Essential Oils For Empaths And Highly Sensitive People

The many benefits of essential oils for empaths, highly sensitive people and healers. As a qualified aromatherapist who has used used essential oils for nearly 30 years to support my own physical, mental and emotional well-being. I in many ways  take for granted how versatile essential oils are. 


But what are some of the best blends and essential oils for empaths and HSP’s?


Essential Oils For Health And Healthy Boundaries

There are so many essential oils for empaths to choose from today, it is important you choose the right essential oil that is therapeutically safe and right for you.

Many people assume all essential oils are completely safe because they are natural but like every herb or essence each has unique properties and effects so it is important to choose essential oils suited to your specific needs.

Some essential oils have analgesic or anti-inflammatory properties, some like peppermint which is used in mainstream medicine can be a digest aid. Some essential oils like tea-tree and thyme have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.

But pure essential oils don’t just support us physically, but mentally and emotionally. Essential oils like Clary Sage and Geranium are used to help balance hormonal imbalances in females. Some are safe when you are pregnant some are not, some are unsafe if you suffer from epilepsy, and some essential oils should never be used on children or infants.


Quality Essential Oils For Empaths And Highly Sensitive People

If you are using essential oils therapeutically you also want to choose a high-grade quality pure essential oil especially if your are highly sensitive and/or empathic.

Highly Sensitive People tend to be not just sensitive emotionally and mentally but physically to both allopathic and natural medicine. Empaths often struggle with grounding and often have a much porous energetic field. So it is important if you are an aromatherapist to choose high grade quality essential oils for empaths and highly sensitive people.


Essential Oils For Health And Self-Care

As someone with rare and chronic health challenges for over 30 years,  essential oils have been an essential part of my health and self-care. I have found essential oils a great replacement for so many allopathic treatments normally in one’s medicine cabinet.

In fact recently as someone who became completely housebound due to extreme noise, vibration, and light sensitivity which would trigger seizures. I was looking for anything to support me after Neurologists told me nothing could be done and any medication would cause further complications.

But when I started to use a variety of high vibrational essential oils including the product On Guard which I mention below. I couldn’t believe how much physically stronger and more energetically resilient and boundaried I become.

Those of us who are more sensitive and or empathic tend to have a more finely tuned sensory and central nervous system. Which can make us much more vulnerable to a variety of environmental stressors such as EMF Electro Magnetic Frequency, noise, light, other people’s emotions, trauma, and physical pain.


Toolkit for Empaths and HSP's - Highly Sensitive People


Essentials Oils For Empaths Who Are Hyper Sensitive

As someone who has had rare neurological complications from suspected bacterial and viral complications for approx 30 years.  I have used a wide range of high-quality essential oils and blends. One that has been really supporting me energetically and as a support to my immune system has been the On Guard Blend. Which instantly made me feel more energetically stronger and protected.


Essential Oils For Highly Sensitive People Empaths

So What Are The Perfect Essential Oils For Empaths And HSPs?


The Ultimate Grounding Blend– A blend of Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy, and Blue Chamomile with Fractionated Coconut Oil.  Empath and HSP struggle to feel grounded. This can be added directly to the skin or added to a diffuser for cars, homes, and the office. Frankincense is deeply grounding and Spruce  was used by the Native Americans for various spiritual and medicinal purposes ( spruce tree regarded as sacred)


is deeply relaxing, calming very popular to assist meditation, and deeply grounding. Also helpful in supporting healthy cellular function and great rejuvenator for the skin. So it is one of the most commonly used nurturing essential oils for empaths and hsp’s.

Melaleuca (Tea Tree)

 is an extremely versatile oil for your home first aid kit. It is also an anti-viral, anti-bacterial oil, that supports the immune system. It is also useful for creating stronger boundaries

On Guard

 Can help support your immune system. Can help strengthen and protect your energetic field to create stronger energetic boundaries. and psychic protection especially if you are a healer or some sort of lightworker. So is one of the popular blends with empaths and sensitives. Helpful to protect against environmental threats. Safe for use on countertops, as a non-toxic cleaner, or to purify the air through diffusion


Very powerful for boundaries and can help stop parasitic energy.  Can assist with healthy digestion and supports healthy respiratory function. May help support a healthy immune system. Useful as a powerful cleansing and purifying agent.

Patchouli Essential Oil

Provides a grounding, balancing effect on emotions • Promotes a smooth, glowing complexion • Add to your daily moisturizer to help reduce the appearance of blemishes.


Protects against environmental threats such as EMFs and toxins. Can help clear the air and negative, stagnant energy in your home.


is another favourite pure essential oil of mine, deeply grounding, and great for the skin. For those of us who tend to avoid or reject our masculine energy. This can be a great balancer, it can also be useful as a soothing rub on the chest or neck with chest and throat infections.

Serenity Restful Blend

can be a useful aid for those struggling with anxiety, stress, and overthinking. It also can help you connect more with the self, and connect with your own inner calm. So great aid for those of you who struggle to meditate, be still.

Whisper Blend For Women

a gorgeous blend of jasmine and ylang-ylang ( I adore ylang ylang) patchouli, vanilla, cinnamon, and cocoa.  Useful to support any unresolved issues you may have with your femininity, mother, grandmother, or other close women figure in your life. Useful at helping ease unreleased anger.

Wild Orange

one of Doterra’s most popular oils, this has a gorgeous sweet scent. It is uplifting, energising, and stimulating. Helpful when you are feeling flat from others’ negative emotions.

Ylang Ylang

I  have always been a huge fan of ylang-ylang which is known by some as the oil of the Inner Child. As a qualified aromatherapist, I would recommend it to clients who suffered from nightmares. I find it helps support you to have a much more soothing sleep often with sweet dreams. It is also a reputed aphrodisiac.

Would LOVE To Learn More?

Essential Oils For Empaths and Sensitives
Toolkit for Empaths and HSP's - Highly Sensitive People

Eileen Burns

Highly experienced healer, coach, therapist who began studying healing, holistic and spiritual wellbeing 30 years ago.

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11 responses to “Essential Oils For Empaths And Highly Sensitive People”

  1. […] Spend time in nature in the countryside, near mountains, near water, lakes, rivers, the sea. All so deeply soothing for the soul. Another way to bring nature into your life is filling your office and home with house plants. Use flower essences and essential oils. […]

  2. Hi Eileen!
    I’ve never thought that essentials oils would work for empaths and highly sensitive people. This is amazing! Thank you for sharing this great news! 🙂


    • Hi Jessica

      Yes the doterra essential oils are definitely a higher vibration than most other high quality pure essential oils

  3. Have been blessed to receive some oils and they are absolutely amazing.
    So many uses and benefits and so powerful.

  4. […] On Guard Blend: Another product that I have found helpful in my building my sound tolerance is the essential oil blend by doTERRA On Guard. These are highly vibrational essential oils which appear to strengthen our energetic boundaries, boost the immune system and protect our body against viruses and microbes. […]

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