How To Nurture Your Inner Child

How To Nurture Your Inner Child, Comfort and Soothe Our Inner Child in a deeply healing and supportive way.

What is Your Inner Child?

Your inner child is part of you, part of your psyche that has been present from the time you have been conceived.

Our inner child forms different archetypal traits to adapt and survive our environment and family system.

It is where most of us form healthy and unhealthy archetypal traits, personality traits that shape our beliefs and behavioural patterns in adulthood.

The reason why we all have a wounded inner child that needs healing and healthy parenting.

No matter how healthy, caring, and nurturing our childhood was, we all have inner child wounds, we all have happy, self-sabotaging, and destructive patterns that impact our lives.

Nurturing Your Inner Child

Nurturing your inner child is an important part of helping to comfort, reassure, and soothe your inner child to become a more happy healthy adult.

But like everything in life, there is a healthy way to nurture and approach your inner child and a not-so-healthy way.

It is that fine balance of being able to listen and acknowledge the inner child while equally parenting the inner child in a nurturing way.

Like every child, your inner child can want and crave all sorts of unhealthy patterns in an attempt to self-soothe its trauma, neglect, abuse, and loss.

This is why it is so important to approach healing your inner child and nurturing your inner child in a healthy balanced and informed way.

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Nurturing Your Inner Child, Healing Your Wounded Child

10 Ways To Nurture Your Inner Child

Connect With Your Inner Child –

You cannot truly and effectively nurture your child within until you can make a healthy and deep soul connection with your inner child. This is a step that shouldn’t be rushed and it requires you to set times in your day, and week where you make that conscious connection.

Listen To Your Inner Child –

Part of nurturing and parenting your healthy child is the ability to listen and acknowledge your inner child.

Many children of certain generations were seen but not heard. And in many ways not seen.

The ability to listen to what our child archetypes and inner child are trying to tell us is of vital importance. If we don’t listen closely enough we can miss very important information, that is why listening to your inner child is so important and one of the most fundamental basics of inner child therapy.

Being Fully Present With Your Inner Child –

The ability to be fully present requires the ability to be still, be quiet, and be fully in the moment is so important. If you struggle to be still, struggle to connect within or to your soul’s essence. You are going to struggle to connect with the heart of your child’s archetypes that need your attention. That is why the right meditation techniques and soul connection skills can be extremely helpful.

Honour Your Inner Child –

it is so important for us all to respect, value, and honour our inner child and all our archetypal traits in a balanced and healthy way. Just like honouring, respecting, and valuing a child we love, we have to honour that child in a way without reinforcing unhealthy child wound patterns.

This is why honouring and valuing the child archetypes within us also involves parenting our inner child to recognise unhealthy stuck patterns. For example, the shadow traits of the eternal child who doesn’t want to grow up and chooses toto avoid growing up and taking self-responsibility. The victim child who chooses to be a victim of their circumstances, who doesn’t value, honour, or respect themself enough to create change.

Soothe Your Inner Child –

Healthy self-soothing is an important aspect of nurturing our inner child, the key is healthy soothing. Unhealthy patterns of self soothing is eating a full tub of ice cream or any other form of unhealthy comfort eating or relying on drugs or prescription medication to self-soothe.

Instead self soothe using relaxation techniques, havening, a relaxing bath, calming and grounding essential oils anything that will help calm down the nervous system in a healthy balanced way.


Play With Your Inner Child –

As adults we forget to have fun, we forget to make some playtime in our day, in our week, our life. It is so important to have fun, and laughter, and to take time out. The entertainer, jester archetype can help remind us of these qualities.

Get Creative With Your Inner Child –

Creativity can be a powerful therapeutic tool in inner child work, the right type of creativity that feels aligned with your soul can be very soothing and nurturing. Tapping into the artist, creator archetype or creative child archetype or magical child archetype can help inspire that creativity.

Exploring different creative hobbies can be extremely healing and can help reignite more passion and creativity in our lives.

Send A Letter To And From Our Inner Child –

Sending a deeply caring and loving letter to and from our inner child can be extremely healing and cathartic. Sending a letter to your inner child to tell your child that you love and care for them can help open deeper doors to self-healing. Sending a letter from the wounded child to the adult you stating what you really need right now can really help you identify what your wounded child needs and wants at a deeper soul level.

Parent The Inner Child –

Parenting our inner child is a vital part of the healing process, if we cannot parent our inner child we cannot help the child grow up in a healthy and balanced way. A healthy parent helps teach our inner child healthy patterns that help us become healthy happy grown up.

Unhealthy parenting teaches unconsciously unhealthy patterns, self-sabotaging, and destructive patterns in our lives. So part of parenting your inner child is teaching your inner child a new way of being

Healing Our Inner Child –

The right Inner Child Healing can be extremely powerful at helping you make massive shifts in your life, your relationships, your business, and your career.

So it is important to choose the right type of inner child therapist, inner child healer, or inner child work that will best suit your inner child’s needs. Choose an inner child therapist that understands trauma, self-sabotaging patterns, and your most dominant archetypal traits that are running or ruining your life.

I have personally met and worked with so many clients through the years that have felt more damaged or traumatised by therapists or healers that don’t know what they are doing.

Listening to what our inner child needs is crucial. And don’t be shy about asking the therapist about their qualifications, level, and area of expertise in inner child work;  years of experience, and how many clients they have worked with. It is important our inner child feels safe and is safe with a therapist, counsellor, coach, or healer.


If you are ready to soothe, nurture, and heal your inner child into that happy healthy child check out the meditation pod which has a variety of different types of meditations, including inner child meditations, traditional meditations, sleep meditations and other types of healing and empowering guided meditations.

library of inner child meditations

Eileen Burns

Highly experienced healer, coach, therapist who began studying healing, holistic and spiritual wellbeing 30 years ago.

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