The Art Of Self-Compassion And Compassion. Why compassion for ourselves and others is so important, especially during this time of awakening and ascension?
How to find self-compassion for ourselves and others without suffering from compassion fatigue?
What Is Compassion?
Compassion is the strong emotional feelings we have in relation to another person’s pain and human suffering, whether that be emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual pain.
What Is Self-Compassion?
Self-compassion is having the same level of compassion and positive regard for ourselves that we have for other people. Some say it is a form of goodwill towards ourselves as it involves helpful thoughts, kindness, and a deep caring for oneself.
Why Is Self-Compassion So Challenging?
But why is self-compassion such a struggle for so many people, especially empaths and those in the caring professions, who show so much compassion for others on a daily basis?
Like everything in life, there are many reasons we can struggle with self-compassion, as much as we can also suffer compassion fatigue.
Common challenges with self-compassion are often linked to an inability to look at our own trauma, our own pain, distorted beliefs, and unhealthy patterns.
This can lead to unhealthy expectations of self and others, which can cause a lot of inner conflict, that leaves us believing that we all need, must, or should be super perfect, superhuman, be there more for others than ourselves.
Which can lead to all sorts of problems such as burn out, illness, resentment and compassion fatigue.
There is a general view that a lack of self-compassion stems from poor self-worth and self-esteem. Though, according to Professor Kristin Neff, 5 Myths Of Self Compassion one of the biggest problems is actually an over-emphasis on self-esteem.
She has a very valid point, in relation to the personal development and coaching industry which often implies self-esteem, as something you achieve through striving, and goal-setting, in relation to building self-confidence.
When one over-identifies with the human self, the egoic self rather than our soul essence and god spark we are more likely to suffer from human burnout and compassion fatigue. Which is so prevalent in the health and caring industry.
Signs Of Compassion Fatigue
Compassion fatigue can show up in all sorts of ways, here are some common symptoms of compassion fatigue
Loosen Our Over Identity With The Human Experience: One of the wisest things we can do is to learn how to loosen our over-identification with the human experience. And nurture a deeper connection with our spiritual self. Every single one of us has human challenges, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities to face. It is easy for us to judge ourselves or others harshly when we over-identify with the human aspect instead of the soul. When we can find the wisdom to view human conditioning from a more spiritual or awakened perspective the easier it is to bring in objectivity and more compassion to ourselves and others
Develop An Open Heart: An open heart moves us out of judgment and self-judgment. It helps us move out of polarity, out of I am right, you are wrong. I am weak your strong or vice versa. It moves out of any competition or needs to be anything or anyone, into the ability to radiate true love including ourselves.
Deepen Your Soul Connection: A good soul connection starts with a good heart connection, it helps us be guided by our soul of what is right for us and what is not.
Identify Your Main Shadow Archetypes: Identifying the main shadow archetypes that are withholding compassion can help reveal a lot about our triggers. For example, if we see the Martyr, Rescuer, Judge, Ruler, Victim, or other archetypes at play, we can see what distorted narratives and patterns need to be balanced. While doing shadow work it is important to do be more self compassionate towards ourselves and others.
Heal Your Inner Child: Healing your inner child trauma with deep self-compassion and spiritual maturity helps us heal unhealthy distortions of how we must, should, or need to be. It also helps us heal certain expectations we put on others. Other than actively getting the right help and support to heal our inner childhood wounding. There are a variety of natural essences and essential oils that can support us Ylang Ylang Oil is a useful essential oil that helps soothe and comfort the inner child.
Become More Present: The more present we can become in our own lives, the more mindful, aware, and present we become to our mental and emotional triggers. The easier it is to start minimizing and eliminating unhealthy reactions and behavioral patterns that keep us in an unhealthy loop.
Practice Patience: Like everything self-compassion and self-love takes time to master. We are all doing the best we can, with the level of consciousness we are at. We all have different types of vulnerabilities and weaknesses, some can be easier than others to work through. It is important to be patient and be…
Be Kind To Yourself: Showing kindness to ourselves is so underrated, in a time when truth is becoming so important it can be easy to forget that there still needs to be a place of kindness, especially self-kindness.
Inspiration Lightworker Quotes and inspirational quotes for spiritual workers. Quotes that help and Inspire, Love, Light And Strength for Empaths, Healers, Lightworkers, Healers and Light Warriors on the spiritual path, the journey of awakening and ascension.
