Easy Grounding Techniques For Empaths, Sensitives And Healers. Why the ability to ground is such an essential skill for empaths, sensitives and healers. Common symptoms and problems of not being grounded.

Exploring natural ways to ground such grounding techniques, grounding essential oils, essences and crystals that can really help us ground into our body

Why Daily Grounding Techniques Can Help Keep You More Healthy

One of the biggest challenges I have had in my life was being fully grounded in my body. Like many highly sensitive empath‘s I faced all sorts of challenges with my sensitivity and over feeling other people’s pain and wounding. As well as being psychically sensitive.

Also I would be unfortunate to suffer from some medical harm and challenges that left my nervous system even more fragile and sensitive leaving me with serious sensory processing issues.

It would take me 3 decades as a healer to recognise more deeply how much grounding is so vital for one’s health and wellness. And how lack of grounding can play such a big role in our ability to become more mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually resilient.

How much the ability to ground is important for us to be able to hold our light and to be able to be receive more abundance in our life.

Common Symptoms Of Being Ungrounded

Being ungrounded can show up in all sorts of ways in how we function from feeling spaced out and disconnected, to over feeling, over sensitive and a whole long list of other strange symptoms and even conditions.

We can also feel out of alignment and spiritually disconnected.

But the sad reality is that most people today are very ungrounded, most people spend so much time in their head, 

so entrapped in their trauma, their self-soothing addictions. They are not fully in their body and not able to hold their light, or tap into their sovereign power.

grounding techniques and tips for healers and empaths

Empowering Benefits Of Being Fully Grounded

As humanity continues to awaken, evolve and grow at a faster pace, it is important for us all to be centred and grounded so we can remain strong, resilient but also help hold peace.

Being fully grounded helps us adapt to change more easily, it helps us be able to hold more light, receive more and in turn able to support more, in a more healthy and balanced way.

Grounding helps us to be a clearer channel for inner guidance and discernment, we just need to see examples of how intuitively disconnected most people have been over the recent years.

To see the need for more grounding and deeper soul connection.

Easy Grounding Techniques And Strategies

Grounding Techniques For Empaths, HSP’s And Healers

If this is an area you need more help with or would like to learn more about check out my very special intro offer on my new 

Grounding Toolkit For Empaths, Sensitives and Healers – over 3 hours of grounding techniques, grounding meditations and educational resources available at a special intro offer today LEARN MORE

Or download my Free E-book Grounding Tips

grounding techniques and tips for healers and empaths

Eileen Burns

Highly experienced healer, coach, therapist who began studying healing, holistic and spiritual wellbeing 30 years ago.

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