Learn How To Develop Your Intuition For Life And Business. Learn why intuition is such an underdeveloped tool that more and more of us should learn how to master. Why it is a natural life skill many of us are not investing enough time to develop and enhance.

What Is Intuition?

Intuition is an inner knowing about something, someone without any analytical information or rational reasoning. Many would regard Intuition as a gut feeling or hunch.

In many ways, it’s an innate trait that we start to disconnect from in childhood due to a variety of distorted patterns and programming, trauma, and disconnect from our soul and higher intelligence.

Some of you maybe like me, naturally intuitive and creative while some of you are more logically minded. And need to learn how to develop your intuition.

No matter how intuitive you are or not, intuition is something that can always be developed even more.

Why Intuition Is A Powerful Tool

Sadly most of us live in a world that is built on illusion and fakery. We just need to look around at social media, news, politics, government, and even medicine. To see how much we are fed a narrative that suits someone’s agenda, someone else’s perceptions not necessarily, truth, fact, or fiction.

Every day media is trying to sell you something, often a product or course that doesn’t do what it implies or claims on the packet.

Every day someone is being prescribed something that does more harm than healing. Every day we are exposed to other people’s truth or perceptions, not necessarily our truth.

When you develop your intuition to a certain level, it is much easier to discern when something is not quite what it appears to be. It can help protect you from danger, and from making big and costly mistakes.

My intuition has saved me from lots of negative situations and one extremely dark and dangerous situation. Your intuition is a powerful tool when you learn to master it.


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Intuition And Spiritual Discernment

Strong intuition can help you become more spiritually discerning, something so important in life and any sort of soul-aligned business.

Spiritual Discernment is extremely important if you are a spiritual teacher, healer, or coach. Where clients or students are looking to you for support or guidance.

The more you develop your intuition the easier it is to navigate what is right and wrong for you. I believe in many ways intuition is a direct connection to god, your higher self, or your spiritual helpers e.g. your Guardian Angel.

So the more you cultivate a connection with your inner self, the stronger that connection becomes.

But sadly most people today spend so much time in their heads or on external distractions they have lost their inner connection.

That is why so many people even highly experienced intuitives, healers, coaches, and therapists, give their power away every day to other teachers, especially celebrity Spiritual Teachers or Psychics. Believe and invest in what someone else says without using any Spiritual Discernment.

It is great to explore and learn from other teachers but NEVER give your power away believing they have all the answers. I see so many on the spiritual path idolizing others to a very unhealthy degree. Remember we’re all having a human experience, some yes maybe more awakened, more aware, and have more wisdom in certain areas.

But sometimes they aren’t. Develop your intuition and discernment so you can be more self-responsible and independent.

“I define intuition as the subtle knowing without ever having any idea why you know it,” Sophy Burnham, bestselling author of The Art of Intuition

Top Tips For Better Intuition - Intuition Exercises


Learn How To Develop Your Intuition


The more you can loosen those distractions, that you use to avoid facing what you are feeling or even seeing.

You will get into a more being state than an avoidance or resistance state. Just starting to recognise those distractions and avoidance tactics is the first thing.

How many times in a day do you spend checking your phone, checking your emails, Facebook, or watching TV, instead of just being?

These are the types of things we all do to keep the mind distracted and busy. We now give so much power to the mind that we neglect our other senses. When you start reducing and loosening those distractions you will find it much easier to develop your intuition and notice those signs and synchronicities.


The ability to meditate helps loosen those attachments, those distractions that can stop you from developing your intuition. Meditation helps you access stillness and calm, deeper connection with the self. Meditation naturally helps you have more pauses and presence between your thoughts.

It helps you become more of the observer, the witness to everything within and around you. I believe more traditional forms of meditation are the most powerful way to access this. Now even though I teach traditional and modern forms of meditation and Guided Meditations ( Guided Imagery Meditations) guided in my work as a meditation teacher for over 20 years.

I believe learning how to meditate is a far more effective way to develop your intuition from a clearer mind. Saying that as a healer, Guided Meditations with certain types of healing work can be a powerful way to help unlock those untapped or suppressed gifts. One of the reasons I created this Free Healing Guided Meditation – Awaken Your Soul.


Learn To Ground More: The more grounded and protected you become, the more solid, and clearer your intuitive messages will come through.

No matter how highly awake and intuitive you are if you are not fully earthed and grounded. It is very easy to be hijacked by disinformation from negative sources, entities, the ego, your own or others’ trauma, and or distortions. No one is immune.

That is why energy protection tools are so important, especially for empaths, healers, and hsp’s who are more sensitive to energetic shifts, other people’s trauma, and wounding.

Developing Your Intuition and Psychic Gifts


The more you learn how to get out of the monkey mind you will get out of your own way. The more you will naturally become more attuned to yourself more holistically and spiritually. In the twenty-first century, we have allowed in many ways our minds to be a slave to the system, a slave to the media, a slave to other people’s rules, beliefs, and systems.

The more you can go inside, become more connected to your body, more connected to all your senses, you will naturally develop your intuition and your unique clairvoyant gifts. Those very natural spiritual gifts, gifts that God gave us.


The more you can relax, and be calm, the stronger those intuitive nudges and signs will come through. But sadly today most people don’t know how to relax or switch off, as I already mentioned they are too distracted and too busy.

That is why I teach therapists, healers, and coaches to become Relaxation Therapists and Teachers. It is much harder to help empower someone in their life, help them access their inner compass if they are constantly anxious or stressed. For them to be able to discern between their intuition or what is F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real. So learn how to switch off.


Creativity is the art of channeling, inventing, and creating something new, it requires inspiration that comes from a level of spontaneity that is intuitive. Creativity and Intuition are very right-brain processes, that help expand and nurture each other. “Intuition and creativity are fundamentally, interdependent and interchangeable. They reflect the highest forms of applicable intelligence for any and every ability.”  Intuition as the Basis for Creativity, C Woolf

Creativity helps us expand perceived limitations, think and be out of the box, all extremely helpful in being able to sense beyond what we can see, feel and hear on the physical level. And a powerful tool that can help develop your intuition.

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When you can identify your strongest clair gift and start nurturing it, you will often find you will naturally develop other clair gifts, other intuitive gifts. The most common intuitive and Clair Gifts are Clairvoyance, Claircognisance, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Clairgustance and Clairailence.

Ready To Develop Your Intuition?

In my Develop Your Intuition Course I include a variety of exercises and tools to identify your strongest clair gifts and then how to start developing and expanding those gifts. There are so many ways you can develop those gifts,

If you would love to learn how to Develop Your Intuition, Spiritual And Psychic Gifts, check out the gold or quantum level of the Lightworkers portal.

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The Power Of Intuition In Your Spiritual Business

Eileen Burns

Highly experienced healer, coach, therapist who began studying healing, holistic and spiritual wellbeing 30 years ago.

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