Some of the common signs of Spiritual Disconnection in your life, relationships, and business. Why spiritual disconnection and spiritual discernment is such a major issue at the present time. What you can do to help improve your spiritual connection, your inner guidance.
What Is Spiritual Disconnection?
Spiritual disconnection is when you are disconnected from your soul and the spiritual world within you and around you.
7 Symptoms of Spiritual Disconnection
Chronic Anxiety And Fear:
Do you find yourself in a state of chronic anxiety and fear? One that is disabling, disempowering, and destructive? This can be caused by a disconnection from the heart, the spirit and soul.
Over-Attachment To The Material World:
Over-attachment to the external world especially the material can be a sign of spiritual disconnection, a spiritual emptiness that constantly needs to be filled. Examples include where your main focus has become on money or material things at a cost to the people around you, your relationship, friends, family and even colleagues.
Lack of wise judgment such as assumptions and quick knee-jerk beliefs and reactions to things. Without the ability to discern that what one is seeing, hearing, feeling, believing may not be the full story or even the truth.
Chronic indecisiveness is often caused by fear and a lack of trust in your own discernment and inner guidance. It is common in over-thinkers and those who make all or most of their decisions in the head rather than using a more mind-body-spiritual way to make decisions.
A fear of intuition, a fear of our natural spiritual inner compass leads to spiritual disconnection. Unfortunately, a lot of myths and misunderstandings around our sixth senses in religion and society has led to a lot of fear of ones’ natural innate gifts.
As spiritual beings, we are all given innate, spiritual, and energetic tools to support us and protect us. Fear in this area can cause such disconnection that one completely denies or suppresses their gifts.
Don’t Know Yourself:
You don’t really know yourself, you don’t really know your strengths or weaknesses. You over-attach yourself to a certain role for example your job, your family. You have a big disconnection of self in the human you and the spiritual you.
Lacking Purpose:
You lack purpose, you tend to wander through life or struggle to step up to what you believe you are here to do. You may have no idea of your purpose, and feel as if something is missing like your life lacks substance or a bigger reason. All signs of spiritual disconnection.
7 Ways To Improve Your Spiritual Connection
More Quiet Time:
Invest in more quiet time, meditation, prayer, and or reflection. And more time being still, centred and fully grounded. The quieter you can become with deeper roots the clearer and stronger your channel can be.
Ask For Guidance:
Ask for spiritual guidance, ask for signs, support, and strength. But make sure you follow through with the above. To get that guidance you need to give yourself enough space and time to hear, see, feel, know, to sense what you are being guided. That is why the next tip is also really important.
Learn To Get Out Of Your Head:
Stop making everything a mental process, stop making your thoughts top priority. The more you can actually detach and override your thoughts from a spiritual perspective, the more the ego dissolves.
Learn How To Surrender:
The more we can let go and be, than trying to control everything. We get into a state of flow, control is just fear, lack of trust and resistance.
Stop Giving Your Power Away:
Stop giving your power away to others, and stop thinking that everyone must know more than you. Stop letting others make decisions or judgments for you.
Be More Of A Witness:
Learn to be more a spiritual witness in your own life, and the world around you. The more we can view things from a much wider spiritual perspective as a witness than always being a reactive participant. We become more spiritually guided.
Develop Those Spiritual Discernment Muscles: Learn to start using those discernment muscles, and feel into situations. Learn to sense when something may not be exactly as it seemed. Start to trust your own internal voice when things feel off when things appear misaligned or something sounds off.
Would you LOVE some help with building a stronger deeper spiritual connection?
Ready to feel more centred, grounded and empowered?
The first important step to become a stronger and clearer channel.
How To Feed Your Soul, nurture a deeper connection with your heart and soul. Raise your soul’s vibration to experience more spiritual joy and spiritual wealth in your daily life.
The more we nurture and feed our soul on a daily basis, the more we give ourselves spiritual sustenance and spiritual strength. The more mental, physical, emotional and spiritual resources we have to deal with life’s difficulties and challenges.
10 Ways To Feed Your Soul Today
Simple and easy ways to nourish your heart and soul on a daily basis.
Quiet Time To Connect With Your Soul
One of the most important things that we can all do to feed our soul is actually schedule out quiet time throughout our day to be still, to meditate, pray and connect with our soul. It is so important to take the time to be quite enough, still enough to hear our soul, hear god, hear our soul’s wisdom.
Get Soul Aligned
Getting soul-aligned in your life, purpose and business helps feed our soul. Making a conscious decision in our life, work and business to listen to what our soul is guiding is to do than the ego is pushing is to do. Helps to feed our soul with more spiritual strength, courage and discernment.
