How To Step Into Your Power As A Lightworker

How To Step Into Your Power As A Lightworker

Stepping Into Your Power As A Lightworker

9 ways to step into your power as a lightworker, so you can fulfil your life and soul’s mission with more strength and wisdom. Top ways to step into your soul power, reclaim the life you are meant to live and do the work you are here to do with more ease.

Stepping Into Your Power And Purpose

The world needs you the lightworkers, the intuitives, the healers, the creatives and the visionaries to step into your power so that together we can create powerful shifts. The more the awakened lightworker steps up in their life, their work with a courageous open heart and lead by example, we organically encourage those around us to do the same.

So what does stepping into your power as a lightworker really mean?

lightworker is a worker of light, a worker of the light and love of god, it is someone who genuinely wants to make a powerful difference in the world and makes that an integral part of their life. At a soul level, they have a great pull to be of service to humanity at a very deep level, to help raise the vibration of humanity at this time. So they choose certain roles, and jobs to be of service rather than focus on the monetary benefits.

Lightworkers have all sorts of vocations they are not just healers, spiritual teachers, and therapists they are the heart-based lawyers, doctors, caregivers, charity workers, and individuals in all sorts of roles that really take their spiritual path and spiritual growth very seriously.

It is not something that is trendy or something that should be prostituted at the highest bidder, it is a sacred journey that many at this time are called to be part of.

Stepping Into Your Power As A Lightworker Involves…

Doing the deep shadow and soul work, being able to face our biggest fears, the dark nights of the soul so we can embody and hold more love, light, strength and power for humanity at this time.

Being a lightworker comes in all shapes and disguises, it is a very different and unique path for each and every lightworker. It is paved with initiations and what I believe is the ability to move through the hero’s journey.


How To Step Into Your Power As A Lightworker, Healer, Coach, Therapist

Top Tips To Stepping Into Your Power As A Lightworker


Deep Stillness:

Be still and know that I am god. The ability to be still, to achieve deep stillness is the space where we hear the voice of god, we recharge and reconnect with our heart and soul.

That is why the ability to meditate deeply is important and powerful for the lightworker role,

The ability to be quiet and still, helps us discern between spiritual guidance and our egoic wants, desires and fears. It dramatically increases our intuition and our psychic senses.

The right meditation techniques and the right meditation approach can make a huge difference, I teach a variety of meditation approaches including quantum strategies that help clients and students achieve deep stillness quickly.


Ask For Daily Guidance:

It is so important for us to ask for guidance be a channel for god’s guidance and your soul’s essence on not just a day-to-day basis but a moment-to-moment basis throughout the day, to keep us on track. Especially when we feel unsure, overwhelmed or confused.

And as someone said to me many years ago don’t be shy about asking for BIG SIGNS, huge signs if need be. Sometimes these signs come in not just signs but in situations that force you away from a situation or into a new direction. At the time it may not feel very comfortable, but later on, you can see the why, the huge gift within the situation.

Part of asking for guidance is also the ability to surrender, to let go and let god


One Day At A Time:

Patience is everything as a lightworker, Rome wasn’t built in a day and certainly wasn’t taken down in a day.

The lightworker’s role is not a short mission, it is a spiritual journey that is more of a long strong walk than a sprint. Stepping into your power as a lightworker requires a healthy endurance that needs to be paced. We cannot sustain that role from a state of chronic stress, push, push, pushing or fear-based urgency but from a place of grace and in many ways steady pacing.

Just for today, I will … one step at a time, one moment at a time.

Lightworkers Step Into Your Power Meditation

Do The Inner Work/ The Shadow Work

Lightwork involves a certain amount of inner work, spiritual initiations and spiritual growth. Sometimes the individual isn’t consciously aware of these initiations or inner shifts in their life or journey. But they are key situations that raise their consciousness enough to pivot that soul to the next level or lesson in their life and soul purpose and mission.

With each event, we have the opportunity to face and work through our inner shadow, our inner demons or fears. More conscious lightworkers actively go looking for the help, support and teachings that will help them move through the shadow work. Because they know how important this deep soul work is at raising our vibration and levels of consciousness as individuals and on the planet.

