22 Inspirational Lightworker Quotes

22 Inspirational Lightworker Quotes

22 Lightworker Quotes

Inspiration Lightworker Quotes and inspirational quotes for spiritual workers. Quotes that help and Inspire, Love, Light And Strength for Empaths, Healers, Lightworkers, Healers and Light Warriors on the spiritual path, the journey of awakening and ascension.

22 Inspiring Lightworker Quotes

Inspiring Quotes For Lightworkers, Empaths, Earthseeds and Starseeds

“When we shift our energy from fear to love, we find our way” ― Panache Desai

“In a seemingly dark and troubled world, there are hundreds and thousands of lightworkers, standing strong, refusing to dim their lights. Look for the light workers they are all around you. Follow them back to the light.”― Renae A. Sauter

“Sometimes the universe turns off all the lights so we have no choice but to find our own.” ― Rebecca Campbell

“There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”— Edith Wharton

“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”— Sogyal Rinpoche

“A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.”― St. Francis of Assisi

Lightworker Quotes by Ram Dass and Rumi

Famous inspiring quotes by Ram Dass

“The Quieter You Become The More You Can Hear” — Ram Dass

“The shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to the light.”— Ram Dass

Quotes lightworkers love by rumi

Famous inspiring quotes by Rumi

“Love is the soul’s light” – Rumi

“Your heart knows the way Run in that direction” – Rumi

“Love is the energizing elixir of the Universe, the cause and effect of all Harmony.” – Rumi

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Lightworker Quotes For Empaths And Sensitives

Empaths did not come into this world to be victims, we came to be warriors. Be brave. Stay strong. We need all hands on deck.” ― Anthon St. Maarten

“For every sensitive soul, time alone is not a luxury; it is a matter of survival.” ― Sylvia Salow

“Struggles Of An Empath and Lightworker”  Empaths and Lightworkers did not arrive on this planet to lead a cheerful carnival parade into a perfect New Earth paradise. There is much work to be done before anyone will ever enter that promised land.” ― Anthon St. Maarten

Light Warrior and Spiritual Warrior Quotes

Quotes that inspire light, spiritual courage, wisdom and peace.

“Spiritual warriors are truth speakers and light keepers, not fearmongers or cheerleaders.⁠”― Anthon St. Maarten

“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”― Mahatma Gandhi

“Many people think excitement is happiness…. But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh

“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” ― Siddhārtha Gautama

“Only by creating peace within our own mind and helping others to do the same can we hope to achieve peace in this world.” ― Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.” ― Eckhart Tolle

“We shall find peace. We shall hear angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.” ― Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Learn How To Heal Your Magical Child

Learn How To Heal Your Magical Child

Heal Your Magical Child

Heal Your Magical Child– Your Inner Magician Archetype and Inner Wounded Child. Learn why healing your inner alchemist and magician archetype can help you in your life, work, and spiritual business.

As a therapist who has been a huge fan of Archetypal and Inner Child Healing and Therapy for a few decades. I know how powerful healing your magical child is. Especially as a healer and coach who helps many magician alchemist archetypes with their business.

I am very familiar with some of the most beautiful light and disruptive shadow aspects of the magical child. The powerful gifts of the alchemist and magician But equally the common sabotaging patterns when the Alchemist is coming from a state of fear, anxiety, trauma, lack, or rejection.

I see everyday examples of the wounded magical child in so many wounded healers, coaches, intuitive, and spiritual teachers. Like most healers, I have been working on those patterns in my own life for many years.

As a highly empathic sensitive, I see many unruly empaths and healers also very disconnected from their divine and magical child. Embedded in core wounds that are keeping them stuck and afraid of their most beautiful, magical, and powerful gifts. Which they have not yet learned to fully harness.

The reality is when you can tap into and heal not just your inner child but your magical child, you can start to make big shifts. Big shifts in recognizing your power, owning and honouring your gifts, life, and soul purpose that is why shadow work and inner child work are so powerful.

But Inner Child Therapy just like any form of deep soul and trauma work should always be done by someone who has the right skill set. Make sure you choose a therapist or healer who understands and is qualified and experienced to work at a deep soul level and with trauma.

Unfortunately, I have witnessed and been on the other side of Inner Child work by healers who hadn’t a clue what they were doing. Who had no understanding or experience of working with trauma, no understanding of the psychological damage they can do when they don’t approach Inner Child Healing in a safe effective therapeutic way?