22 Inspiring Lightworker Quotes
Inspiring Quotes For Lightworkers, Empaths, Earthseeds and Starseeds
“When we shift our energy from fear to love, we find our way” ― Panache Desai
“In a seemingly dark and troubled world, there are hundreds and thousands of lightworkers, standing strong, refusing to dim their lights. Look for the light workers they are all around you. Follow them back to the light.”― Renae A. Sauter
“Sometimes the universe turns off all the lights so we have no choice but to find our own.” ― Rebecca Campbell
“There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”— Edith Wharton
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”— Sogyal Rinpoche
“A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.”― St. Francis of Assisi
Lightworker Quotes by Ram Dass and Rumi
Famous inspiring quotes by Ram Dass
“The Quieter You Become The More You Can Hear” — Ram Dass
“The shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to the light.”— Ram Dass
“For every sensitive soul, time alone is not a luxury; it is a matter of survival.” ― Sylvia Salow
“Struggles Of An Empath and Lightworker” Empaths and Lightworkers did not arrive on this planet to lead a cheerful carnival parade into a perfect New Earth paradise. There is much work to be done before anyone will ever enter that promised land.” ― Anthon St. Maarten
Light Warrior and Spiritual Warrior Quotes
Quotes that inspire light, spiritual courage, wisdom and peace.
“Spiritual warriors are truth speakers and light keepers, not fearmongers or cheerleaders.”― Anthon St. Maarten
“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”― Mahatma Gandhi
“Many people think excitement is happiness…. But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh
“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Learn How To Develop Your Intuition For Life And Business. Learn why intuition is such an underdeveloped tool that more and more of us should learn how to master. Why it is a natural life skill many of us are not investing enough time to develop and enhance.
What Is Intuition?
Intuition is an inner knowing about something, someone without any analytical information or rational reasoning. Many would regard Intuition as a gut feeling or hunch.
In many ways, it’s an innate trait that we start to disconnect from in childhood due to a variety of distorted patterns and programming, trauma, and disconnect from our soul and higher intelligence.
Some of you maybe like me, naturally intuitive and creative while some of you are more logically minded. And need to learn how to develop your intuition.
No matter how intuitive you are or not, intuition is something that can always be developed even more.
Why Intuition Is A Powerful Tool
Sadly most of us live in a world that is built on illusion and fakery. We just need to look around at social media, news, politics, government, and even medicine. To see how much we are fed a narrative that suits someone’s agenda, someone else’s perceptions not necessarily, truth, fact, or fiction.
Every day media is trying to sell you something, often a product or course that doesn’t do what it implies or claims on the packet.
Every day someone is being prescribed something that does more harm than healing. Every day we are exposed to other people’s truth or perceptions, not necessarily our truth.
When you develop your intuition to a certain level, it is much easier to discern when something is not quite what it appears to be. It can help protect you from danger, and from making big and costly mistakes.
My intuition has saved me from lots of negative situations and one extremely dark and dangerous situation. Your intuition is a powerful tool when you learn to master it.
Intuition And Spiritual Discernment
Strong intuition can help you become more spiritually discerning, something so important in life and any sort of soul-aligned business.
Spiritual Discernment is extremely important if you are a spiritual teacher, healer, or coach. Where clients or students are looking to you for support or guidance.
The more you develop your intuition the easier it is to navigate what is right and wrong for you. I believe in many ways intuition is a direct connection to god, your higher self, or your spiritual helpers e.g. your Guardian Angel.
So the more you cultivate a connection with your inner self, the stronger that connection becomes.
But sadly most people today spend so much time in their heads or on external distractions they have lost their inner connection.
That is why so many people even highly experienced intuitives, healers, coaches, and therapists, give their power away every day to other teachers, especially celebrity Spiritual Teachers or Psychics. Believe and invest in what someone else says without using any Spiritual Discernment.
It is great to explore and learn from other teachers but NEVER give your power away believing they have all the answers. I see so many on the spiritual path idolizing others to a very unhealthy degree. Remember we’re all having a human experience, some yes maybe more awakened, more aware, and have more wisdom in certain areas.
But sometimes they aren’t. Develop your intuition and discernment so you can be more self-responsible and independent.
“I define intuition as the subtle knowing without ever having any idea why you know it,” Sophy Burnham, bestselling author of The Art of Intuition
Learn How To Develop Your Intuition
The more you can loosen those distractions, that you use to avoid facing what you are feeling or even seeing.