No matter where we are or have been on our journey we have to do the inner work, the shadow work, heal our inner child wounding, and heal our triggers. It is one of the reasons I am very passionate about archetypal work as it can be a very effective and efficient way to identify our shadow traits and strengths more strongly.

No matter how long we have been doing shadow work and inner child work, 10, 20, 30 years or more, there is always more that we can do to raise our vibration.

Tap Into Your Magical Child:

Tapping into our inner magical child is a powerful way to access more light, love, magic and miracles from the god essence, Children have such purity and such deep connection to the divine light that it can help us take our creativity and transformation to a whole new level.

Magical Child inner child work is extremely powerful at helping us access magical transformations is one of my favourite tools with clients. Healing the inner child and the magical/creative child helps open us up to the purest aspect of the alchemist, the creator, the divine and magical child. It can help us tap into unlimited potential, and break free from outdated structures in the matrix. Become more divine and authentic in our every day life.

Develop Spiritual Discernment

One of the biggest lessons all souls need to cultivate today is more spiritual discernment. Especially in the world today when there is so much inversion through psychological manipulation of social media and television (tell-a-lie-vision). Where humans let other humans sitting in a digital box or device tell them what is fact or truth without any questions or spiritual discernment.

Spiritual discernment is what helps us navigate through a spiritual war with more wisdom and strength. That is why a good spiritual teacher has to have a good level of spiritual discernment, have highly developed intuition. And is not as easily fooled or swayed by the mass psychological manipulation that is there to confuse us.

This is vital for healers and energy workers who need to be able to spiritually discern what they are connecting to. Not just assume they are always connecting to the highest light of divine truth. In a spiritual war, there is a lot of false light, false teachings, false guides that can influence and energetically interfere with the work we do.

Lightworkers Step Into Your Power Meditation For Empaths, Hsp's, Healers


Develop A Spiritual Backbone

I believe developing a spiritual backbone is so important if you are serious about being a lightworker. This involves us having first to have the courage to face spiritual truths about ourselves, our own journey, our weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and what we are teaching and have been teaching.

As well as having the spiritual backbone to face the truth, especially those things that are very difficult to swallow. I know despite being extremely empathic and highly sensitive, every day I face my fears and step into my power, the stronger I become, the stronger we all will become.

The lightworker’s journey is not for the faint-hearted, it is not a fad or passing trend. Something you dip your toe into, to see if it feels good. It is an embedded aspect of your soul’s blueprint. It requires a high level of integrity and courage that can be felt so strongly by others that it ignites others to rise up, to do what is right and what is their calling. The more we develop a stronger spiritual backbone, we help others to do the same.

Be Part Of A Family Of Like-Minded Souls

It can be very lonely as a lightworker, especially for certain types of lightworkers who have certain major roles such as the visionaries. Being part of a family of like-minded souls is both strengthening and nurturing. When we work together and support each other we grow together and create much more powerful shifts.

This is one of the main reasons I created my new co-creating new earth sessions, a space where lightworkers can explore ways to move forward together and build stronger relationships with lightworkers on similar missions or with a similar drive. We don’t need to do it all alone, we are family, and here to work together.

Honouring The Lightworkers Role:

I believe it is important to honour the lightworker’s role. Not to view the lightworker’s role as more important than any other role from an egoic perspective. But to have the respect to see how privileged we are to be given such beautiful tasks on our soul’s mission.

Every single one of us has a different soul journey and life challenges that have been very important in shaping who we are and who will be. It is a role that evolves and grows as we spiritually mature and grow in our awakening and awareness.

When we recognise the value of our gifts and skills, we realise they need to be respected, valued and harnessed the right way. Part of that is also respecting other lightworkers’ roles we may not understand or feel aligned with.

I see you, I hear you, I feel the light in you, I honour the light in you.

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Spiritual Prayer For Lightworkers

Spiritual Prayer For Lightworkers

Spiritual Prayer For Lightworkers

Spiritual Prayer For Lightworkers, Healers, Therapists, and Spiritual Business Owners who want to receive daily spiritual guidance and strength. A lightworker’s prayer to help you align with your life and soul mission from the highest integrity and love.

