8 Ways How To Reduce Teenage Exam Stress And Anxiety

Top tips on helping reduce student and teenage study and exam stress, hep your teen feel more calm, confident and relaxed when exam time and study time comes around.

Exam Stress And Anxiety From Exam Performance

Sadly Exam Stress And Anxiety Is A Big Problem For Many Students And Teenagers. Especially with such increase in mental health challenges in young people, especially chronic anxiety and depression.

Exam stress for many is actually stress anxiety, for some it is more anxiety performance. Most students and teenagers are suffering from both exam stress and exam anxiety, so it is important to approach both.Most of us when we hear the word exam get a feeling of panic.

But there is so many simple things your young adult or teenager can do to reduce exam stress and anxiety. With the right approach and the right tools you can help increase calm and confidence.

Teenage Exam Stress Infographic - 8 Ways To Reduce Exam Stress In Students And Teens

Top Tips To Reduce Teenage Exam Stress And Anxiety

Create A Suitable Study Space:

Make sure your child or teenager has a suitable comfortable space to study where they wont be disturbed or distracted. A space

that is ideal to encourage more calm and focus. For teenagers who lack focus or suffer from ADHD, the NYR Study Remedies roller ball is ideal to fit in a pocket, purse, or bag. Lemon essential oil improves focus and concentration.

Encourage A Balanced Study Routine:

Help or encourage your teenager to create a healthy and balanced study timetable. It is so important your teenagers prioritise their time effectively.

It can be so easy for them to want to avoid subjects they struggle with or are concerned over.

Reduce External Stressors: 

Help take the pressure off your teenager by reducing external stressors as much as you can. If your child normally has a lot of household chores, a job, try reducing the level of those chores temporarily during study and exam time. So they are not overwhelmed, overstressed and over exhausted.

Boost Your Teens Confidence And Self-Worth:

Support your teenage by boosting their confidence, self-worth and self-esteem. Focus on their strengths, praise them, be kind to them reduce criticism and help them understand that their worth does not equate to their exam results.

Teenagers  today are put under extreme pressure from all angles, especially peer and educational pressure. It is important to do what you can to encourage a healthier mindset, increased confidence, self-worth and self-esteem.

Encourage Time Out:

Make sure your teenager takes plenty of breaks between study time and exams. It is important they take time to switch off and have fun.

Reduce Technology Overload:

We use technology for so much in our lives that we forget how over-stimulating and energy-depleting it can be. Also, most computers and mobile devices such as iPads emit blu ray technology which can play havoc with our nervous system and sleep patterns. So ensure they spend time off computers, phones, facebook…

Teach Them How To Meditate And Relax:

Meditation and relaxation techniques can be really helpful at helping anxious teenagers switch off. Teenagers love my less than 5 Minute Meditation (included in the Exam Stress Kit) is the most popular tool I have taught for 20 years. Muscle relaxations are great at reducing anxiety, muscle tension and sleep challenges, all in my Exam Stress Toolkit For Teens And Students.

Encourage Deep Quality Sleep:

Good quality sleep can make a huge difference to our concentration, focus, and memory recall. Guided meditations designed to support sleep can be really helpful so can muscle relaxation techniques. Lavender oil is a great essential oil that can encourage a deep restful sleep. One product many clients and friends love is the NYR Organics Night Time aroma ball.

Want to support your child or teenager the right way?

My Exam Stress Toolkit is ideal for young adults, teenagers, student,s and parents who want to learn how to manage exam stress in a more natural and holistic way

Learn How To Study More Smartly

Learn How To Magically Access The Mind’s Library

Learn How To Feel More Calm And Confident

plus so much more

Beat Teenage Exam Stress - Top tips by stress expert and therapist

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

Eileen Burns

Highly experienced healer, coach, therapist who began studying healing, holistic and spiritual wellbeing 30 years ago.

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