7 Spiritual Commands For Spiritual Authority In Your Life

7 Spiritual Commands For Spiritual Authority In Your Life

7 Spiritual Commands To Increase Spiritual Authority, Spiritual Protection And Discernment In Your Life and Work As A Lightworker.

What are spiritual commands and why are they a powerful spiritual tool in our daily life? Understanding the power of spiritual commands to increase personal sovereignty and spiritual sovereignty. Why we all need to command more spiritual authority in every area of our lives, especially in situations we may feel powerless.

What is a Spiritual Command?

Spiritual commands are powerful spiritual affirmations and spiritual statements that help break your free from strongholds interfering with your spiritual path. Such as energetic and spiritual interferences, unhealthy distortions, pain and trauma this is causing any confusion and distortions in your souls connection and own channel. Anything that may create poor spiritual discernment our lack of spiritual strength and courage.

Daily spiritual commands help increase our resilience to negative psychic and spiritual interferences that are designed to self sabotage us by taking us off our spiritual path.

Why We Need More Spiritual Authority In Our Life

One of the biggest challenges we have today is lack of spiritual authority and spiritual discernment in our life and world. We just need to look around at the amount of conditioning and programming created by the 3d world that is based on illusion and feeds our egoic instant gratification.

How addicted and seduced we are in society by money, power, modern technology and artificial intelligence, which has became an increasing problem in the spiritual industry.

The more we want to move into the 5d new earth, the more we need to call in our spiritual authority, increase our spiritual light capacity so we can be the light and hold the light for others.

Spiritual Commands For Spiritual Protection as a lightworker

7 Spiritual Commands For Lightworkers That Increase Spiritual Authority

These spiritual commands will help increase spiritual authority and spiritual protection over our life, health and wellbeing.

I am filled with light and love

I command only the highest spiritual truth.

I command only the highest divine love.

I command the spiritual armour of protection of god’s light and love.

By the power of the holy spirit and by his authority I break any curses, hexes, spells or attachments now and forever.

By the power of the god’s love and spiritual guidance I am guided to fulfill my life’s purpose and spiritual mission.

By the power of god’s love and his authority I break and heal all trauma and distortions

Increasing Our Spiritual Authority and Spiritual Power

The more we can increase our spiritual authority, the more we can fulfill our soul’s mission with least resistance. The more spiritual power we have at an individual and collective level the more spiritual light and spiritual strength we bring into our own lives and those around us.

That is why good spiritual authority, good spiritual power and spiritual discernment is vital for any lightworker, spiritual leader, spiritual teacher or healer especially when navigating through a spiritual war, spiritual challenges.

stress resilience for lightworkers, healers, empaths, spiritual coaches
Stepping Into Your Power As A Lightworker

Stepping Into Your Power As A Lightworker

Stepping Into Your Power As A Lightworker

Stepping into your power as a lightworker so you can fulfil your life and soul’s mission with more spiritual strength, courage and wisdom. Top ways to step into your soul power, reclaim the life you are meant to live and do the work you are here to do with more ease.

Stepping Into Your Power And Purpose

The world needs you the lightworkers, the intuitives, the healers, the creatives and the visionaries to step into your power so that together we can create powerful shifts. The more the awakened lightworker steps up in their life, their work with a courageous open heart and lead by example, we organically encourage those around us to do the same.

So what does stepping into your power as a lightworker really mean?

lightworker is a worker of light, a worker of the light and love of god, it is someone who genuinely wants to make a powerful difference in the world and makes that an integral part of their life. At a soul level, they have a great pull to be of service to humanity at a very deep level, to help raise the vibration of humanity at this time. So they choose certain roles, and jobs to be of service rather than focus on the monetary benefits.

Lightworkers have all sorts of vocations they are not just healers, spiritual teachers, and therapists they are the heart-based lawyers, doctors, caregivers, charity workers, and individuals in all sorts of roles that really take their spiritual path and spiritual growth very seriously.

It is not something that is trendy or something that should be prostituted at the highest bidder, it is a sacred journey that many at this time are called to be part of.

Stepping Into Your Power As A Lightworker Involves…

Doing the deep shadow and soul work, being able to face our biggest fears, the dark nights of the soul so we can embody and hold more love, light, strength and power for humanity at this time.

Being a lightworker comes in all shapes and disguises, it is a very different and unique path for each and every lightworker. It is paved with initiations and what I believe is the ability to move through the hero’s journey.

Lightworkers Stepping Into Your Power

Top Tips To Stepping Into Your Power As A Lightworker

Deep Stillness:

Be still and know that I am god. The ability to be still, to achieve deep stillness is the space where we hear the voice of god, we recharge and reconnect with our heart and soul.

That is why the ability to meditate deeply is important and powerful for the lightworker role,

The ability to be quiet and still, helps us discern between spiritual guidance and our egoic wants, desires and fears. It dramatically increases our intuition and our psychic senses.

The right meditation techniques and the right meditation approach can make a huge difference, I teach a variety of meditation approaches including quantum strategies that help clients and students achieve deep stillness quickly.