Prayer For Lightworkers, Therapists, Healers

Dear God of The Highest Love And Light

Help me see and know the highest dimensions of truth.

Help me feel, experience, and share the highest dimensions of love.

Let flow through me the highest dimension of light.

Support me today with greater compassion and love.

Give me strength and courage in my daily life, work, relationships, and communications.

Guide me with spiritual wisdom and spiritual discernment in my daily life, and my work.

So that I can live my life and soul purpose, my mission in the highest most spiritually aligned way.

Help me attract into my life the opportunities, situations, and people that will help support me and others today.

Thank You Thank You


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Prayer For Healers, Therapists, Counsellors

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Access a taste of some of the content in my Lightworkers portal, by accessing my free Lightworkers library.

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How To Nurture Your Inner Child

How To Nurture Your Inner Child

How To Nurture Your Inner Child

How To Nurture Your Inner Child, Comfort and Soothe Our Inner Child in a deeply healing and supportive way.

What is Your Inner Child?

Your inner child is part of you, part of your psyche that has been present from the time you have been conceived.

Our inner child forms different archetypal traits to adapt and survive our environment and family system.

It is where most of us form healthy and unhealthy archetypal traits, personality traits that shape our beliefs and behavioural patterns in adulthood.

The reason why we all have a wounded inner child that needs healing and healthy parenting.

No matter how healthy, caring, and nurturing our childhood was, we all have inner child wounds, we all have happy, self-sabotaging, and destructive patterns that impact our lives.

Nurturing Your Inner Child

Nurturing your inner child is an important part of helping to comfort, reassure, and soothe your inner child to become a more happy healthy adult.

But like everything in life, there is a healthy way to nurture and approach your inner child and a not-so-healthy way.

It is that fine balance of being able to listen and acknowledge the inner child while equally parenting the inner child in a nurturing way.

Like every child, your inner child can want and crave all sorts of unhealthy patterns in an attempt to self-soothe its trauma, neglect, abuse, and loss.

This is why it is so important to approach healing your inner child and nurturing your inner child in a healthy balanced and informed way.

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Nurturing Your Inner Child, Healing Your Wounded Child

10 Ways To Nurture Your Inner Child

Connect With Your Inner Child –

You cannot truly and effectively nurture your child within until you can make a healthy and deep soul connection with your inner child. This is a step that shouldn’t be rushed and it requires you to set times in your day, and week where you make that conscious connection.

Listen To Your Inner Child –

Part of nurturing and parenting your healthy child is the ability to listen and acknowledge your inner child.

Many children of certain generations were seen but not heard. And in many ways not seen.

The ability to listen to what our child archetypes and inner child are trying to tell us is of vital importance. If we don’t listen closely enough we can miss very important information, that is why listening to your inner child is so important and one of the most fundamental basics of inner child therapy.

Being Fully Present With Your Inner Child –

The ability to be fully present requires the ability to be still, be quiet, and be fully in the moment is so important. If you struggle to be still, struggle to connect within or to your soul’s essence. You are going to struggle to connect with the heart of your child’s archetypes that need your attention. That is why the right meditation techniques and soul connection skills can be extremely helpful.

Honour Your Inner Child –

it is so important for us all to respect, value, and honour our inner child and all our archetypal traits in a balanced and healthy way. Just like honouring, respecting, and valuing a child we love, we have to honour that child in a way without reinforcing unhealthy child wound patterns.

This is why honouring and valuing the child archetypes within us also involves parenting our inner child to recognise unhealthy stuck patterns. For example, the shadow traits of the eternal child who doesn’t want to grow up and chooses toto avoid growing up and taking self-responsibility. The victim child who chooses to be a victim of their circumstances, who doesn’t value, honour, or respect themself enough to create change.

Soothe Your Inner Child –

Healthy self-soothing is an important aspect of nurturing our inner child, the key is healthy soothing. Unhealthy patterns of self soothing is eating a full tub of ice cream or any other form of unhealthy comfort eating or relying on drugs or prescription medication to self-soothe.

Instead self soothe using relaxation techniques, havening, a relaxing bath, calming and grounding essential oils anything that will help calm down the nervous system in a healthy balanced way.