Singing Is A Great Way To Feed Your Soul
Signing to your favourite song is a great way to nourish and feed your heart and soul. Playing your favourite music and singing to songs that open your heart and soul will raise your vibration and outlook. One of the songs that really feeds my soul is Bliss’s – A Hundred Thousand Angels
Spend Time With Children
Spending time with children is one of the most heart-warming ways to nurture our soul, take us back to our own innocence, purity and magical elements.Young children particularly can help us be fully in the moment, experience more joy by doing what their heart and soul is guiding them too do.
Spend Time In Nature
Spend time in nature in the countryside, near mountains, near water, lakes, rivers, the sea. All so deeply soothing for the soul. Another way to bring nature into your life is filling your office and home with house plants. Use flower essences and essential oils.
Look At Beautiful Art
Visit a local gallery or art exhibition or local craft store, be inspired by creative souls that share their soul-aligned gifts. Support these heart-based artists and creatives who bring uniqueness and joy into people’s lives by sharing their beautiful gifts and dedication.Like my old friend Gail Stirling Robertson who creates some of the most quirky art, prints and other types of commissions.
Eat High Vibrational Food
Eating clean high vibrational food that is organic not genetically modified or contaminated with toxic pesticides will help raise your vibration and feed your soul. Especially food that is still fresh or recently picked as it still contains a certain amount of life force.Make a list of healthy foods you actually love to eat, fresh strawberries, juicy plump tomatoes, a refreshing melon, an apple straight from the tree, herbs from your window sill.
Do Something Your Heart & Soul Loves
Do something every day that feeds your heart and soul, choose something each day that your inner child would love to do. Make a list of all the things that give you joy that raises your vibration, raises your mood that will help feed your soul. Be You.
What core wound is sabotaging your success in business, life, and health? Exploring the 4 common core wounds behind so many of the challenges we can have in achieving business, financial, relationship, and health success.
What is a Core Wound?
A core wound is a deep psychological wound that makes a large imprint on our psyche. Core wounds leave very distorted limiting beliefs in our unconscious. Many deep core wounds form before 7 years of age, an important time in a child’s development when we form certain narratives, patterns, and behaviours.
Although core wounds can develop later in life most deeper wounding is formed in these early years. It is often the deeper wounding, the deeper layer of pain behind many unhealthy patterns and traits that sabotage different areas of our lives.
How Core Wounds Begin
Core wounds begin when one moves from a state of authentic freedom and the receiver of unconditional love, into different states of mental, emotional, physical, or even spiritual wounding and pain. That is formed from judgment rejection, and punishment from others when we don’t conform to certain behaviours, and ideologies of those around us.
On a spiritual level, it is when the soul feels disconnected from love in many ways at an unconscious level the soul feels disconnected from god.
Core Wounds And Unconscious Sabotaging Beliefs
Core wounds are interrelated to a variety of unconscious sabotaging beliefs and archetypal traits that keep us stuck in unhealthy self-sabotaging beliefs, patterns, attractions, and manifestations.
4 Core Wounds That May Be Sabotaging Your Success
Guilt Wound
Guilt wounding can keep us small, and keep us stuck in archetypal patterns where we get embroiled in others’ emotional pain and suffering. Become the caregiver, helper, servant, rescuer, hero, and warrior in its shadow form.
The Inner child feels guilty for things they are not responsible for, guilty for the suffering and pain of those around them and in the collective. Struggles to set boundaries and struggles to ask for help or receive it in life. Tend to attract people who will use all sorts of manipulation tactics to get them to feel sorry for them, do things for them, and get their attention.
You see this in a lot of empaths and those brought up in a highly strict religious background where guilt was used to manipulate and control.
Displaced guilt can trigger all sorts of unhealthy patterns and behaviors such as overgiving and under receiving in business. Constantly attract those who don’t want to pay or appreciate your value, such as those stuck in their victim archetype or eternal archetype who don’t want to take self-responsibility for their challenges.
Abandonment Wound
Abandonment wounding can stop us make true genuine deep connections in business with our ideal audience and business connections.The abandoned inner child always feels left out and can unintentionally keep themself on the sidelines by their thoughts and behaviours. They struggle to be alone, left out, or appear different. Tend to create co-dependent relationships and co-dependent issues in situations. Tend to attract partners, friends, and other relationships with those who are emotionally unavailable.