Building Connection With Your Magical Child

With any type of Inner Child work, the initial connection with the inner child must be built on trust. Especially in those who have suffered a lot of trauma, building strong inner child connections can take patience and time.

If the healer or therapist rushes the process or doesn’t know what they are doing, this can cause further issues by pushing the inner child into more hiding.

So when trying to heal your Magical Child make sure you understand you are dealing with your inner child’s view of their world, their story.

Make sure you get the right help and support from someone who can help hold your inner child in a safe space.

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How To Connect With Your Magical Child

Heal Your Magical Child, Your Inner Child

Get Quiet:

You won’t find your inner magical child in busyness or chaos. It is so important to take time to switch off from distractions, relax, and generally be in the moment. Like any child, your inner child can only be heard properly when you take time to be quiet, to be still.

Look For Magic And Miracles:

Young children tend to see the magic and awe in everything around them. Their untainted innocence and sense of wonder help* them see the beauty and magic of life and every living creature. They fully immerse themself in so many things we as adults don’t notice or take for granted. So start noticing the magic, the miracles that are here every single day.

Make Time For Fun And Play:

Too much work doesn’t just make jack a boring boy it makes him an unhealthy and unhappy boy. Make a list of all the fun things you enjoyed as a child and start bringing them into your daily and weekly life. Don’t let any distortive thoughts around age, or what you should and shouldn’t do stop you from having some inner child fun. To stay happy and healthy build a strong connection with your eternal child your playful child. Make time for hobbies, things you enjoy doing even those things you love to do but aren’t very good at, and even those things that get very very messy.

Honour Your Magical Child:

When you honour the innocent and magical aspects of your core, you honour your greatest potential and soul desires. The greatest abuse to the Magical Child, or the Innocent Child is not owning, valuing, or honouring your gifts. Stop being ashamed or fearful of your gift learn how to nurture them and develop them with the right help. Not fully honouring or developing your gifts or mastering your skills can lead to all sorts of problems. Think of the devastation left behind by the impatient sorcerer’s apprentice and you get the ideal. Many wounded magicians end up being more attracted to dark and illusion than light and pureness without even realising it.

Unlock Your Inner Alchemist:

The alchemist and magician’s archetypal traits love to experiment with new ideas, concepts, blends, and remedies. Anything that will support create change and shifts. That is why many magician archetypes become aromatherapists, herbalists, homeopaths, flower essence practitioners. Others become mindset practitioners, hypnotherapists, life coaches, energy, and spiritual healers. Or are attracted to many of these tools in their work, my inner alchemist inspired me to study many of these things.

Develop Discernment and Wisdom:

Part of the Magical Child’s journey is about treading the line between dark and light so they can learn how to transform from the dark. So it is very much about developing discernment and wisdom which too often comes from experience than just insight. The deeply wounded Magician and Alchemist Archetype that has been more abused than empowered is easily seduced by power, financial, or celebrity success at any cost. The healed and wise Master Magician has developed discernment and wisdom. They recognise that all that glitters is not gold and that the greatest most precious gold comes from a pure heart and soul.



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Healing The Inner Child Wound

Healing The Inner Child Wound

Why healing the inner child wounds can empower us and transform us.

Healing the inner child can be a very powerful way to address all sorts of forms of dis-ease, unhealthy beliefs, and conditioning that keeps us small, keeps us in sabotaging life patterns. How we experience and see the world as a child often shapes how we show up as an adult.  And this is no different for the highly empathic or sensitive child who can find the modern world a harsh place. Empaths and HSP’s struggle to thrive in life because they have struggled to find healthy ways to survive and create healthy boundaries in their childhood.

No matter how healthy or unhealthy or childhood was we all can benefit from healing the inner child wounds that show up in our adult life. That form of archetypal and personality traits, that specifically keep us stick in the survival archetypal traits.

Healing The Inner Child If Your An Empath Or Highly Sensitive Person

So many HSP’s and empaths struggle because of their level of sensitivity and heightened awareness.

Highly sensitive people are generally more sensitive to their own wounding and surroundings. The highly sensitive empath takes that a bit further and they will sense the energy and emotional pain of others and in places . Some of us also take on the energetic imprints or physical pain of others, when we haven’t learned healthy boundaries and how to harness our spiritual and sensitive gifts.