Ask For Daily Guidance:

It is so important for us to ask for guidance on not just a day-to-day basis but a moment-to-moment basis throughout the day, to keep us on track. Especially when we feel unsure, overwhelmed or confused.

And as someone said to me many years ago don’t be shy about asking for BIG SIGNS, huge signs if need be. But lol as they say be careful for what you wish for. Only joking but let’s say sometimes these signs come in not just signs but in situations that force you away from a situation or into a new direction. At the time it may not feel very comfortable, but later on, you can see the why, the huge gift within the situation.

Parting of asking for guidance is also the ability to surrender, to let go and let god.

One Day At A Time:

Patience is everything as a lightworker, Rome wasn’t built in a day and certainly wasn’t taken down in a day.

The lightworker’s role is not a short mission, it is a spiritual journey that is more of a long strong walk than a sprint. Stepping into your power as a lightworker requires a healthy endurance that needs to be paced. We cannot sustain that role from a state of chronic stress, push, push, pushing or fear-based urgency but from a place of grace and in many ways steady pacing.

Just for today, I will … one step at a time, one moment at a time.

Lightworkers Step Into Your Power Meditation

Do The Inner Work/ The Shadow Work

Lightwork involves a certain amount of inner work, spiritual initiations and spiritual growth. Sometimes the individual isn’t consciously aware of these initiations or inner shifts in their life or journey. But they are key situations that raise their consciousness enough to pivot that soul to the next level or lesson in their life and soul purpose and mission.

With each event, we have the opportunity to face and work through our inner shadow, our inner demons or fears. More conscious lightworkers actively go looking for the help, support and teachings that will help them move through the shadow work. Because they know how important this deep soul work is at raising our vibration and levels of consciousness as individuals and on the planet.

No matter where we are or have been on our journey we have to do the inner work, the shadow work, heal our inner child wounding, and heal our triggers. It is one of the reasons I am very passionate about archetypal work as it can be a very effective and efficient way to identify our shadow traits and strengths more strongly.

No matter how long we have been doing shadow work and inner child work, 10, 20, 30 years or more, there is always more that we can do to raise our vibration.

Tap Into Your Magical Child:

Tapping into our inner magical child is a powerful way to access more light, love, magic and miracles from the god essence, Children have such purity and such deep connection to the divine light that it can help us take our creativity and transformation to a whole new level.

Magical Child inner child work is extremely powerful at helping us access magical transformations is one of my favourite tools with clients. Healing the inner child and the magical/creative child helps open us up to the purest aspect of the alchemist, the creator, the divine and magical child. It can help us tap into unlimited potential, and break free from outdated structures in the matrix. Become more divine and authentic in our every day life.

Develop Spiritual Discernment

One of the biggest lessons all souls need to cultivate today is more spiritual discernment. Especially in the world today when there is so much inversion through psychological manipulation of social media and television (tell-a-lie-vision). Where humans let other humans sitting in a digital box or device tell them what is fact or truth without any questions or spiritual discernment.

Spiritual discernment is what helps us navigate through a spiritual war with more wisdom and strength. That is why a good and effective spiritual teacher has to have a good level of spiritual discernment, have highly developed intuition. And is not as easily fooled or swayed by the mass psychological manipulation that is there to confuse us.

This is vital for healers and energy workers who need to be able to spiritually discern what they are connecting to. Not just assume they are always connecting to the highest light of divine truth. In a spiritual war, there is a lot of false light, false teachings, false guides that can influence and energetically interfere with the work we do.

Lightworkers Step Into Your Power Meditation For Empaths, Hsp's, Healers


Develop A Spiritual Backbone

I believe developing a spiritual backbone is so important if you are serious about being a lightworker. This involves us having first to have the courage to face spiritual truths about ourselves, our own journey, our weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and what we are teaching and have been teaching.

As well as having the spiritual backbone to face the truth, especially those things that are very difficult to swallow. I know despite being extremely empathic and highly sensitive, every day I face my fears and step into my power, the stronger I become, the stronger we all will become.

The lightworker’s journey is not for the faint-hearted, it is not a fad or passing trend. Something you dip your toe into, to see if it feels good. It is an embedded aspect of your soul’s blueprint. It requires a high level of integrity and courage that can be felt so strongly by others that it ignites others to rise up, to do what is right and what is their calling. The more we develop a stronger spiritual backbone, we help others to do the same.

Be Part Of A Family Of Like-Minded Souls

It can be very lonely as a lightworker, especially for certain types of lightworkers who have certain major roles such as the visionaries. Being part of a family of like-minded souls is both strengthening and nurturing. When we work together and support each other we grow together and create much more powerful shifts.

This is one of the main reasons I created my new co-creating new earth sessions, a space where lightworkers can explore ways to move forward together and build stronger relationships with lightworkers on similar missions or with a similar drive. We don’t need to do it all alone, we are family, and here to work together.