In the spiritual business, this can show up as the business that wants to try and serve everyone and is so focused on not leaving anyone out. So busy trying to cater to anyone or everyone their messaging speaks to no one or very few. That is why they can struggle to make deep connections or make any real impact. Their deep desire to be accepted, and belong can make it difficult for their ideal audience to get to know them at a deeper authentic soul level.
Trust Wound
Trust wounding can create all sorts of chaos in business and success. The problem with this major core wound in business is their lack of trust in themselves which shows up in lack of trust in all areas of their life.
Those with trust wounds are so insecure and so afraid to be hurt, that they can be very suspicious, and look for reasons not to trust others. Some tend to be more loners or attract others who don’t feel safe and are also insecure, so there are a lot of trust issues in these relationships.
In any business, trust in your gifts, skills, expertise, your business, and your offerings is paramount. You also have to trust the people you work with, and the clients you serve if you don’t you will attract all sorts of unhealthy situations that reinforce further lack of trust.
Neglect Wound
Neglecting wounding where someone has very low self-worth often attracts all sorts of challenges that reflect that unworthiness. Such as struggling to attract clients, co-partners, and relationships that don’t value, appreciate, or see them no matter how skilled, gifted, or experienced they are they can feel invisible, feel taken for granted, and be undervalued.
Neglect wounding is a core wound that can show up in a lot of repressed emotions, and a struggle to be vulnerable. Wounding that can cause a lot of empaths to become so focused on others they don’t care for themselves and suffer empathic burnout.
Awakening – What does to awaken mean? What’s the main difference between societal and spiritual awakening?
In its simplest form awakening means to wake up from some sort of sleeping state or unconsciousness. It refers to the idea that those who wake up, become more aware and conscious of something they were previously oblivious and unaware of before.
What is Spiritual Awakening?
Spiritual awakening is a word that is referred to a lot in certain teachings of spirituality. But like lots of things in the world we all can have different interpretations of what spirituality truly means.
For most spiritual awakenings refer to a powerful spiritual experience that awakens them up a deeper level of spiritual connectedness to god, divinity, and their spiritual being.
Something that can shift you so deeply at your very core, it helps you make huge spiritual changes and transformations in how you view life, the world, god, and spirituality.
In many ways an open door to something much bigger and magnificent than you ever experienced. Spiritual experiences that help you unlock or tap into something beyond the 3d human experience. Often more access to higher dimensions of love, god, the divine you, the authentic you.
Each Level Of Spiritual Awakening
Each level of Spiritual Awakening helps us grow and evolve in different ways. It can help us see beyond the physical realm, and live our life from a much deeper spiritual perspective.
Even though I have had a variety of what could be regarded as different spiritual awakenings over the 35 years. I think the most profound for me was an experience I had while in an induced coma just over 10 years ago.
This experience shifted my views and something inside on so many levels. Not just my beliefs and my identity on some level. But it pushed me to a new level on my path within my healing and therapy journey that I never imagined I would ever go down.
A quest seeking even more answers than I ever had before. Different experiences made me realise even more at a human level how little we know. And on another level how spiritually connected we are to so many things we could ever imagine.
It is also taught me the more we surrender to miracles, god, and the divine we are even more spiritually guided.
Your Spiritual Awakening
Each level of our awakening is personal to us, it can involve all sorts of bizarre, surprising, and extremely challenging experiences designed to wake us up. All divinely created to help us experience all sorts of life lessons, meet all sorts of people and teachers that are an important part of our journey and mission, to wake us up some more.
These situations in many ways forced me to go inward and develop a deeper spiritual openness that helped detach me from many of the distractions and superficialities that entrap most people today. And to build deeper trust in my own inner guidance, intuition, and synchronicities.
Societal Awakening
Societal awakening is another form of awakening and unveiling where individuals and society as a whole begin to awaken to what has been hidden or unseen.
It also can refer to aspects in our lives of our society we chose to ignore, that are now so obvious we can no longer hide our heads in the sand about.
An unveiling that in many ways has all sorts of different mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual impacts at the individual and collective levels.
We just need to look at the massive awakening that the last 4 years have brought to the surface. The domino effect that this event had on so many people lives, for them to begin to question the narratives.
Start to see through the evil, the veil of lies, games, inversion and manipulation of power, gaslighting by political and world agendas. And censorship and control are being hammered down on a whole new level, in desperation by those with too much to hide. Which often creates fear, apathy and confusion.
As millions of souls are waking up to the darker new world agendas, this is skyrocketing so many souls to phenomenal levels of spiritual awakening.
The Unconscious Aspect Of Societal Awakening
One of the things that begin with different levels of societal awakening is the human psyche and personal identity is pushed out of its comfort zone.
