No One Like You
Stop trying to be someone else when it is far more easier to be you.
We live in a world where we are programmed to become like the fictional characters that are presented to us in media. When god made no one like you, so you could share your unique expression in this world.
The Power Of Being You – The Authentic You
How To Be More Of You In Life And Business

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