Many sensitives and empaths are the Spiritual Seers, the Spiritual Forecasters, Psychic, Mediums, Starseeds, Earthseeds and Wayshowers. Which comes with it’s own difficulties and challenges.

Every HSP and Empath is unique but like everyone in life, they will also have their own unique gifts, own unique personal challenges and trauma healing the inner child can help us tap into those spiritual gifts we have shut down, learn how to harness or sensitive gifts in a powerful way.

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Healing The Inner Child Of The HSP Highly Sensitive Person

Inner Child Healing – The Highly Sensitive Child

 The highly sensitive child/person has such heightened awareness than those around them that they can see, hear, feel, and interpret things to a greater degree than most people couldn’t imagine. The HSP child will often be viewed as too sensitive, too weak, too childlike, irrational, naive …

These natural gifts and traits often trigger fear and misunderstanding in the parents, siblings, and caregivers around them which is projected onto the child. They are often taught that who they are at a core level is flawed, bad, wrong, not enough. Told to toughen up, be brave, be bold, shut down their emotions, act differently; basically not be their sacred self.

Many highly sensitive children are highly empathic, intuitive and even psychic. This again can trigger tremendous fear in those around them which the child senses.  So much so the child will shut down their natural traits, their natural state of being. That is why inner child work is highly recommended for empaths and the highly sensitive person.

Soul Empowerment From Healing The Inner Child

So many highly sensitive people including highly sensitive children often don’t know where they fit in. This can create a great degree of inner conflict especially when we are living in a very noisy, materialistic society. A culture that is often embedded with self-preservation and self-success than any on compassion and deep humanity for others around us. 

Inner Child work can be extremely healing for the HSP who struggles to honour themself and their sensitivity. It is spiritually empowering for the empath or HSP who can’t say no and struggles with boundaries. For those who too easily take on other people’s drama or pain.

In my one to one sessions and inner child programs for sensitives and empaths. I address different aspects of the inner child. Working on the wounded child, abandoned child, the eternal child and the more positive aspects of the inner child. It is extremely healing and empowering to address underlying triggers where you felt traumatised, abandoned or disempowered. Those experiences where we have shut down mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

Unlock Your Gifts From Healing The Inner Child

Clients and therapists experience many benefits and insights from inner child work. Even simply listening to inner child healing guided meditations that have been created by someone qualified to do. Because so many HSP’s haven’t learned to own and harness their sensitive gifts in a positive way. You may not recognise that some of your physical symptoms are just signs your gifts are trying to show up. Or maybe you need to start owning your power, your sovereignty.

Maybe you need to say NO? Stop allowing others to take advantage, control, or impose their beliefs or wants onto you. Maybe you need to put yourself first?  So many Empaths and HSP’s are over givers, the wounded healer, victim, martyr, or rescuer.

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Why Highly Sensitive Coaches Struggle To Make Money

Why Highly Sensitive Coaches Struggle To Make Money

Why Highly Sensitive Coaches Struggle Financially In Their Business

One of the biggest challenges many highly sensitive coaches, therapists and healers have is they have all sorts of struggles with financial abundance. They can have all sorts of challenges in their business and their life because of this. I know and understand this very being a self-employed highly sensitive empath, coach and healer for over 23 years who has supported many lightworkers, empaths and highly sensitive coaches with their business.

Main Motivations Of Highly Sensitive Coaches

The highly sensitive person or empaths driving motivation can appear in many ways to be related to the top of maslows hierachy needs instead of the bottom.  The highly sensitive coach is often not driven by the same money goals that most other coaches are. Their client, work and financial relationship is often far more complex.

What I witnessed as both a coach/trainer and client to many coaches and therapists.  In-fact even as a client to many coaches and healers over a 25 year period. Was that many of the most gifted and qualified coaches/ therapists were highly empathic and HSP. They were also are the most likley to under charge in comparison to some of the most awful coaches and healers who charged premium prices.

So let’s look more deeply at why the HSP Coach tends to struggle with financial abundance

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Success Struggles Of Highly Sensitive Coaches

Highly Sensitive Coaches are motivated by self-actualization in many ways this takes dominance. They are very much more focused on the spiritual self.