One example is where at the unconscious level, one starts to recognize and face the archetypal abuse by those whom we trusted in position and power.
In many ways the father and mother archetype neglect, abuse, and gaslighting by those who were there to protect us and guide us.
Spiritually Growing Up
We begin to spiritually grow up as we start to come to terms with the important areas of our life and society where we have abdicated self-responsibility and handed over our power and sovereignty.
For some people, there is an initial fast and almost furious type of societal awakening into reality. For many others, there is a lot of denial, resistance, fear, and trauma. Especially in those already mentally, emotionally, or even physically or spiritually vulnerable.
Spiritual Awakenings Are Not Just Love And Light
Spiritual awakening and societal awakening are not all light and love. They are painful, confusing, messy, and often very lonely as each soul has to go through its dark night of the soul. In many ways, for us all, they are spiritual initiations and opportunities for growth.
Societal unveiling as big as they have been over the last few years, are helping fuel massive spiritual awakenings and spiritual transformation.
Despite the mass amount of censorship and control, people are seeking new media platforms and connections to access deeper and wider truths.
Humanity as a whole is making great leaps in their consciousness awareness in very short periods. Even though there are still many souls deeply unconscious.
Creating which is referred to as the bifurcation and trifurcation, a splitting or more than one splitting of different levels of awakening in society. One of the reasons so many early awakened souls felt so disconnected and alone from their loved ones. Because of the significant difference in resonance.
But the good news is the masses are arising, all at different rates and stages but they are awakening on both a societal and spiritual level. So many are accessing great spiritual power and strength. And are being soul-led towards their life and soul mission with great clarity and power.
Top Tips Through Spiritual Awakening And Societal Awakening
Authenticity in your awakening has so much power and strength, your vulnerability, your passion, and your motivation to help others from a place of imperfection help others recognise that we are all perfect in our imperfections.
Awakening at all levels takes a lot of love and self-compassion for ourselves and others, which isn’t always easy as many empaths and healers can suffer compassion fatigue.
Especially for those so trapped in their soundings, ignorance, and ego, that have caused you harm or slights. It is important to have enough self-compassion and self-forgiveness for ourselves and to get the support and help we need.
Courage and Strength:
Courage and strength are something we all need a lot of at this time, especially through some of the darkest aspects of societal shifts. The more you work on your spiritual connection the more courage and strength will flow.
The more you can increase your soul power, the more you will easily step into your soul power be who you are here to be, and do what you are here to do.
We will all have times during awakening when we need to be more patient and gentle with ourselves and others. I know this isn’t always easy that is why self-compassion and self-love are so important. It is important to remember to not compare yourself to others.
Remember this is a journey, not a race. At some levels of the awakened journey you will be able to make huge jumps in other areas you may need a little more time to adjust and embody. Most of us have been on this spiritual journey for decades.
Love and self-love are the core foundation of increasing your level of awakening. It requires working with our heart intelligence, healing our heart wounds, and our inner child trauma that is closing us off from being open and generous-hearted.
Conscious heart and soul work is the most powerful way to live and work from that place of love.
What Awakening Requires
Awakening requires a lot of courage, strength, patience, self-love, and self-compassion for ourselves and the souls around us.
It involves the ability to go inwards and develop more discernment by developing your intuition, inner guidance, and spiritual discernment.
The ability to let go of long-held beliefs that are no longer truth or serving or spiritual evolvement. It requires growing up and taking responsibility for the choices we have made in life and what we have attracted in our lives.
While at the same time helping us see the absolute power and beauty of the god spark within us and the potential we have to create a world we once never imagined.
To spiritually awaken involves us letting go and surrendering to the hero’s journey, a journey through different archetypal stages of our life.
Societal Awakening Versus Spiritual Awakening
Eileen Burns is a Soul Empowerment, Coach, Healer and Therapist who helps awakened healers, empaths and lightworkers step into their power, fully embrace their life purpose and soul’s mission.
She is a highly compassionate and generous healer, who brings a wealth of experience from the holistic, healing and spiritual field from over 30 years. For more information about Eileen’s experience, qualifications and training. CLICK HERE
2 powerful things that I believe lightworkers need to work more on in 2024 to step into their life purpose and soul’s mission with more strength and power. In fact it is something I believe everyone should work on this year.
Soul Connection And Soul Power
The 2 main things lightworkers need to develop in 2024 to fully step in their soul mission is soul connection and soul power.
the easier it is to be a clearer channel for living a more soul-aligned life, for discerning illusion and truth as a lightworker to in turn become more spiritually awakened.
The more you can raise your soul power, you will be spiritually and physically resilient to energetic interferences trying to sabotage with your soul’s path.
