Solutions For Sensitive And Anxious, Stressed Out Kids

Top tips for highly sensitive stressed out kids, children and teenagers. 

Looking at why so many children are anxious, stressed and depressed than calm, happy and content. Many struggle to fall off or achieve good quality sleep and most struggle to relax and switch off.

Why Is There So Many Highly Sensitive Stressed Out Kids Today?

Well there is a variety of reasons, but one of the biggest causes of stressed out kids in the is overstimulation. Another cause of highly anxiety, stress and sensitivity is toxic overload. 

The modern world is in information overload from media devices, technology, education and systems.

Our bodies and mind are in toxic overload from our environment, food and substances we take in internally.


Unhealthy Conditioning Creates Stressed Out Kids

A big underlying reason for so many stressed out kids is the unhealthy program and modern day conditioning that children are exposed to.

Many children today are not given the space, the freedom and time to be children and to just be.

The word has become so focused on power, wealth, status and social image that as a collective we have become disconnected from fundamental basics that are so important for a child’s wellbeing and development.

Children today are more conditioned to be constantly doing, over busy or distracted than being able to just be. Sadly so many children today struggle to be in the moment, they can’t relax, some don’t really know how to play, have fun or be creative.

Society as a whole is struggling to be present, struggling to switch off and move from that active, doing state to our more natural state of being.


When A Baby Is Born

When a baby is born it doesn’t need to do or be anything, it is not born a stressed out kid.

A baby innately knows how to relax or be calm and content it just is.

But in a world based on fear and distraction particularly stimulation overload, the child becomes disconnected from their natural state. So exposed to busy, anxious filled and stressful environments their nervous system is in a chronic state of fight or flight, freeze or fawn.


Why Sensitive Children Are More Likely To Be A Stressed Out Kid

This is an inherit problem with sensitive children who are naturally more sensitive to their environment around them, including other’s peoples physical and emotional pain.

Solutions For Anxious Stressed Out Kids, Highly Sensitive Children. Top calm parenting tips by stress therapist and stress coach training owner eileen burns -

How To Nurture A More Calm Sensitive Kid Than A Stressed Out Kid?

As a parent you have to lead and nurture your child by example. Provide the right environment for any anxious or stressed out kid. Here are some tips for your stressed out child or teen.

Manage Your Own Stress

Learn how to live your own life as a more calm confident parent. Kids and teenagers feed off of their parents fear, anxiety and stress as well as their unhealthy trauma and distorted beliefs. So it is so important to address your own challenges, manage your own stress and heal your own inner child trauma.

Teach Your Stressed Out Child How To Relax

The next important thing is to  teach your child simple but effective life skills that will help them relax,  experience more calm and peace.

One of the most powerful ways to do that is to teach your child meditation and other forms of relaxation strategies like guided meditations. Which most children love and find easy to do.

Teaching your child how to meditate as in more traditional meditation techniques, can seriously help your child to stay centred, present and calm within them self no matter what is going on around them.

Guided meditations are also extremely helpful in encouraging deeper states of relaxation and sleep, some can help build self-esteem, confidence and creativity.

Childrens Meditation F/or Confidence and Relaxation

These strategies can be really helpful at teaching your child how to switch off, relax and have time out which is so important. And is a key part of ensuring a child is relaxed enough to achieve deep quality sleep.

Encourage More Relaxing Hobbies

Encouraging more relaxing hobbies for the whole family can help everyone feel more calm and relaxed. Some activities the whole family can take part in is jigsaws, mindful colouring activities, yoga, meditation or a family walk.

Reducing Overwhelm And Overstimulation In Stressed Out Kids

So many kids are in a constant state of overstimulation they suffer from overwhelm, hyperactivity and hypersensitivity to their surroundings, the information overload, the noise and toxins around them and even in them.

Most kids playtime or relaxation time is not very calming or relaxing, but full of technological devices and distractions that overload the mind. Activities that trigger all sorts of hormonal and emotional over reaction that is anything but healthy.

Just look at how much time young children and teenagers spend today on their phone, i-pad, x-box or computers. And how little time they spend out in nature, that is why it is important to…

The Importance Of Grounding For Anxious Stressed Out Kids

We might think of grounding as something new age hippies do, but there is science around benefits of grounding.

Our natural state of being is to be connected with nature, with the earth not spend most of our waking day behind a screen, sitting in a concrete home that only garden is artificial grass and artificial plants.

Just like the electricity in our home needs earthed, needs grounded so do we, that is a big reason for so many stressed out kids, teenagers and adults.

So get out into nature, take a walk in the countryside, the local park, help your family get more grounded.

relaxation remedies for kids

Essential Oils For Kids That Are Anxious Or Stressed

There are a variety of essential oils that can be safely used to help children relax such as Lavender and NYR Essential Oil Remedies To Roll.

Check out my blog  Essential Oils For Sensitive Kids to learn about some great essential oils that are great for children that are anxious, stressed or sensitive.

Childrens Meditation For Confidence and Relaxation

Eileen Burns

Highly experienced healer, coach, therapist who began studying healing, holistic and spiritual wellbeing 30 years ago.

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One response to “Helpful Solutions For Highly Sensitive, Anxious, Stressed Out Kids”

  1. […] The easily over stimulated child is often a HSP. Thus they are more easily stimulated; noise, visuals, smells, touch, movement and taste. For some the sensitivity can be so extreme, it can seriously impact their life. For example they may not be able to tolerate touch or find specific or loud sounds extremely painful or uncomfortable. […]

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