You will get into a more being state than an avoidance or resistance state. Just starting to recognise those distractions and avoidance tactics is the first thing.
How many times in a day do you spend checking your phone, checking your emails, Facebook, or watching TV, instead of just being?
These are the types of things we all do to keep the mind distracted and busy. We now give so much power to the mind that we neglect our other senses. When you start reducing and loosening those distractions you will find it much easier to develop your intuition and notice those signs and synchronicities.
The ability to meditate helps loosen those attachments, those distractions that can stop you from developing your intuition. Meditation helps you access stillness and calm, deeper connection with the self. Meditation naturally helps you have more pauses and presence between your thoughts.
It helps you become more of the observer, the witness to everything within and around you. I believe more traditional forms of meditation are the most powerful way to access this. Now even though I teach traditional and modern forms of meditation and Guided Meditations ( Guided Imagery Meditations) guided in my work as a meditation teacher for over 20 years.
I believe learning how to meditate is a far more effective way to develop your intuition from a clearer mind. Saying that as a healer, Guided Meditations with certain types of healing work can be a powerful way to help unlock those untapped or suppressed gifts. One of the reasons I created this Free Healing Guided Meditation – Awaken Your Soul.
Learn To Ground More: The more grounded and protected you become, the more solid, and clearer your intuitive messages will come through.
No matter how highly awake and intuitive you are if you are not fully earthed and grounded. It is very easy to be hijacked by disinformation from negative sources, entities, the ego, your own or others’ trauma, and or distortions. No one is immune.
That is why energy protection tools are so important, especially for empaths, healers, and hsp’s who are more sensitive to energetic shifts, other people’s trauma, and wounding.
The more you learn how to get out of the monkey mind you will get out of your own way. The more you will naturally become more attuned to yourself more holistically and spiritually. In the twenty-first century, we have allowed in many ways our minds to be a slave to the system, a slave to the media, a slave to other people’s rules, beliefs, and systems.
The more you can go inside, become more connected to your body, more connected to all your senses, you will naturally develop your intuition and your unique clairvoyant gifts. Those very natural spiritual gifts, gifts that God gave us.
The more you can relax, and be calm, the stronger those intuitive nudges and signs will come through. But sadly today most people don’t know how to relax or switch off, as I already mentioned they are too distracted and too busy.
That is why I teach therapists, healers, and coaches to become Relaxation Therapists and Teachers. It is much harder to help empower someone in their life, help them access their inner compass if they are constantly anxious or stressed. For them to be able to discern between their intuition or what is F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real. So learn how to switch off.
Creativity is the art of channeling, inventing, and creating something new, it requires inspiration that comes from a level of spontaneity that is intuitive. Creativity and Intuition are very right-brain processes, that help expand and nurture each other. “Intuition and creativity are fundamentally, interdependent and interchangeable. They reflect the highest forms of applicable intelligence for any and every ability.” Intuition as the Basis for Creativity, C Woolf
Creativity helps us expand perceived limitations, think and be out of the box, all extremely helpful in being able to sense beyond what we can see, feel and hear on the physical level. And a powerful tool that can help develop your intuition.
When you can identify your strongest clair gift and start nurturing it, you will often find you will naturally develop other clair gifts, other intuitive gifts. The most common intuitive and Clair Gifts are Clairvoyance, Claircognisance, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Clairgustance and Clairailence.
Ready To Develop Your Intuition?
In my Develop Your Intuition Course I include a variety of exercises and tools to identify your strongest clair gifts and then how to start developing and expanding those gifts. There are so many ways you can develop those gifts,
If you would love to learn how to Develop Your Intuition, Spiritual And Psychic Gifts, check out the gold or quantum level of the Lightworkers portal.
Essential Flower Essences For Empaths, Sensitives, and Healers. Learn the mental and emotional benefits of flower essences, Bach essences, and other types of essences around today.
What Are Flower Essences?
Flower Essences are part of the Essence Family. You can get all sorts of essences including Plant, Gem & Crystal Essences, Environmental Essences, even Geometrical Essences.
Flower Essences are flower extracts, that are known to be mentally, emotionally, and physically balancing. Flower essences originated in the 1930’s from the work of Dr. Bach, a Medical Doctor, and Homeopath. Dr. Bach was a strong believer that “the key to good health was by emotional harmony”.
