Heal Your Magical Child

Heal Your Magical Child– Your Inner Magician Archetype and Inner Wounded Child. Learn why healing your inner alchemist and magician archetype can help you in your life, work, and spiritual business.

As a therapist who has been a huge fan of Archetypal and Inner Child Healing and Therapy for a few decades. I know how powerful healing your magical child is. Especially as a healer and coach who helps many magician alchemist archetypes with their business.

I am very familiar with some of the most beautiful light and disruptive shadow aspects of the magical child. The powerful gifts of the alchemist and magician But equally the common sabotaging patterns when the Alchemist is coming from a state of fear, anxiety, trauma, lack, or rejection.

I see everyday examples of the wounded magical child in so many wounded healers, coaches, intuitive, and spiritual teachers. Like most healers, I have been working on those patterns in my own life for many years.

As a highly empathic sensitive, I see many unruly empaths and healers also very disconnected from their divine and magical child. Embedded in core wounds that are keeping them stuck and afraid of their most beautiful, magical, and powerful gifts. Which they have not yet learned to fully harness.

The reality is when you can tap into and heal not just your inner child but your magical child, you can start to make big shifts. Big shifts in recognizing your power, owning and honouring your gifts, life, and soul purpose that is why shadow work and inner child work are so powerful.

But Inner Child Therapy just like any form of deep soul and trauma work should always be done by someone who has the right skill set. Make sure you choose a therapist or healer who understands and is qualified and experienced to work at a deep soul level and with trauma.

Unfortunately, I have witnessed and been on the other side of Inner Child work by healers who hadn’t a clue what they were doing. Who had no understanding or experience of working with trauma, no understanding of the psychological damage they can do when they don’t approach Inner Child Healing in a safe effective therapeutic way?

Building Connection With Your Magical Child

With any type of Inner Child work, the initial connection with the inner child must be built on trust. Especially in those who have suffered a lot of trauma, building strong inner child connections can take patience and time.

If the healer or therapist rushes the process or doesn’t know what they are doing, this can cause further issues by pushing the inner child into more hiding.

So when trying to heal your Magical Child make sure you understand you are dealing with your inner child’s view of their world, their story.

Make sure you get the right help and support from someone who can help hold your inner child in a safe space.

Heal Your Inner Child - Empower Your Inner Child Workshop

How To Connect With Your Magical Child

Heal Your Magical Child, Your Inner Child

Get Quiet:

You won’t find your inner magical child in busyness or chaos. It is so important to take time to switch off from distractions, relax, and generally be in the moment. Like any child, your inner child can only be heard properly when you take time to be quiet, to be still.

Look For Magic And Miracles:

Young children tend to see the magic and awe in everything around them. Their untainted innocence and sense of wonder help* them see the beauty and magic of life and every living creature. They fully immerse themself in so many things we as adults don’t notice or take for granted. So start noticing the magic, the miracles that are here every single day.

Make Time For Fun And Play:

Too much work doesn’t just make jack a boring boy it makes him an unhealthy and unhappy boy. Make a list of all the fun things you enjoyed as a child and start bringing them into your daily and weekly life. Don’t let any distortive thoughts around age, or what you should and shouldn’t do stop you from having some inner child fun. To stay happy and healthy build a strong connection with your eternal child your playful child. Make time for hobbies, things you enjoy doing even those things you love to do but aren’t very good at, and even those things that get very very messy.

Honour Your Magical Child:

When you honour the innocent and magical aspects of your core, you honour your greatest potential and soul desires. The greatest abuse to the Magical Child, or the Innocent Child is not owning, valuing, or honouring your gifts. Stop being ashamed or fearful of your gift learn how to nurture them and develop them with the right help. Not fully honouring or developing your gifts or mastering your skills can lead to all sorts of problems. Think of the devastation left behind by the impatient sorcerer’s apprentice and you get the ideal. Many wounded magicians end up being more attracted to dark and illusion than light and pureness without even realising it.

Unlock Your Inner Alchemist:

The alchemist and magician’s archetypal traits love to experiment with new ideas, concepts, blends, and remedies. Anything that will support create change and shifts. That is why many magician archetypes become aromatherapists, herbalists, homeopaths, flower essence practitioners. Others become mindset practitioners, hypnotherapists, life coaches, energy, and spiritual healers. Or are attracted to many of these tools in their work, my inner alchemist inspired me to study many of these things.

Develop Discernment and Wisdom:

Part of the Magical Child’s journey is about treading the line between dark and light so they can learn how to transform from the dark. So it is very much about developing discernment and wisdom which too often comes from experience than just insight. The deeply wounded Magician and Alchemist Archetype that has been more abused than empowered is easily seduced by power, financial, or celebrity success at any cost. The healed and wise Master Magician has developed discernment and wisdom. They recognise that all that glitters is not gold and that the greatest most precious gold comes from a pure heart and soul.



If you are Ready To Heal more of your Magical Child?

Experience More Of Your Inner Magic And Inner Power In 2024.

Book an Inner Child Healing Session Today

Heal Your Inner Child - Empower Your Inner Child Workshop


Eileen Burns

Highly experienced healer, coach, therapist who began studying healing, holistic and spiritual wellbeing 30 years ago.

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