Highly Empathic Coaches can be so aware or entangled up with other’s pain they just want to be of service, they forget they are actually running a business.

The Highly Sensitive And Empathic Coach is often more dominated by their altruistic  traits so not driven by money or financial success.

The Highly Sensitive Coach often resists the business, marketing and technical aspect of their business. Many Empathic or Highly Sensitive Coaches fear the business and marketing part of the business. This can cause them great distress and anxiety.

Challenges Highly Sensitive Coaches Have Running Their Business

How To Start Healing Your Money And Abundance Struggles

Get More Grounded

Traditional based Meditation Techniques and grounding strategies including spending time in nature help support and heal the root chakra. It is important you address root level challenges, conditioning, and beliefs that need to be addressed.

Be More Open To Receiving

Often life’s over givers, carers, healers, therapists and empathic coaches come from such a place of lack of over-giving, they have forgotten how to receive. Don’t get caught up in how the universe gives/provides, trust, and be open to receiving the help and support in whatever shape it comes. Focus on gratitude daily this will increase your vibration.

Heal Your Wounds

If you are highly empathic or highly sensitive and affected deeply by other people’s energy. Heal your own wounds, heal your own issues by healing your inner child and our shadow archetypal traits. Being aware of other’s pain and taking others’ pain are two very different things. Many coaches and healers can go into this type of work because of their own life challenges which are still being healed. This can take time but it is vital you address them.

Own Your Sensitive Gifts

Own your uniqueness, your spark of wonder, your specific gifts you are here to share with your clients. So many highly sensitive coaches doubt their own abilities, stop focusing on what everyone else is offering or charging, do your own thing. Stop giving your energy and power away.

Face Your Fears

Face and address your own sabotaging fears or sabotaging patterns of behaviour. There is no point focusing on a law of attraction mindset if you are trying to suppress or deny what needs to be addressed.  What we resist persists, what we suppress will eventually come to the surface. 

Own Your Coaching Business

Start owning you are a business service, address any issues you have around this. So many of the highly sensitive coaches and therapists that I work with have struggled for years because of a variety of views. A common belief is that lightworkers shouldn’t need to advertise. Many common in to business believing that if they are doing such great work that their ideal audience will find them. They don’t have a proper marketing plan or strategy or have an advertisement budget to grow their business. Too many don’t survive.

Get Connected

When you get connected with spirit, god, and your essence. You live each day with a bigger sense of confidence, calm, and trust. You get out of your fearful sabotaging head and into a state of being. And how can you do that, well with the right type of meditation. The type of meditation or technique that helps you access that sense of presence, stillness, and inner wisdom at almost the switch of a button. When we can bring in a state of peace, stillness, and connectedness to our moment to moment life. Our fearful sabotaging mind starts to fall away.*


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How To Be Authentic In Your Spiritual Business - Eileen Burns, Soul Purpose Coach and Spiritual Business Strategist


What Is Your Souls Essence How To Nurture It

What Is Your Souls Essence How To Nurture It

What Is Your Souls Essence And How Do You Nurture It?

I believe our Souls Essence is our purest essence, who we are at a core level which includes our god spark. Not the stories we tell ourselves or who the world tells us we are. But that aspect of us that naturally shines through when we are allowed to be free to be ourselves.

When we remove the distracting material things of this world, we get to the course of one’s soul essence. Our souls essence is that mixture of beautiful gifts and traits we are here to share in the world.

But sadly most of us have such a distorted perception of ourselves and our purpose. We often can’t see or recognise our spiritual heart and souls essence never mind own them. This can stop us fully living our purpose or soul’s mission.

The Power Of Your Soul Essence

If you are a highly sensitive person or empath who is highly intuitive, psychic, or clairvoyant in any way. You maybe have been traumatised into believing your spiritual gifts, your deeper soul connection was weak, bad, evil, scary, stressful, or even exhausting from childhood.

Because very often highly sensitive child who is energetically wide open is viewed as weak, vulnerable, overdramatic, immature, dysfunctional by those around them. And often grow up believing this about themself.

Never mind a highly psychic sensitive child who is often viewed as crazy, mentally unwell, weird, having a vivid imagination, or simply dishonest.

Disconnection From Your Soul Essence

Parents and siblings of an HSP can struggle to understand their highly sensitives traits and gifts. This fear or negativity around the HSP’s soul essence can trigger a lot of conflicts not just around the empath or HSP but within them.