Dr. Bach went onto establish the use of 38 different flower essences to support different emotions. Each essence was obtained from either a plant, flower, or tree.
Flower essences are normally extracted through two different processes that Dr. Bach used; The sun method is used for the more delicate flower which involves floating the flower heads in water directly in the sun for approx 3 hours. The boiling the plant method tends to be more for other flowers and woodland plants that tend to blossom in lower sunlight. Both processes extract the vibration of the flowers into the water, which after being filtered is mixed with equal parts of Brandy and then classed as a stock remedy.
Different Types Of Flower Essences Today
Today there are many different types and ranges of Flower Essences and Essences from a variety of things. While studying my Diploma in Flower Essences we explored the
Australian Bush Essences
Bach Flower Essences
Findhorn Flower Essences
Later on I came to explore and use different types of essences
Divine Harmony Essences
Indigo Essences – especially the crystal essences
I have also used personally other essences created or channeled by other therapists, these include Janine Thorpe and Sally Arthurs.
My Experience Using Flower Essences
I was first introduced to Flower Essences in the early ’90s by a retired Dr practising different holistic medicine approaches. At a time in my life where I was young and ill, dealing with the physical, mental and emotional challenges of chronic and rare medical challenges in my early twenties. Conditions and symptoms that mainstream medicine couldn’t treat or offer me any support.
During this period two of my family members were involved in a serious physical assault which was extremely traumatising to them both. The practitioner that I was attending recommended they both take Rock Rose. Rock Rose was useful at helping release the terror and trauma of such an experience. Now only one chose to take the remedy, the other didn’t. The interesting thing I noticed was one sister after this dealt with the trauma more healthily than the other.
Later in my life another therapist prescribed me some Bach Remedies for a very stressful time in my life. It was a situation where I was working for an organisation where I was being put in a very difficult situation. After taking the flower essences I was so surprised how much the essences didn’t just help me feel more resilient but helped me become more self-aware, make me realise why I was struggling so much more.
I then went on to study a Diploma in Flower Essence Healing at college and began to use Flower Essences and other Essences in my work as a healer, coach and Stress Counsellor.
I was amazed at how effective it was for many clients suffering from extreme stress, Post Traumatic Stress, and Depression.
As someone who has always been extremely empathic and sensitive I found the Indigo Essences extremely beneficial at giving me a protective layer. This was particularly helpful for a few years after a Near Death Experience that left me very open spiritually and psychically. So much so that I was feeling others’ emotional and physical symptoms on a very exaggerated level.
Bach Essential Flower Essences For Empaths and Healers
Centaury for the inability to say NO. Centaury is very useful for empaths and healers anyone else who struggle to be assertive, struggle to stand up for themself. The people pleasers, the over givers, those tend to put others first and struggle to say NO. For those with co-dependency traits.
Crab Apple carries the energy of purity, many healers and intuitive’s find it helpful to clean the energy of other people’s trauma or negative energy. Wounded healers and unruly empaths can too easily absorb or take on the trauma or suffering of their clients or those around them.
Oak is for the individual who tends to be very strong, capable, and self-reliant. But tend to work very hard ( classical workaholic) who tend to push their limits, work through challenges without taking time out, breaks, etc
Star Of Bethlehem is a very effective flower essence to help heal old trauma, abuse, loss, and grief. Because Empaths and Healers tend to attract more situations where people are sharing their trauma and suffering. This not only exposes them to other people’s pain and suffering but is more likely to trigger personal wounds, memories not addressed that are still held in the cellular body. So is very supportive during Inner Child Therapy.
Walnut is a powerful essence to support us with any sort of transition in life. But it is also extremely helpful as a protection against outside influences, think about the protective shell around the Walnut. So walnut is extremely helpful for empaths who struggle to create healthy boundaries.
Indigo Essences For Empaths and Healers
The two I found very beneficial were
Bubble from Chrystal Series. This basically helps give you a feeling of an energetic bubble from Environmental Stress. Today so many healers and empaths are spending a lot of time online or around Electromagnetic Frequencies that can be very harsh on our energetic field.
Software from Chrystal Series. This essence is supposed to filter out the heavy energies coming towards your energetic field, Now this was designed for babies but as someone who developed extreme sensitivity, especially severe noise sensitivity that would trigger seizures. I found this very helpful at supporting my nervous system and help me be less affected by other people’s wounding and distortions.