Play With Your Inner Child –

As adults we forget to have fun, we forget to make some playtime in our day, in our week, our life. It is so important to have fun, and laughter, and to take time out. The entertainer, jester archetype can help remind us of these qualities.

Get Creative With Your Inner Child –

Creativity can be a powerful therapeutic tool in inner child work, the right type of creativity that feels aligned with your soul can be very soothing and nurturing. Tapping into the artist, creator archetype or creative child archetype or magical child archetype can help inspire that creativity.

Exploring different creative hobbies can be extremely healing and can help reignite more passion and creativity in our lives.

Send A Letter To And From Our Inner Child –

Sending a deeply caring and loving letter to and from our inner child can be extremely healing and cathartic. Sending a letter to your inner child to tell your child that you love and care for them can help open deeper doors to self-healing. Sending a letter from the wounded child to the adult you stating what you really need right now can really help you identify what your wounded child needs and wants at a deeper soul level.

Parent The Inner Child –

Parenting our inner child is a vital part of the healing process, if we cannot parent our inner child we cannot help the child grow up in a healthy and balanced way. A healthy parent helps teach our inner child healthy patterns that help us become healthy happy grown up.

Unhealthy parenting teaches unconsciously unhealthy patterns, self-sabotaging, and destructive patterns in our lives. So part of parenting your inner child is teaching your inner child a new way of being

Healing Our Inner Child –

The right Inner Child Healing can be extremely powerful at helping you make massive shifts in your life, your relationships, your business, and your career.

So it is important to choose the right type of inner child therapist, inner child healer, or inner child work that will best suit your inner child’s needs. Choose an inner child therapist that understands trauma, self-sabotaging patterns, and your most dominant archetypal traits that are running or ruining your life.

I have personally met and worked with so many clients through the years that have felt more damaged or traumatised by therapists or healers that don’t know what they are doing.

Listening to what our inner child needs is crucial. And don’t be shy about asking the therapist about their qualifications, level, and area of expertise in inner child work;  years of experience, and how many clients they have worked with. It is important our inner child feels safe and is safe with a therapist, counsellor, coach, or healer.


If you are ready to soothe, nurture, and heal your inner child into that happy healthy child check out the meditation pod which has a variety of different types of meditations, including inner child meditations, traditional meditations, sleep meditations and other types of healing and empowering guided meditations.

library of inner child meditations

Soul Alignment- 7 Signs You Are Soul Aligned

Soul Alignment- 7 Signs You Are Soul Aligned

Soul Alignment – 7 Signs You Are Soul Aligned

What is Soul Alignment and why is it so important in helping you get into alignment in your life, aligned with your life purpose and soul purpose?

What Is Soul Alignment?

To me, Soul Alignment is being so deeply connected and aligned with who you truly are at a soul level, that you live your life in complete alignment with who you truly are.

You live in alignment with your life and soul purpose, you have a deep intimate connection with what your soul, god, and the universe are guiding you to do.

What Happens When We Are Out Of Alignment?

The problem is when we are out of alignment with our soul, is that misalignment can attract all sorts of other issues and problems that take us even more out of alignment, let me explain it this way.

Recently I have been receiving chiropractor treatment for a very complex list of physical challenges caused by serious misalignment in my caused by medical harm and trauma.

Even though I have invested a LOT of money trying to solve these issues, one of the biggest problems was most therapists were treating the symptoms rather than the core structural causes.

There was so much going on that my body’s new normal from a structural perspective was like the leaning tower. of Pisa. And every time a therapist tried to re-align one area of my body, it was literally like a domino effect of other serious issues.

Like everything in life, if we don’t solve the core issues, and get to the foundational issue that is causing the misalignment in our life, we are trying to fix the symptoms than the problem.

Soul alignment is the same,  when we are out of alignment with our soul we end up with all sorts of complex issues in our lives, our health, our purpose, and in our spiritual business.

Soul Gifts Course - Soul Gifts Workbook and Gifts Meditation

7 Signs Of Good Soul Alignment

You have a strong sense of spiritual guidance that comes from within.

Highly intuitive and spiritually open to the world within and around you.

At peace with yourself, you don’t worry about what others think about you, naturally more authentic.