Honouring The Lightworkers Role:

I believe it is important to honour the lightworker’s role. Not to view the lightworker’s role as more important than any other role from an egoic perspective. But to have the respect to see how privileged we are to be given such beautiful tasks on our soul’s mission.

Every single one of us has a different soul journey and life challenges that have been very important in shaping who we are and who will be. It is a role that evolves and grows as we spiritually mature and grow in our awakening and awareness.

When we recognise the value of our gifts and skills, we realise they need to be respected, valued and harnessed the right way. Part of that is also respecting other lightworkers’ roles we may not understand or feel aligned with.

I see you, I hear you, I feel the light in you, I honour the light in you.

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Spiritual Prayer For Lightworkers

Spiritual Prayer For Lightworkers

Spiritual Prayer For Lightworkers

Spiritual Prayer For Lightworkers, Healers, Therapists, and Spiritual Business Owners who want to receive daily spiritual guidance and strength. A lightworkers prayer to help you align with your life and soul mission from the highest integrity and love.

Prayer For Lightworkers, Therapists, Healers

Dear God of The Highest Love And Light

Help me see and know the highest dimensions of truth.

Help me feel, experience, and share the highest dimensions of love.

Let flow through me the highest dimension of light.

Support me today with greater compassion and love.

Give me strength and courage in my daily life, work, relationships, and communications.

Guide me with spiritual wisdom and spiritual discernment in my daily life, and my work.

So that I can live my life and soul purpose, my mission in the highest most spiritually aligned way.

Help me attract into my life the opportunities, situations, and people that will help support me and others today.

Thank You Thank You


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Prayer For Healers, Therapists, Counsellors

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Soul Alignment- 7 Signs You Are Soul Aligned

Soul Alignment- 7 Signs You Are Soul Aligned

Soul Alignment – 7 Signs You Are Soul Aligned

What is Soul Alignment and why is it so important in helping you get into alignment in your life, aligned with your life purpose and soul purpose?

What Is Soul Alignment?

To me, Soul Alignment is being so deeply connected and aligned with who you truly are at a soul level, that you live your life in complete alignment with who you truly are.

You live in alignment with your life and soul purpose, you have a deep intimate connection with what your soul, god, and the universe are guiding you to do.

What Happens When We Are Out Of Alignment?

The problem is when we are out of alignment with our soul, is that misalignment can attract all sorts of other issues and problems that take us even more out of alignment, let me explain it this way.

Recently I have been receiving chiropractor treatment for a very complex list of physical challenges caused by serious misalignment in my caused by medical harm and trauma.

Even though I have invested a LOT of money trying to solve these issues, one of the biggest problems was most therapists were treating the symptoms rather than the core structural causes.

There was so much going on that my body’s new normal from a structural perspective was like the leaning tower. of Pisa. And every time a therapist tried to re-align one area of my body, it was literally like a domino effect of other serious issues.

Like everything in life, if we don’t solve the core issues, and get to the foundational issue that is causing the misalignment in our life, we are basically trying to fix the symptoms than the problem.

Soul alignment is exactly the same,  when we are out of alignment with our soul we end up with all sorts of complex issues in our lives, our health, our purpose, and in our spiritual business.

Soul Gifts Course - Soul Gifts Workbook and Gifts Meditation

7 Signs Of Good Soul Alignment

You have a strong sense of spiritual guidance that comes from within.

Highly intuitive and spiritually open to the world within and around you.

At peace with yourself, you don’t worry about what others think about you, so are more authentic.

Strong spiritual strength and spiritual courage

You attract all sorts of opportunities and synchronicities to help you co-create.

Make most decisions at a heart and soul level, than mind/ego level so more in the flow.

Don’t have an unhealthy over-attachment to the 3d world and material things.

Soul Alignment Method

I have my own soul aligning process that I teach my clients and students, which at a foundation level starts with building up good soul connection. Without a healthy soul connection, you don’t know what you are energetically and psychically connecting to, you don’t know what or who to listen to.

One of the reasons so many people lack good intuition and even spiritual discernment, we just need to look at how many people were so disconnected from their discernment and intuition over the last few years.

And why spiritual discernment and intuition dramatically improves when we are more soul aligned than confused or hijacked by energetic distortions and interferences not from the light or your soul. One of the reasons soul alignment can be very helpful.

Soul Alignment Quotes

“Only when we are in alignment with our soul purpose do we find true joy and inner peace.” ― Anthon St. Maarten
The things that bring you the greatest joy are in alignment with your purpose. ― Jack Canfield
“Your Soul is a perfect fragment of Source. Your purpose lives within the blueprint of your Soul, which, like a sunflower in full bloom, contains many seeds of golden light. Anything purposeful, creative, imaginative, truthful, aligned, and unique you do begins with a spark from your Soul’s own light.” ― Kris Franken
Ready To Build A Deeper Soul Connection Become More Spiritually Aligned with Your Heart and Soul check out the Gold or Quantum level of the Lightworkers Portal to get access to my Soul Connection Course and so much more.


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