Others Indigo Essences that Empaths, HSP’s and Healers may find beneficial include
Pink 4 from the Pink Essences will help you find a deeper more stronger connection to self. This is particularly important if you are a healer, coach, or therapist who is supporting others.
Pink 5 from the Pink Essences which helps you connect to source energy. Many healers assume that they are always connecting to source energy but as an experienced healer of 30 years I know this is not always the case for even those who
As you can see there are many different types of flower essences and other types of essences available to choose from. Explore the different types of flower essences, I find the indigo essences are the easiest for many people to intuitively choose from.
Eileen a highly experienced, healer, therapist, coach with a Diploma in Flower Essences Healing helps empaths and healers live more of their life and soul purpose with ease. Eileen offers Inner Child Healing, Spiritual Business Coaching alongside her online Stress Coach Training School.
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Check out my Stress Resilience For Lightworkers Free 6 Day Course
Heal Your Magical Child– Your Inner Magician Archetype and Inner Wounded Child. Learn why healing your inner alchemist and magician archetype can help you in your life, work, and spiritual business.
I am very familiar with some of the most beautiful light and disruptive shadow aspects of the magical child. The powerful gifts of the alchemist and magician But equally the common sabotaging patterns when the Alchemist is coming from a state of fear, anxiety, trauma, lack, or rejection.
I see everyday examples of the wounded magical child in so many wounded healers, coaches, intuitive, and spiritual teachers. Like most healers, I have been working on those patterns in my own life for many years.
As a highly empathic sensitive, I see many unruly empaths and healers also very disconnected from their divine and magical child. Embedded in core wounds that are keeping them stuck and afraid of their most beautiful, magical, and powerful gifts. Which they have not yet learned to fully harness.
The reality is when you can tap into and heal not just your inner child but your magical child, you can start to make big shifts. Big shifts in recognizing your power, owning and honouring your gifts, life, and soul purpose that is why shadow work and inner child work are so powerful.
But Inner Child Therapy just like any form of deep soul and trauma work should always be done by someone who has the right skill set. Make sure you choose a therapist or healer who understands and is qualified and experienced to work at a deep soul level and with trauma.
Unfortunately, I have witnessed and been on the other side of Inner Child work by healers who hadn’t a clue what they were doing. Who had no understanding or experience of working with trauma, no understanding of the psychological damage they can do when they don’t approach Inner Child Healing in a safe effective therapeutic way?
Building Connection With Your Magical Child
With any type of Inner Child work, the initial connection with the inner child must be built on trust. Especially in those who have suffered a lot of trauma, building strong inner child connections can take patience and time.
If the healer or therapist rushes the process or doesn’t know what they are doing, this can cause further issues by pushing the inner child into more hiding.
So when trying to heal your Magical Child make sure you understand you are dealing with your inner child’s view of their world, their story.
Make sure you get the right help and support from someone who can help hold your inner child in a safe space.
How To Connect With Your Magical Child
Get Quiet:
You won’t find your inner magical child in busyness or chaos. It is so important to take time to switch off from distractions, relax, and generally be in the moment. Like any child, your inner child can only be heard properly when you take time to be quiet, to be still.
Look For Magic And Miracles:
Young children tend to see the magic and awe in everything around them. Their untainted innocence and sense of wonder help* them see the beauty and magic of life and every living creature. They fully immerse themself in so many things we as adults don’t notice or take for granted. So start noticing the magic, the miracles that are here every single day.
Make Time For Fun And Play:
Too much work doesn’t just make jack a boring boy it makes him an unhealthy and unhappy boy. Make a list of all the fun things you enjoyed as a child and start bringing them into your daily and weekly life. Don’t let any distortive thoughts around age, or what you should and shouldn’t do stop you from having some inner child fun. To stay happy and healthy build a strong connection with your eternal child your playful child. Make time for hobbies, things you enjoy doing even those things you love to do but aren’t very good at, and even those things that get very very messy.
Honour Your Magical Child:
When you honour the innocent and magical aspects of your core, you honour your greatest potential and soul desires. The greatest abuse to the Magical Child, or the Innocent Child is not owning, valuing, or honouring your gifts. Stop being ashamed or fearful of your gift learn how to nurture them and develop them with the right help. Not fully honouring or developing your gifts or mastering your skills can lead to all sorts of problems. Think of the devastation left behind by the impatient sorcerer’s apprentice and you get the ideal. Many wounded magicians end up being more attracted to dark and illusion than light and pureness without even realising it.