Strong spiritual strength and spiritual courage

You attract all sorts of opportunities and synchronicities to help you co-create.

Make most decisions at a heart and soul level, then mind/ego level so more in the flow.

Don’t have an unhealthy over-attachment to the 3d world and material things.

Soul Alignment Method

I have my own soul-aligning process that I teach my clients and students, which at a foundation level starts with building up good soul connection. Without a healthy soul connection, you don’t know what you are energetically and psychically connecting to, you don’t know what or who to listen to.

One of the reasons so many people lack good intuition and even spiritual discernment, we just need to look at how many people were so disconnected from their discernment and intuition over the last few years.

And why do spiritual discernment and intuition dramatically improve when we are more soul-aligned than confused or hijacked by energetic distortions and interferences not from the light or your soul? One of the reasons soul alignment can be very helpful.

Soul Alignment Quotes

“Only when we are in alignment with our soul purpose do we find true joy and inner peace.” ― Anthon St. Maarten
The things that bring you the greatest joy are in alignment with your purpose. ― Jack Canfield
“Your Soul is a perfect fragment of Source. Your purpose lives within the blueprint of your Soul, which, like a sunflower in full bloom, contains many seeds of golden light. Anything purposeful, creative, imaginative, truthful, aligned, and unique you do begins with a spark from your Soul’s own light.” ― Kris Franken
Ready To Build A Deeper Soul Connection Become More Spiritually Aligned with Your Heart and Soul check out the Gold or Quantum level of the Lightworkers Portal to get access to my Soul Connection Course and so much more.

Soul-Aligned How To Be Authentic In Life And Business - spiritual business coach and soul empowerment teacher

How To Let Go And Let God – Trust And Surrender

How To Let Go And Let God – Trust And Surrender

Having The Strength To Let Go And Let God

Do you have the ability to trust and surrender, to let go and let god?

The ability to let go of the need to control to every aspect of your life, especially difficult situations?

Or do you find yourself exhausted and overwhelmed with the constant need to control or fix everything?

Why True Empowerment Involves An Element Of Letting Go

You know one of the things I learned along my journey is own spiritual that to become truly empowered we need to let go and let god. It took me a long time to realise this and like most of us, I have to be reminded especially in extremely difficult situations we may feel powerless. The ego fools us into believing that we must do this, or need to do that as if we are supposed to control everything. As if the world, the universe is this terrible place that doesn’t provide, nurture, or support us.

Most of us hold deeply ingrained beliefs that imply we are the only ones who can and must make it all happen. And that you have to do this or that to be enough or to be this worthy person.  These perceptions completely separate us from universal laws and god.

It’s sad how many distorted perceptions we all carry from ancestral, cultural, religious, and societal conditioning. And how these conscious and unconscious distortions can shape or destroy our lives. What we believe or don’t believe about ourselves can create a great illusion and delusion lol.

How To Let Go And Let God Be The Caretaker

Some of the biggest distorted perceptions many empaths and highly sensitive people hold is that their role is to constantly support, fix, heal, or put others’ needs first. This is evident in the way you may absorb and or interact with other people’s energy or pain. It is so easy to over-identify with the healer or carer role on an unconscious and conscious level. When we believe we have to or should control or fix every situation. When the reality is so far from the truth.

We all have areas of life where we think we try to control situations. Maybe it’s your family, your relationship, your colleagues or staff, your career, or someone’s health, and well-being… 

We soon learn when it’s much wiser to let go and let god, let things unfold, and let god be the caretaker of the situation.


How To Let Go And Let God. How to trust and surrender to something much bigger and powerful than we imagined

Top Tips To Let Go And Let God


STOP And Check In With Yourself;

Notice when you are in a constant state of fear, and resistance when you want to control everything?

Meditate Daily;

Meditation is a great aid in helping us be in a better state of being, and flow. It also helps deepen our spiritual connection, intuition, and inner guidance.

Pray For Guidance;

Praying for daily guidance in your life, relationships and work. Can make it much easier to let go and trust god. 

Cultivate A Sense Of Trust;

when you learn how to trust there is a bigger picture, bigger plan it is much easier to let go when it is the right or healthier thing to do. You will also get a deeper sense of when it is appropriate to take action to get more soul-aligned.