And as we know inner conflict is one of the biggest ways we all disempower ourselves and create dis-ease or dis-harmony within the psyche. So in many ways, we try to dampen down or cut off that connection to our unique essence because of our own fear.

I know how much I feared my own psychic and intuitive gifts in my life, particularly as a teenager. Although I naturally used many of my empathic and intuitive gifts in my healing and therapeutic work. I was terrified of some of my spiritual and psychic gifts from a young age especially being brought up in a religion that viewed many of these abilities as wrong.

This can be hugely disempowering and disabling. But thankfully I have started to recognize how much they are just part of my unique soul’s essence, part of what I am here to do.

But even if you are not an HSP or empath most people struggle to recognize their soul’s essence because most people today are so disconnected from their true self. They are so caught up with material and egoic distractions of the noisy mind they are not tapping into what is already there.

Learn How To Nurture Your Soul's Essence

How To Build A Strong Connection With Your Souls Essence?


One of the simplest ways you can start building a more natural connection with your Souls Essence is through meditation. Particularly more traditional style meditations than guided meditations especially to begin with.

Because this initially helps us loosen our attachment to the ego to our over-dependence on the rational or logical mind.

If you are an HSP or empath who has spent most of your life in conflict with their psychic and intuitive gifts and sensitivities, your inner conflict will always want to depend on the rational logical mind.

Traditional meditation techniques help you spend time quiet time in the stillness with the self, your self. So you naturally build up a much stronger connection without expectation.

Get Grounded:

The highly sensitive person often struggles to make a strong trustworthy connection with the souls essence and their inner compass because they are so ungrounded. Empaths particularly are deeply affected by the energy, the emotions, and the world around them. So it is important that you ground regularly, as you can read in Why Highly Sensitive People Need To Ground More  As you will learn grounding isn’t a new-age hippie technique.


I believe one of the biggest mistakes many students make when they are trying to build up a bigger connection to their spiritual essence, soul’s purpose, and intuitive or psychic gifts. Is impatience because they want to run before they can walk. They go to meditation or a psychic class seeking a quick solution or magic wand instead of a desire to develop true masters these skills.

Instead of nurturing a true relationship with the self or their soul’s essence first. So they lack foundation or strong connection and then struggle to be truly authentic in their work.

I will give you an example, I began studying Reiki over 30 years ago and things have changed so dramatically in so many ways. Even the word Reiki Master/ Teacher now is a very loose term because most teachers today certainly haven’t spent years never mind decades mastering their reiki practice on a day-to-day basis.

In fact today many go on to Master/Teacher level in months or a few years often with very few case studies or client experiences under their belt. 

Positive Soul Intention:

With a positive intention in life, you create a much more positive vibration in your energy field. That does not mean you do not deny what emotions want to come up and flow out for healing. Emotions are simple energy in motion, we just need to allow them to flow but the biggest challenge most of us have is we either want to deny or block the feeling out of fear.

Or we focus on the story we believe triggered the emotion. And we ruminate that story over and over in our heads. Positive Soul Intention opens you up to allowing magic, synchronicities, and spiritual guidance into your life. It is one of the reasons I prefer more soul intentions rather than goals, goals can be too linear specific, and egoic. They don’t allow room for all the magical possibilities that the world, the universe and god can provide us with. Powerful soul intentions nurture and feed our heart and soul.


Like everything in life, a strong connection with a strong foundation is only built up over time, with integrity, authenticity, and trust. You have to build up trust with your soul’s essence. And believe me, if you take the time to do it right, your connection will become so much more powerful and unshakeable.

When you meditate, get grounded, and send out a more positive intent with patience and trust you are less likely to waste so much time and energy running around in circles with your ego. Distracting yourself with all sorts of things, ideas, courses, or things that never fulfill your passion, purpose, or inner being. You are more open to and likely to start naturally flowing with life’s synchronicities, life’s magic.

Learn the essential skills every empath and HSP needs that will help you nurture a deeper connection with your Souls Essence.

Start to truly know how to love and care for you, and become more empowered with your soul’s greatest gifts.


Soul empowerment coaching, spiritual development tools for healers

The Power Of Your Spirit – Channeling Your Soul Essence