Unlock Your Inner Alchemist:
The alchemist and magician’s archetypal traits love to experiment with new ideas, concepts, blends, and remedies. Anything that will support create change and shifts. That is why many magician archetypes become aromatherapists, herbalists, homeopaths, flower essence practitioners. Others become mindset practitioners, hypnotherapists, life coaches, energy, and spiritual healers. Or are attracted to many of these tools in their work, my inner alchemist inspired me to study many of these things.
Develop Discernment and Wisdom:
Part of the Magical Child’s journey is about treading the line between dark and light so they can learn how to transform from the dark. So it is very much about developing discernment and wisdom which too often comes from experience than just insight. The deeply wounded Magician and Alchemist Archetype that has been more abused than empowered is easily seduced by power, financial, or celebrity success at any cost. The healed and wise Master Magician has developed discernment and wisdom. They recognise that all that glitters is not gold and that the greatest most precious gold comes from a pure heart and soul.
If you are Ready To Heal more of your Magical Child?
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What does following your own truth mean? And why can owning your truth be hard at times especially when you are highly empathic or sensitive.
Living Your Own Truth
Well, to live your truth is about living a life full of authenticity and openness. To me, it is also one that is guided and supported by good spiritual guidance.
But why is not always easy, why do so many of us live most of our lives trying to live up to other people’s expectations or definitions of truth than our own truth?
As a highly sensitive empath I was a big people pleaser who struggled to own my truth. I have spent most of my life enmeshed in other people’s emotions I struggled to know my own. I’ve struggled to own and express my truth because of a distorted perception that owning my truth would hurt someone else.
Following Your Own Truth
For me following your truth has to start by recognising and owning what is true to you, no one else. From infanthood, we are exposed to other people’s beliefs, conditioning, values, and wounding. Other people’s perceptions of life or truth are based on their beliefs, personal experiences, and what feels true for them.
Every single one of us is uniquely different in our own unique soul’s essence and our purpose. That essence is part of a bigger picture, the jigsaw of life. And to do that in the healthiest authentic way we need to be able to follow what is true in our heart.
In many ways, I mean to follow our spiritual truth, not our egoic truth. So it is about getting out of our head, and our fear, and into the heart and soul.
Identifying Your Truth When Your Highly Empathic
We are all exposed to other people’s beliefs and ideologies daily. But at a core level, your soul craves the need to follow your path. Your spirit wants to live a life that is based on your integral values, and your inner compass.
One thing I was taught early on by my father was to trust my intuition. But to be honest, being a bit of an unruly empath my energy can easily be dominated by much stronger personalities or their views.
Like many empaths, I am very easily entangled by the emotional pain and needs of others. So I have to identify, own, and step into my truth, knowing what is my energy and what is not.
Moving Into What Is True For You
Believe me, moving into your truth isn’t easy if you have strong characters or strong views around you. But finding your truth is so important when trying to live a more healthy authentic life. If you don’t it is too easy to be living everyone else’s truth rather than your own.
Why It Is Easy To Lose Your Truth
So many people struggle to know their truth never mind follow their truth. It’s easy to lose yourself, your truth, your voice in relationships, within family dynamics, or at work. In jobs and careers where you have to live by other people’s policies, rules, core ethics, and values it is easy to lose or forget your truth.
Many work environments encourage suppression of truth and core values so much so you barely recognise yourself. Modern society programs us and gaslights us to question our reality and question what is morally right. All designed to cause doubt and confusion.
This is especially true for those of you who are highly empathic with unhealthy boundaries. But believe me, I know if you don’t get behind your truth, your inner guidance, you lose yourself. It can lead to anxiety, and stress because you have moved out of alignment with yourself.
Of course, on a spiritual level, everyone’s truth is just a story, just a perception. But to maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves and to have direction we need to know ourselves. We need to know what feels right and fits with our values and what doesn’t. Suppressing or denying what feels true for you, can lead to all sorts of internal chaos, confusion even disease. So start owning your truth today.
How To Start Owning What is True To You
When you start to own your truth it can be very freeing, expressing it can bring up very strong fear. Learning how to express that truth clearly and concisely can take time especially if you struggle with assertiveness.
Building more clear and honest communication between you and others can take a lot of courage, self-compassion, and patience.
Top Tips To Start Owning And Expressing Your Truth