Acceptance In The Present Moment;

when you learn how to practice acceptance of each present moment, you learn how to surrender in that specific moment. Please understand acceptance does not mean you are lying down or giving up on a situation. You are just surrendering to that moment, to make room for God to come in and either give you guidance for action or guidance for patience.


The Power Of Letting Go And Letting God

I spent a large part of my twenties housebound and at times bedbound.  Oh how hard I tried to get better, a woman on a mission to fix, overcome, and try to control, every aspect of my health. But it wasn’t until I learned to let go and let god did thinks start to shifts.

I meditated at least 20 minutes twice a day. And visualized myself healing every morning and the night going to bed. I stuck to  a no sugar, no gluten, no dairy diet for many years.Spent hours daily doing all sorts of affirmations, gratitude, mindset, and law of attraction courses. I spend many thousands of pounds on so many forms of healing therapies.

But most of biggest healing breakthroughs were when I started to let go and just be. Because the harder I tried to heal myself the more symptoms and further problems I created.  I began to realise that fighting against disease is not always the best way to heal. In many ways you’re fighting with your body.


Lightworkers Membership - Spiritual Development to help with awakening and ascension

The Distress Of Denial And Resistance

 I remember one particular day I was so frustrated my body wouldn’t do what I wanted it to do. I had been training to be a singer before I got ill and was fighting so hard to get back to doing what I loved. And it just wasn’t happening I could hardly walk never mind anything else.

My mum I think saw my frustration and said to me  “Be still and know that I am god”. In a way, these were not the words I wanted to hear but something made me STOP. 

When I look back it breaks my heart in some ways I was trying so hard to fix, and heal, myself. I was carrying so much shame that I wasn’t better,  I wasn’t healed. I was a trained healer, I had studied so much, and tried so much and I still wasn’t fixed. I felt so much guilt that there was something wrong or bad about me. I just wanted to live that normal life like my friends, and my siblings, I suppose there was an element of why me? But the main problem I was unconsciously fighting, resisting, trying to survive never mind thriving.


The Healing Power As You Let Go And Let God

And the truth was, IT WAS only those times when I let go and let god. Those times when I stopped trying so hard and gave up that need to control. I started to get stronger and stronger. Because I wasn’t resisting what my body was trying to tell me

Now I have to say I was a bit impatient in my healing journey and it wasn’t plain sailing after that. Because it takes tremendous courage to truly surrender. I did get some of my health back but I was just so desperate to get some of my life back. The only way I knew how was to become self-employed.

Despite still needing to sleep/rest up to 14 hours a day just to function, serious mobility, and stamina issues.  I just wanted to feel valued, feel worthy, have a purpose, and not depend on the lowest of state benefits.

In many ways, my business gave me so much, it was highly empowering. But underneath like most of us, I hadn’t healed within, where it truly mattered. That place where all disease, unhappiness, addictions, stress, and anxiety reside. Like most of us, I wanted a role, an identity to mold myself into and control. 

Anything but this distorted perception of myself as a disabled weak fragile woman with no value. But despite being a stress therapist, I attracted very extreme business challenges. And had an unhealthy need to fight for my businesses at almost any cost because I over-identified with it.

In many ways, my business was my baby, my relationship, and a replacement for all those things I also loved that I could no longer do.


When You’re Forced To STOP, Let Go And Let God Into Your Life

It was often only when I was forced to STOP.  I had to let go and let god I was reminded how powerful letting go is. And believe me, you would have thought I would have learned. I have received so many huge signs, particularly around my health; threatened eye loss, suspected cancer scares, surviving life-threatening sepsis and so much more. I seem to be a slow learner or very very stubborn lol.

You know, when we let go and let god and just be, it is not just deeply healing or spiritual. But it can be life-transforming and magical. In these moments, so much shifted in my life in such a deeper and profound way. We don’t have to do it all alone, we don’t have to live our lives in a specific way. We are supported, we are being guided, but are we listening, or maybe more importantly are we trusting?

Lightworkers Membership - Spiritual Development to help with awakening and ascension




Relax And Let Go – Relaxation Technique with Eileen