The easier it is to be truly authentic in your holistic or spiritual business.
Every single person has their own soul’s contract, life and soul path, we are all more likely to get on and stay on our own path, when we have a strong soul connection and enough spiritual power to do what we are being asked and guided to do.
Examples Of Poor Soul Connection
Poor soul connection is like a very distorted radio channel, you can struggle to get on and hear the right frequency or you maybe listening to the wrong channel. Which will lead to all sorts of self sabotage and even spiritual hi-jacking which is obvious self-destructive especially for lightworkers, spiritual teachers and spiritual thought-leaders.
This spiritual disconnection leads to poor discernment, poor choices and habits, lack of confidence and self-trust, jealousy, resentment and victimhood.
Examples Of Low Soul Power
Low soul power, is like a low battery that is working at a low vibration with very limited capacity, it struggles to sustain itself and is more likely to seek power and energy from the wrong sources.
Such as alcohol, drugs, processed, man made drugs, foods, false guides and false light.
Lightworkers With Good Soul Connection and Soul Power
Good soul connection and soul power starts with being able to achieve deeper stillness and disconnection from our programming and the illusions of the external world so important when you are a lightworker and if you are highly empathic.
And involves being able to connect to divine truth that is why I always ask first and foremost to be guided by only the highest levels of divine truth.
This helps me reign myself back in when my ego takes me off in all sorts of directions and entanglements with my inner child, victim or inner brat lol.
This helps me get really in alignment with my purpose, my life and soul mission. As lightworkers it helps present us with the right support, right people, situations, teachers and teachings that help us evolve in our life and work.
Becoming More Spiritually Resilient
Soul connection work is extremely powerful it makes you far more resilient to the chaos, confusion and other people’s projections. It makes you far more spiritually aware and spiritually discerning.
Like many of you I am taking my own work to a brand new level, I will be focusing on more soul purpose and spiritual coaching and archetypal healing work.
I am being guided to help the way showers, you the awakened lightworkers who are on the front line, helping lead the way to a new world, a new earth.
So watch out for some new amazing offerings in 2024 and check out my latest events and the event I am participating in
Wishing you a powerful 2024!
Why Deepening Your Soul Connection And Soul Alignment In Your Spiritual Business In 2024 Is Important
7 Spiritual Commands To Increase Spiritual Authority, Spiritual Protection And Discernment In Your Life and Work As A Lightworker.
What are spiritual commands and why are they a powerful spiritual tool in our daily life? Understanding the power of spiritual commands to increase personal sovereignty and spiritual sovereignty. Why we all need to command more spiritual authority in every area of our lives, especially in situations we may feel powerless.
What is a Spiritual Command?
Spiritual commands are powerful spiritual affirmations and spiritual statements that help break your free from strongholds interfering with your spiritual path. Such as energetic and spiritual interferences, unhealthy distortions, pain and trauma this is causing any confusion and distortions in your souls connection and own channel. Anything that may create poor spiritual discernment our lack of spiritual strength and courage.
Daily spiritual commands help increase our resilience to negative psychic and spiritual interferences that are designed to self sabotage us by taking us off our spiritual path.
Why We Need More Spiritual Authority In Our Life
One of the biggest challenges we have today is lack of spiritual authority and spiritual discernment in our life and world. We just need to look around at the amount of conditioning and programming created by the 3d world that is based on illusion and feeds our egoic instant gratification.
How addicted and seduced we are in society by money, power, modern technology and artificial intelligence, which has became an increasing problem in the spiritual industry.
The more we want to move into the 5d new earth, the more we need to call in our spiritual authority, increase our spiritual light capacity so we can be the light and hold the light for others.
7 Spiritual Commands For Lightworkers That Increase Spiritual Authority
These spiritual commands will help increase spiritual authority and spiritual protection over our life, health and wellbeing.
By the power of the holy spirit and by his authority I break any curses, hexes, spells or attachments now and forever.
By the power of the god’s love and spiritual guidance I am guided to fulfill my life’s purpose and spiritual mission.
By the power of god’s love and his authority I break and heal all trauma and distortions
Increasing Our Spiritual Authority and Spiritual Power
The more we can increase our spiritual authority, the more we can fulfill our soul’s mission with least resistance. The more spiritual power we have at an individual and collective level the more spiritual light and spiritual strength we bring into our own lives and those around us.
That is why good spiritual authority, good spiritual power and spiritual discernment is vital for any lightworker, spiritual leader, spiritual teacher or healer especially when navigating through a spiritual war, spiritual challenges.